So this is it!
My lords have fallen from grace, and 1984 is here no more. Some have gone to my ex-Lords in ODA, a handful stay behind to try and keep it alive, but it is all over. The true lords of World 50n are no more, and chaos reigns across it's surface.
After I left the lands, on the commands of my lords, I travelled far and wide, spreading the seeds of Dystopia, freeing the people and making them become conscious. In my wake, society burned, and anarchy replaced order. On many a world I started, on each one I reached the rank of top 20, before once again departing to spread the word.
I had to leave many good friends and tribes behind, but it was fine, for I had a mission, and in this mission I put my heart and soul.
Yet one evening, my whole world changed. Shooting starts appeared over my village on W63 - on the same day, my men rebelled, and animals broke loose in panic. It could be nothing but a harbinger - a message from my lords. I strove to return to my homeland, to W50, to confront whatever laid in wait for me.
And here I have come, Mahrek, the great prophet of 1984, has returned. 1984* has fallen. 1984 has fallen. But I am here. This is my homeland. And I will hold on to it and stay here with all that I have.