Stressfull Issue ingame.

  • Thread starter DeletedUser104452
  • Start date


So many problems
I am asked to stop farming
Manik76 could stop taking vils would fix the problem.
Could i look at 8k reports a day for tribe memeber attacks? who would?
To this day do i know what iv done to affend manik76 before this all took place? nope
Easiest way to fix it is for them to mail me what vil is being farmed, but some cant do that?
over the 2 + years id say 50 some players have mailed me informing me iv attacked them.

dlhu said:
Few months ago [player]MaNiK76[/player] and I had a quarrel about some incomings he had from me.

I had a player on farm script so he didnt grow
2-3 of his vils. MaNiK76 took them. I informed him i changed them. I sent to my co that night as i finished them. (we update bookmarks by mail) She sent out farm as she does every day. I set up attacks and claim vils and my co takes them.

My co farmed 2-3 days before getting the new bookmark update i sent.
By that time Manik was furious. I Sent support to the vils that manik took that we were farming. (because i couldnt delete the single bookmarks on the 2-3 vils.

Manik was upset with me for something i did a year ago. Some how to this day i still dont know what i did to make manik upset a year + ago

To manik: Know I am sorry for upsetting you and I would like to know what made you so mad that your heart was hardened for an entire year+?
I know we blocked each other but I have unblocked you.

Life sometimes stresses us out and we get upset with others. Sorry for your troubles.

MaNiK76 said:
Lets clear a few things up....

MaNiK76 is as most of you know played now by 2 players, myself Wendy, the original MaNiK, and my Co player Dick, AKA Furnshill..

dlhu You and my co-player had a dispute When he was Furnshill..

My co is a friendly kind man and You offended him in the past, and more recently when you want to throw your weight around too, and I backed him 100%..

dlhu you were/are the one telling people to unclaim villages with a threat, you have no right to do this.

This is no longer a matter, were in the same Tribe but have never worked together, and that will not change, some people just dont get on.

Were not unclaiming our claims and are backed by Leaders, can this now be dropped..

I personally hold no hard feelings, but my co-player is his own man.

Thankyou Wendy.

Isabella Demonicus said:
lol tbh i found this pretty funny
its like having our very own jeremy kyle show but on a game xD

dlhu said:
[player]MaNiK76 [/player]

this post was to put the troubles behind us as i was stressed out and alot of my attitude has changed

with popa cells 2 attacks i found the vil and hes on list below

for future vils mail me personaly plz and tell me of the vils were farming that you took.

iv unblocked you
message me any vil im attacking and i got a new comp so i can skype with my co more often and keep things up to date

Players were Farming

manojpaul reddy
snow plow914
manojpaul reddy
rod warren
electryc eu
spencer 26
war far
Devastating tribes
spencer 26

this is the list of vils we have farmed thoughout the past 2 years
there have been more but we changed things up and made a group of all vils were farming and just keep em maxed.

To popa cell: thanks for the attacks it made it clear what vil was taken and what bookmark needed to be removed.

my co types in caps and always has.

oliabajnok11 said:
Guys and girls: good to see you communicating again. 2 more month to go - let's just finish this world as real winners.

I will open a new post for Ks cleared from dust - I'm proud of K5 being 100% Deceit continent :)
MaNiK76 said:
Please delete this thread!
carmattmom said:
Actually, plz dont delete this thread.

I've recently taken more villages up in K30. One of the players I removed from that K is agreedy1.

Last week and yet again today, I have incoming attack from dlhu.

I forwarded all reports of me conquering the villages, asking that they be removed from their farming script. I also sent a mail with the list again today.

I'm guessing that dlhu's co has not read those... IDK.

Anyway, I think its helpful for me to see who they have been farming IN CASE I take one of those villages from the players on the list. That way I know to mail dlhu to let them know who took it. I'm sure that others here will find that helpful as well.

I understand that once villages have been bookmarked, they only make a few clicks and do not pay attention to the owner, and just assume that nothing has changed. However, I've already forwarded these reports and yet again, I'm getting farmed. I don't understand how two players on one account have missed the forwards and only hope that my mail isnt missed as well.
dlhu said:
dlhu said:
carmattmom said:
Actually, plz dont delete this thread.

I've recently taken more villages up in K30. One of the players I removed from that K is agreedy1.

Last week and yet again today, I have incoming attack from dlhu.

I forwarded all reports of me conquering the villages, asking that they be removed from their farming script. I also sent a mail with the list again today.

I'm guessing that dlhu's co has not read those... IDK.

Anyway, I think its helpful for me to see who they have been farming IN CASE I take one of those villages from the players on the list. That way I know to mail dlhu to let them know who took it. I'm sure that others here will find that helpful as well.

I understand that once villages have been bookmarked, they only make a few clicks and do not pay attention to the owner, and just assume that nothing has changed. However, I've already forwarded these reports and yet again, I'm getting farmed. I don't understand how two players on one account have missed the forwards and only hope that my mail isnt missed as well.

here is last message you sent

carmattmom on 30.01. at 15:52
I just recently nobled this village and another agreedy1 village, as well as some small fry up here in K30. Can you please take those villages off of your farming script?

carmattmom on 30.01. at 15:55
Here is the list of the villages:

I forwarded the reports of me conquering them to you already.


dlhu on 30.01. at 21:29
which one of my vils is farming it is what a need to know

dlhu on 30.01. at 21:35
i found where T044 is farming one of them and deleted it on my farm script but i can't find the others

carmattmom on 30.01. at 22:46
k let me forward the reports. only two were hit, but i wanted to let you know of the others just in case too. if they are hit also i'll forward reports.

carmattmom on 01.02. at 05:29
I'm getting another farming party from one of your villages:

Village: [coord]54|368[/coord]
Wall level: 0
Defender: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

T046 [coord]56|365[/coord] --> Arrival time: Feb 01, 2012 05:54:43:90 [player]dlhu[/player]

iv asked many times for the player who takes a farm to mail me bbcode the vil so i can fix it

is t046 sent today?

only thing i need
vil of mine that is farming
vil of yours that you took that i sent to.
dlhu said:
carmattmom i found yet another vil and yet you never messaged me telling me to change in
help me help you...

BBcode the village we sent
BBcode the village we attacked

carmattmom said:
I don't understand how two players on one account have missed the forwards and only hope that my mail isnt missed as well.

I missed your question the other day.

1 farms, and nobles and builds
other bookmarks, looks at mis reports sends fakes

that is our routine
just like some are lazy and slow at taking vils they claim
im lazy at looking at misc reports, but i do em about every 3-4 days
carmattmom said:
Since our last conversation, I've been trying to keep up with it. I dont know which one I didnt respond on. If its today's then its probably because I was not on here at the time. I've added them to the following mail and also forwarded reports to you with a message in that.

carmattmom on 30.01. at 15:52
I just recently nobled this village and another agreedy1 village, as well as some small fry up here in K30. Can you please take those villages off of your farming script?

carmattmom on 30.01. at 15:55
Here is the list of the villages:

I forwarded the reports of me conquering them to you already.


dlhu on 30.01. at 21:29
which one of my vils is farming it is what a need to know

dlhu on 30.01. at 21:35
i found where T044 is farming one of them and deleted it on my farm script but i can't find the others

carmattmom on 30.01. at 22:46
k let me forward the reports. only two were hit, but i wanted to let you know of the others just in case too. if they are hit also i'll forward reports.

carmattmom on 01.02. at 05:29
I'm getting another farming party from one of your villages:

Village: [coord]54|368[/coord]
Wall level: 0
Defender: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

T046 [coord]56|365[/coord] --> Arrival time: Feb 01, 2012 05:54:43:90 [player]dlhu[/player]

carmattmom today at 20:18
Here is another:

That includes todays report.
dylar said:
Come on dhlu! I know by your way of responding to these issues you could care less about your fellow tribesmen and women but do you think maybe you could make a little more effort in pretending you do? I mean come on! No excuses anymore.

I know a large handfull of players that all claim the same exact story of having this issue and you saying you will, but never do remove your bookmarks.

Let me be clear right now!


You are the #1 and you need to start acting like it dhlu! You have a chance to fix your bad reputation and I'm giving you the opportunity to do that before it's too late. The world is almost over now and we don't need players that
disrespect and ignore our fellow warriors and I will not allow you to finish this world amongst the rest of us if you do not respect the tribe and it's members!

Do the right thing.
Popa Cel Mare said:
The easiest way to avoid these kind of issues from now on : STOP FARMING

No one can take you 1st place , so why do you need to farm now too when it's less than 2 months for this world to be closed
MaNiK76 said:
Agree with dylar and Popa!!
dlhu said:
so much hatred
cain4439 said:
for the record...

I've been working with / in communication with dlhu regarding rock stanley. So far, he/they have been respectful & polite. Also, I have had limited dealings with him/them in the past with similar results.

I'm impartial to this particular topic. However.. I felt that in the spirit of fairness, that one should report "good" behavior alongside of the "bad".

PS - I am also in agreement with the above posts from dylar and popa.


I'm sure by putting your tribes private mails with you in a public forum, it'll make all things better.......


Are you kidding?

Wait.. that's your name. :) Funny thing is I was thinking the same thing... this isn't a public forum thread you just posted.



I am asked to stop farming
Great idea! Since the cost for you to make one noble is super cheap! :icon_rolleyes:
Manik76 could stop taking vils would fix the problem.
Easiest solution.
Could i look at 8k reports a day for tribe memeber attacks? who would?
From looking at Manick76's growth, I doubt they have seen 8k reports in the last month. So they wouldn't have a clue.
I had a player on farm script so he didnt grow 2-3 of his vils. MaNiK76 took them.
Are there no other targets worth taking, that Manick76 has to noble someones farms?
dlhu you were/are the one telling people to unclaim villages with a threat, you have no right to do this.
When you don't take your claims in a timely manner this happens. (Don't claim what you can't take!)
Originally Posted by Popa Cel Mare
The easiest way to avoid these kind of issues from now on : STOP FARMING

No one can take you 1st place , so why do you need to farm now too when it's less than 2 months for this world to be close
Could this not be reversed and have Manick76 quit nobling? What's the difference in rank 36 & 37?
