Startup on the Rim

Zeddy Le Mange


You should only turtle if the guy next to you is out farming you and out growing you. In fact, in start up, I'd say only build D if you are certain someone will attack you before you attack them.

Otherwise, you're just slowing yourself down pointlessly against a non existent threat.

Nonetheless, who builds archers during start up?

Waste of time and expensive. What you really need (from a turtle build) during start up is a nuke buster. Someone with one or two villages who is active who loses their nuke will probably not recover and will grow slowly for a week or two. It takes a good 2 months on this world for the average player to get a full size nuke (assuming no significant losses). All you need to do for the first 7 weeks is make sure that the value of your D is higher than the value of their offence. Wall, spears, HC and church will do the trick nicely in that time if you farm. After that, top up from other villages and then think about building some ruddy archers.

Build 1000 swords at the start but ditch them when you smithy is 15 and switch to HC.


my plan is to produce spears and bows for a few days, get a small amount going then go for axes..
and defence is mainly made from infantry..doesnt affect, shouldnt affect your lc production which is what is mainly used for farming.

and theres no way to know for sure..theres just where you belive theres a high probability that a guy whos nobling now(i started a few days ago) in more or less your area is going to engage me as i'll be a fast growing threat..

and bows are quite effective actualy, as people barely use ma..theyre more effective then swords at this situation, and they free the iron:p


Starting late doesn't necessarily require any change in tactic. On W52, my account joined 3 months in to the world. I did what I normally would do at startup, and outgrew most players around me. I ended up climbing to rank 4 on that world.

Only advise you need is to be active, and only bother clearing villages if the pits are high and you cannot find any more villages with no troops who you can farm. The pits are so much higher when you start late (dependant on how late) that farming is a lot easier. got lucky though..your only competition was deiity, however sad that sounds


Im new here :) and i just started up on this world, and i dont personally think it matters if you start late....some players do much better starting late into the worlds


Yeah I should probably stick to mainly offense. Come to think about the only village near me that is outgrowing me is a point-whore. He keeps trading me his iron for my wood. :)

Buildings (includes the building queue) 343
Troops 3357