Name: SOLO
Recruitment: We accept only the best of the best; the most aggressive, active players.
Member limit: 1
Allies: None, we are at war with everyone.
NAPS: See above.
Acts of War: We are already at war with everyone, so this is pointless.
To join contact mohua, I will send you a nice rejection letter.
Goals: Dominiation of my 50x50
Duke: mohua
Secretary of War: mohua
Secretary of Defense: mohua
Secretary of Diplomacy: mohua
Secretary of Recruitment: mohua
For all other questions contact: mohua
Recruitment: We accept only the best of the best; the most aggressive, active players.
Member limit: 1
Allies: None, we are at war with everyone.
NAPS: See above.
Acts of War: We are already at war with everyone, so this is pointless.
To join contact mohua, I will send you a nice rejection letter.
Goals: Dominiation of my 50x50
Duke: mohua
Secretary of War: mohua
Secretary of Defense: mohua
Secretary of Diplomacy: mohua
Secretary of Recruitment: mohua
For all other questions contact: mohua