Start-up guide by Nest



This guide is directed mostly to new or less experienced players that have been struggling during the start-up.

There have been quite a few start-up guides written over the years and regardless of the game updates the core principles still apply. The recent changes however (especially the new quest system) have significantly changed the opening. I have put all my observations together into a detailed guide describing the first week of the start-up. I am not an expert and I am sure there are players with better strategies but after using the strategy successfully on multiple worlds I am confident it could improve game play of many players.

The strategy relies heavily on the quest system and early farming for rushing stables with the minimal investment into mines. I have written it from a perspective of non-premium account to show that it is still possible to have a good start without using premium points.

The Start

My preferable start location would always be away from the core usually on the outskirts of one of the core continents. Those locations are generally known to be a better farming ground, having fewer competitors, less spiking and more growth options later on. I have started my test run on the far rim of W92. It wasn’t a perfect scenario as the area had no real farming competition making my job looking way too easy. I have started in an area with 5 barbarian villages within the 2 hours sword speed which was more than satisfying.

When starting a world you will have three opportunities of getting a suitable location. Therefore the first thing you should do after staring is looking at the map. Because this strategy relies so heavily on farming with defensive quest units you will need to have at least few barbarian villages around you. Of course it will not always be the case and if it happens that you will get a poor area you will still have two options for changing location. You can play for 24-48 hours (depending on world’s speed) and relocate the village to a new area or, you can choose to start again with a new village in a new area.

If you get located in a very poor farming area with basically no barbarian villages within your 7x7 then you should start again rather than relocating. If the area is better and there are at least 2-3 villages in your 7 x 7 then you should stay. The reason for it is simple; you want to use the relocate item not only to change your location but to gain instant advantage over the new players in the area you will be relocating into. The proportion of that advantage will depend mostly on how much you can farm before relocating.

First thing you should do when considering relocation is to check the inventory for expiry time of the item. On worlds speed 1.0 it expires after 48 hours, 1.5 x speed 36 hours and 2.0 x speed 24 hours. Use this time as your life depended on it. Follow my guide strictly and try to farm without any breaks, cut on sleep or get friends to co-play. After relocating you will be at least a day ahead of your competitors. You will start with a lot of units being able to drain all the barbs in the new area instantly. And if it happens that you relocate to a poor farming area the positive thing about it is that your neighbors will be in the exact same position but without a developed village almost ready to recruit light cavalry.

If you happen to start in a very good farming area thought with 4-5 barbs in your 7x7 the relocation could make you worse off. It is hard to explain what is the difference between a good and great location or the difference between a bad and a terrible one. I won’t attempt to explain it, the best way of understanding the difference is to play a lot of start-ups.

The Build

Timber 1
Clay 1
Iron 1

Timber 2
Clay 2

Headquarters 2
Headquarters 3
Barracks 1 – as a reward you will receive 10 spears and 10 swords.

Timber 3
Clay 3

Barracks 2

Attack 1 barb using 2sp 2sw

Attack another 4 closest barbs using 2sp/2sw don’t attack if they are over 2 hours of sword speed away.

Farming is the most essential part of the start-up so please pay attention here!!

Because you will be most likely competing with few players over the same barbarian villages the strategy is to limit the number of troops sent to each village to the absolute minimum and then to increase the frequency of farm runs so troops are sent every 20-40 minutes. After completing day 1 quests you should have 40 spears and 50 swords being a good base for farming. If the area is poor in barbarian villages that will be sufficient amount of troops if however you have 3 or more barbarian villages within 2 hours sword speed range I would recruit additional 10 swords and 20 spears. With 60/60 units make your loot assistant template to 2sp/2sw. Now send the farm runs to those barbs within 2 hours range. Don’t send anything further than that. Wait 45 minutes and send another wave of runs and repeat and repeat and repeat. One of the mistakes players do is logging every few hours and sending all available troops to barbs even if they are 3-5 hours away.

Let me prove my point with a simple math. A 2sp/2sw farm run has 80 resource haul capacity. The average haul during BP will be 30-40. For a barbarian with level 1 mines with world speed 1.5 it will be producing 3 x 45 resources per hour. So every hour you are able to haul 135 resources. Some of those resources will be farmed by your competitors but by increasing your farm run frequency to every 30 minutes you will be most likely gaining half of the possible resources (60-70 per hour per barb). You will need 4 farm runs to make sure the troops are sent to farm the barb every 30 minutes if the travel distance is 1 hour one way. Now with 2 hour travel time to a barb you will need double the troops to constantly be farming it every 30 minutes. By following that line of thought with 60/60 troops you are able to saturate farming of 3.75 barb villages located 2 hours of sword travel away, the closest the barbs are the more you can farm this way.

With hauling average of 30 resources per run you will be able to haul 60-70 per hour x 4 barbs time number of hours you are farming. Having 24 hour account coverage it could be as much as 6720 resources per day. Usually I farm around 4000-6000 per day playing on my own with 18 hour coverage but that can be much less if someone nearby is using the same strategy.


Warehouse 2
Iron 2
Warehouse 3

Recruit 1 spear

Recruit 2nd spear
Barracks 3


Go to profile/mentoring to complete the quest

Use a recruitment flag if you have one available if not a resource flag. Completion of smithy quest will award you with a resource flag level 1 if you start with a fresh account without any.

Farm 2
Iron 3

Recruit a pally

Start farming with the paladin as well unless it is less profitable than keeping him in the village and train in the resource production bonus.

Recruit 18 spears (20 to be recruited in total)

Timber 4
Clay 4

Headquarters 4
Headquarters 5
Smithy 1

Attack additional 2 barbs with 2SP/2SW

Wall 1

Rename your village name (skip)

Change your profile text (skip)

Hiding place 2
Hiding place 3

Send a message quest (skip)

Join a tribe quest (skip)

Timber 5
Clay 5

Send support to a nearby village (1 sp), remember to withdraw it after the quest is completed

Write a post of forum quest (skip)

Go to tribal forum quest (skip)

Make sure you have sufficient warehouse space. If you haven’t started sword quest before finishing timber(5) / clay(5) quest you might lose resources if your warehouse is only on level 4. So it is better not to claim award for the timber/clay quest before starting sword production.

Send a farm run using loot assist quest

Read a report quest (skip)

Loot 5 villages quest

Establish militia quest

Market 1

Recruit swords up to 50

Create an offer quest (skip)

Invite a friend via e-mail quest (you can send it to a fictional e-mail address

Recruit 20 spears; it should give you a total of 60 spears and 60 swords after the sword quest is completed.

Headquarters 10
Smithy 5
Stable 1
Research Scouts

Scout a barbarian village

Stable 3

As the reward for above quest you will receive 5 light cavalry (LC). Go to farm assistant and create a second template with 1 LC 1 Scout. Continue farming with your spears and swords as usual, use LC to farm barbarian villages located outside of reach of your usual farm runs.

Build Warehouse to level 7 to accommodate enough resources for LC research

Research Light Cavalry
Recruit LC until you have 10 units

Recruit LC until you have 10 units
Loot twenty villages

The quest rewards you with 2000 of each of the resources. Make sure to have a sufficient warehouse level. Finally you have started production of LC. From now on recruit nothing else but LC increasing the Farm and warehouse level as required. Increase market level to 5 and start creating offers trading 1000 of your clay or wood for 900 of iron. If the market offers are not being accepted regularly you have an option of trading wood/clay for iron by spending 10 premium points or increasing warehouse level to accommodate more resources and increasing market level to have more merchants available.

Continue farming with all your units sending them every 30-45 minutes. SP/SW farm runs to be sent the closest barbs and LC to the further ones. It is much more effective to send LC more frequently to short distance villages than to a lot more villages located further away.

Recruit LC only at this stage. Do not get distracted with adding any additional units. Recruitment of farming units and farming remains your only objective. Recruit additional 10 - 20 scouts before the BP in the area has ended.

Now is the time to look around you. Most of players would not follow your strategy and they would have more points than you. Don’t get distracted by this fact; don’t think having low points is bad at this stage. Unless players have been using premium points for buying resources on the exchange the only way of having a decent income and a good amount of troops is farming. The start-up farmers are the player that will be building academies first, having largest nukes and being the only threat to you. It is very important to identify all decent farmers in your 15 x 15. If you have time make a simple spread sheet with all active accounts in your area. Check their daily plunders for next few days comparing it with your daily achievements. After a week you will have a clear picture who is your real competition, who is investing in pits and who doesn’t do both. Mark those best farmers on the map and keep checking on their performance.

Plunderer (bronze – level 2) should be achieved somewhere during day two or day 3. It is rewarded with 2500/2500/2000 resources and a level 3 flag. It is an amazing boost so even if your farming have been below average and you are struggling to save for LC research, this reward will help you greatly. It is another reason why you should always farm very actively with your defensive troops before recruitment of LC.

(End of Beginner's Protection)
The end of beginner’s protection (BP) is the first of the few milestones for your account. You will now lose the protection against enemy attacks but what is more significant you will gain ability to attack players whose BP has ended. At this stage I wouldn’t really be concerned with enemy attacks. Most of players don’t even have offensive units and those who do won’t be risking losing them on an active player with defensive quest units. I would like you to focus on attacking others therefore I will talk about which players to attack, how to do it and why?

When you look back at the past two days your only focus was gaining the quickest possible access to light cavalry units. This strategy is directly related to what is happening during the end of BP period. If you look at the map you will notice there are 4 types of villages around the time when BP is ending and those are:

● Barbarian/bonus villages;
● Very low point inactive villages without any units;
● Low point inactive villages with some quest units; and
● Active villages.

There is a significant group of players or guests who start their village just to leave it unattended on the same day. You goal is to make sure to be the first player to farm those villages and you can do it with ease as you should now have a lot of fast and capable light cavalry units.

Those villages will have full warehouses the moment BP ends and some villages will have absolutely no units to harm your farm runs. We would be particularly interested in villages of 26-45 points which are guaranteed to be clear of any units. To have barracks (and so units) a village needs to have a minimum 46 points. Usually players follow the quest path completing barracks at 66 points giving them 10 spears and 10 swords.

HQ 1 – 10 points
Farm 1 - 5 points
Hiding Place 1 - 5 points
Warehouse - 6 points
Total 26 points

HQ 2 – 2 points
HQ 3 – 2 points
Barracks 1 – 16 points
Total: 46 points

It is important to have a good knowledge of dates/times when the villages drop their BP in your 10 x 10. I usually prepare notes to remember the timings for all those 26-45 point villages. I make sure to have enough LC available at home to launch at those times. At this stage you should have around 100-150 LC and 10-20 scouts. Having mobile and fast units gives you a great advantage over players relying on spears and swords for clearing those warehouses. As the villages drop BP from the core towards the rim gradually you need to make it a priority to clear them all before the competition does.

Scouting will become vital for your next days to come. Make sure you increase scouts numbers gradually while recruiting LC. I usually have around 30-50 scouts for 200 LC depending on world settings and my scouting needs. I intend to scout every villages under 200 points that is not protected by BP. It will give me information on possible defenseless villages that are ready for farming or future targets that need to be cleared from quest units first. Half of those villages will have some troops in them. I strongly advise not to engage in any clearing as losing LC at this stage is very costly (lost opportunity income not only the unit cost). Try to limit your losses to the absolute minimum. Don’t attack villages above 45 points without prior scouting. Re scout all villages with troops in them daily in case those were cleared by someone else and were turned into farms. This is the moment when you will usually notice a huge increase in your daily farming. With increased income you should take immediate actions:

(Construction & Recruitment post BP)
As your income increases you will start to see the units being queued up in the stable. It can be especially noticeable if you don’t have higher level recruitment flag. If you start seeing those hour long queues before you reach 150-200 LC I would advise to increase your stable by few levels.

With higher LC production you should continually trade wood and clay for iron. If the demand for your resources is small you can either drop the exchange price to 850-800, build few additional levels of marketplace or invest in the warehouse.

Having 250 LC is the moment where you should start thinking about axeman recruitment. It can be earlier depending on your income and number of potential good farm protected by small amount of quest units. Research axes and recruit 80-100 units. If you are able to afford constant recruitment of LC with stable level 5-6 you can continue recruitment of axes past 100 units. If you can’t afford to recruit both units focus on LC only until your income increases the next day.

Use those 100 axes wisely. By now you should have a list of abandoned villages with full warehouses that needs clearing. Start with the easiest and possibly closest targets. Each clear will bring you some losses so make sure you replenish them with looted resources so you have at least 100-150 axes. Your income will start increasing nicely as with each clear you will be gaining a farm. Make sure to scout all inactive villages below 280 points. A lot of players invest in few levels of pits and sell resources on the exchange without worrying about troops; you might get lucky to get few of those villages around you. If those villages seam inactive you can risk farming them.

Having constant recruitment you should be aware of your farm space. Plan farm upgrades ahead so you have 200-300 spaces available at all times. Avoiding farm blocks and unnecessary losses is crucial if you are aiming to be the first person to have a large nuke and nobles in the area.

(Results after completing day 4)
After four days of playing my village reached 333 points while I have managed to have 172 light cavalry units, 45 scouts, 60 spears and 60 swords. At the end of day four I have also managed to farm 60,013 which would not happened as I had no farming competition whatsoever.






(Farming post BP)
Having no premium account is starting to become a liability as it is limiting your farming. If you don’t want to buy premium points you can still exchange them for resources which are now in abundance. The exchange price at this stage should be 61-63 resources for 1 PP. You can get a week of premium account for 60 PP which is only 3,660 resources. You should keep premium account and a loot assistance assistant active from now on and also think about 20% resource boost feature when you will start investing in mines in the future.

Farming depends on three major elements which are skills, activity and how good is your area. It is an interesting triangle, when you think about it having right skills is the most dominant of the three. You can have a bad area or limited time or even both but with right set of skills you can still farm above what the average player does. So if farming depends mostly on skills and knowledge it is a thing that anyone could learn to do. So if your farming isn’t great you should work on your skills!!

There are many guides on farming and I won’t attempt to write another one. You should start researching different farming techniques and put them in practice.

Every time an inactive village is cleared you should make it your permanent farm. Most of villages will have very low points not producing only 15-30 resources per hour (depending on x speed) for a village without level 1 mines. For those you should be sending farm runs every 60-90 minutes. If you are not sure how many LC units is it safe to send without them dying always make sure to run the simulator at -25% luck and your current morale. If 1 LC survives that is what you should be sending.

Now imagine that you have 100 villages to farm from every 60 minutes. Sending the runs manually would be taking a lot of valuable time. There are two most common techniques used for farming inactive villages:




I personally prefer to use bookmarks on chrome browser. The above guide talks about opera setup, but you can apply the almost exact same principles to chrome. The initial bookmark setup can be time consuming but the investment is definitely worth it. Once bookmarks are setup the method is very fast and easy to use. It will allow you to send 100-200 attacks in under a minute adding greatly to your daily farming.

Because bookmarks work on past reports the most vital part of setting them up is having the correct reports being organised in a set of folders. This requires a bit of work and organising. The trick is to place the correct reports (only one per village) in new folders in sets of 30-40 per folder. Once you figure out how far do you want to be sending you farm runs you can start sorting out villages on the map. I like to use a colour to highlight villages that will represent each of my bookmark folders. I open a map and I look through all my active farms starting with the closest villages. You should be looking for current reports that would have the right (minimal) amount of LC. Then place the report into the right folder. If there is no report you should send an attack with the right amount of LC. Then you should highlight the village using different colours. One colour if you already had the report and it was placed in the bookmark folder. Use another colour if there was no report for a village and you have only attacked it now. Marking it will help you know which village still needs the reports for the bookmark folders.

Let’s say you identified roughly 100 active villages you would like to farm from. Most of the villages are 26-46 points with no mines. There are also 10 villages with mines level 1-2, six villages with mines level 3-4 and 4 villages with mines level 5 or more. I would create 2 folders (40 reports each) from the 80 basic villages. Then I would create a third folder for all the rest. However I would make sure that the reports I place in this folder have LC number adequate to the level of the pits and resource production per hour. Firstly take into consideration the world speed as especially on x 2 speed mines are producing double the resources. You can check past scouting reports or scout those villages to know their hourly resource production. Then send the right amount of LC to get a correct report for your bookmark folder. You could alternatively simplify things and for example use 2 LC for all villages between 50-100 points, 3 LC for the rest. Or you could use 2LC for all higher point villages but commit to sending the farm runs more frequent (for example every 30 minutes instead of an hour)

Whatever you do it is always more efficient to send smaller amount of units and control your farming by adjusting frequency of farm runs rather than having more LC per less frequent runs. The farming is not only about what hauls you bring home. It is also about limiting what your competitors can farm and with farming more frequently you are decreasing their chances of bringing decent hauls. It can lead to them giving up the farming which could only benefit you.

(What Next?)
Your village should be blossoming by now. You should have a constant production of LC and Axes, enough funds to start adding mines or other building and moving towards researching rams. You should be starting to get ahead in points when comparing to other villages around you that focused mostly on adding buildings or following mixed troops strategy. You should now hopefully understand that the main factor behind everyone’s success in the start-up is the efficient farming that supports an offensive build. The purpose of this guide was to lead you through this strategy teaching it in fine detail. In my opinion having the right setup and knowing what to do in the first few days is the foundation of playing tribal wars. It can be the difference between surviving the start-up and becoming someone's village when the nobling starts. Of course it is only a start and there are still hundreds of things that you can do wrong later on that could lead to your failure. I am sure you will fail many times but that is how you can improve. Play it, try it and let me know if your game has improved.

As always I would love to hear feedback from other players. I am sure there are many variations to the offensive strategy for different world settings and starting areas so please share your opinions.
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This guide is almost complete you forgot to add to spend around 1000 euro to PP boost your way to the top


I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure this subforum is for suggestions about how to improve the game, not for guides...


Non-stop Poster
Reaction score
Greetings everyone. I am working in conjunction with Inno and moderators to repair and create all new guide libraries. I am making new ratings for the old and new posts. I am rebuilding all the PnP, adding leadership and diplomacy to that library. In addition, I am creating a brand new video guide. And, I am coming out with several new guides, including a spy guide.

Soon as I am done, moderators are going to sticky the new guides. Its a lot of work as I have to repair the broken links, read and rate every guide. I will read and rate this nice guide and add it to the new library. I was going to make a startup guide but will hold off till all other libraries are done.

Time frame? Inno and I are shooting for the end of this month or around there. Please feel free to contact me if you have any thoughts or questions.

Happy Gaming!
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Greetings everyone. I am working in conjunction with Inno and moderators to repair and create all new guide libraries. I am making new ratings for the old and new posts. I am rebuilding all the PnP, adding leadership and diplomacy to that library. In addition, I am creating a brand new video guide. And, I am coming out with several new guides, including a spy guide.

Soon as I am done, moderators are going to sticky the new guides. Its a lot of work as I have to repair the broken links, read and rate every guide. I will read and rate this nice guide and add it to the new library. I was going to make a startup guide but will hold off till all other libraries are done.

Time frame? Inno and I are shooting for the end of this month or around there. Please feel free to contact me if you have any thoughts or questions.

Happy Gaming!

It sounds like a massive job!! I'm very excited to see the final results.



A good guide, I should make a few comments on it.

Firstly, with regards to relocating, generally the best strategy is to mass friend request people in the location you want to move to and then move there. Of course, you want to move as late as possible to gain the maximum possible advantage.

What I should say is to be careful of certain players who could easily exploit a start-up such as the above. Particularly those who spend significant amounts of PP to gain early lcav and starve you completely out of the area, in which case this build would set you further behind than you would be if you went a more resource heavy build. It may well be worth relocating away from these players in certain cases, since players can be getting nobles by the time your build tells you to have 333 points.

I'd add a little on here about PP farming and gaining a base of PP on a past world to use on the world you intend to play, though I am not a fan of it, PP farming and utilisation of PP is very important if you want to be in the higher ranks during startup and gain that maximal advantage for the mid-late game.

This seems, by my reckoning, to work fine, so long as the start location is outer-core or rim and there are no prolific users of PP. Of course the most important factors of start up being activity, farming prowess and skill still apply, but at that point your build itself isn't detrimental.


A good guide, I should make a few comments on it.

Firstly, with regards to relocating, generally the best strategy is to mass friend request people in the location you want to move to and then move there. Of course, you want to move as late as possible to gain the maximum possible advantage.

What I should say is to be careful of certain players who could easily exploit a start-up such as the above. Particularly those who spend significant amounts of PP to gain early lcav and starve you completely out of the area, in which case this build would set you further behind than you would be if you went a more resource heavy build. It may well be worth relocating away from these players in certain cases, since players can be getting nobles by the time your build tells you to have 333 points.

I'd add a little on here about PP farming and gaining a base of PP on a past world to use on the world you intend to play, though I am not a fan of it, PP farming and utilisation of PP is very important if you want to be in the higher ranks during startup and gain that maximal advantage for the mid-late game.

This seems, by my reckoning, to work fine, so long as the start location is outer-core or rim and there are no prolific users of PP. Of course the most important factors of start up being activity, farming prowess and skill still apply, but at that point your build itself isn't detrimental.

Very valid point DA, thanks for the comment.

Heavy PP start up users is definitely a big threat. Especially those using PP in conjunction with silver event special offer are able to build up a village to Academy in one day.
For a cost of 7000 PP there is a 12,000 silver bonus allowing it to be turned into 30% or 20% warehouse packages.

We've tested it on 3 x 7000 PP with 36,000 silver. First we bought resources from the exchange upgrading only the warehouse. Once it hit a decent level we used few packages, noblead a bonus village with 50% warehouse capacity, built the warehouse up to lvl 30. Then having 1,000,000 capacity across 2 villages we used the resource packets, for each 30% we were getting 900,000 resources. With heavy PP pushing we had 3 villages maxed out in 3 days. It was sort of a test taken to the extreme. We have set up villages in 4 different continents giving us access to various exchanges. For the total investment of 21,000 pp we have made 50,000 back.

It's unlikely you will come across something like that but there are still a lot of players saving tons of PP on prior worlds to spend it heavily at the startup. And if are unlucky to be around one of those players you should
either join their tribe or start again.
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To put it very succinctly, it is good to know how to lose early gracefully to transition better into mid-late where pp disadvantage can be made up.