Hello All,
I am from w56, but I just can't help but comment here. You cannot stripe your defense with one village; true, but most of the game is played with more than one village. Building spears/swords/archers only in your first village is somewhat silly, if you want to actually obtain another village aside from a barb.
Saying a slow defensive build is better than a fast defensive build is like saying a slow offensive build is better than a fast offensive build. Frankly, I use all of the above. It is not all or nothing.
Of course you would attack my entire cluster. So you carpet bomb me. I dodge in every six villages and stack the seventh. If you sent 50 nukes at my stack, I move the stack to another village (or I stack it more). All your nukes just wasted their trip. So you either hit my stacks and lose those nukes, or they hit nothing at all. I tag all the incoming so I know where and when the nobles hit. Some will hit stacks, some will be sniped. If something gets through, it gets recapped and was likely pre-nobled so you lose two nobles, not just one.
Villages from where you sent trains, I target and take from you, so not only do you lose the village, you lose the nobles that were there. I create a deathstar there and create a new cluster. Essentially, I am not just going to sit around while you try and attack me
I have seen players play with and without archers (on an archer world) and do quite well. The key is that both players used HC. If one manages to max all the defense villas, then there is no reason why one cannot create more swords/archers as well to strengthen a given stack by decommissioning some weaker troops. That is almost never necessary though.
To take this conversation to the next level, as a tribe (W2V on w56), we generally do not make swords. In fact, the duke has directed everyone not to because building swords instead of HC is leaving a queue unused; thus, you are not building troops as fast as possible and thus can not use them as fast as possible. I build some swords, but those swords might be in 1 of 5 of my defense villages which then I use for long term stacks on stubborn battle lines.
My conclusion is that it is not either or defensive build that is better, it is both.
My Regards
yeah cause there not gonna stack the villages your sending nobles to.... You can dodge every 6 all you want but if the player is anygood your villages will be trash by the time half of those nukes are dead. On top of that like you said some will have to be sniped which also means you lose that def in that village. Again if the player is anygood your plan has big flaws in it. Im more then happy trashing someones villages over taking them anyday anyway