Please don't call yourself a Vet. At least in the terms you are using, a Vet refers to someone who experienced something traumatic and survived. You didn't complete the world to its end, you quit it. Its like claiming you are a experienced
Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Racer when you never completed the
Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race. Perhaps you participated in it or perhaps you completed various other sled dog races, but you didn't finish the
Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race, so perhaps you weren't very good at it.
If anything, you're a '
Quit'. A Quitter from W2. That is a better term; the proper term. Terms of endearment that I give to all those smart enough to realize there is another world out there. But for whatever reason, you came back for another round. All the young kids playing it, all the college kids, go all out. But to those old enough to know better, you are playing toys that were meant for boys... to those that are fathers... and husbands? You have to admit, you've got your priorities mess up.
I know, I know, you 'only' play this game 20 minutes a day...)
Not judging, only trying to open the eyes of those that need their eyes opened.
He meant Ripfin/Asterios.
I have a natural tendency to refer all things to me, even when they are obviously not. I am the Third Crown King of Narcissism.