Misc Submenu's from quickbar

File Not Found

File Not Found
Quickbar Entry
javascript: identifier = "Leader Package";
tt = 'http://taktimer.net/scripts/';
abilities =["javascript: run_script('" + tt + "leadership_monitoring_inactives.js'); void(0);",
"javascript: run_script('" + tt + "leadership_graphs.js'); void(0);", "javascript: run_script('" + tt +
"leadership_list_posters.js'); void(0);", "javascript: run_script('" + tt + "leadership_compare_posters.js'); void(0);", "javascript: run_script('" + tt +
"hide_posts.js'); void(0);", "javascript: run_script('" + tt + "skype_emotes.js'); void(0);", "javascript:w_o('http://twstats.com/" + game_data.world +
"/'); void(0);", "javascript:w_o('http://twmentor.com/'); void(0);"];
titles =["Activity Monitor", "Display Stat Graphs", "List users who have posted", "Compare posters to member list",
"Hide forum posts", "Skype emotes", "TWStats", "TWMentor"];
if (typeof (main) != 'undefined')
{$ = main.$;
doc = window.main.document;
gd = main.game_data;
thestring = main.location.search;
{gd = game_data;
doc = document;
thestring = window.location.search;

function set_obj_funcs()
{this_link = $('a[href*="identifier = \"' + identifier + '\""]');
this_link = this_link[this_link.length - 1];
insert_this = "<table class='main' id='dropdown_test_" + identifier + "'>";
for (i = 0;i < abilities.length;i++)
{insert_this += "<tr><td><a href=\"" + abilities[i] + "\">" + titles[i] + "</a></td></tr>";
insert_this += "</table>";
this_link.innerHTML += insert_this;
t_o = document.getElementById("dropdown_test_" + identifier);
t_o.style.display = "inline-table";
if (document.getElementById("dropdown_test_" + identifier))
{t_o = document.getElementById("dropdown_test_" + identifier);
if (t_o.style.display == "none")
{t_o.style.display = "inline-table";
{t_o.style.display = "none";

function run_script(address)
{ a = doc;
var b = a.createElement('script');
b.type = 'text/javascript';
b.src = address;

function w_o(address)
void (0);
Right, the below, when clicked will add a small menu to your quickbar. When the link is clicked again, it will close.

Currently, it's setup with a set of leadership scripts, and two links as an example.

Right, the bits you will need to change...

identifier = "Leader Package"; <--- This will need to be identifier = "some unique text string"; (this is so you can use it more than once)
tt = ""; this is entirely unnecessary, but you will need it to use the current script, as all scripts are being hosted on TakTimer.net

abilities = []; You will need to configure this array, with the actions you want your menu to perform. eg "javascript: alert('working');"

title = [] ; This needs to be the names for the abilities, in the same order.

If your unsure about any of the above, consult the script below. It is a working example.

I've added two functions to the script that aren't necessary, but make things easier. These functions are run_script('script address'); and w_o('web address');

To use them, you "ability" should be... abilities = ["javascript: run_script('http://taktimer.net/scripts/example.js'); void(0);", "javascript: w_o('http://google.com'); void(0);", "http://tribalwars.net"];

Note the last entry of that line, does not have "Javascript:" or some fancy function. This will allow you to open links in the current window.

javascript: identifier = "Leader Package";
tt = 'http://taktimer.net/scripts/';
abilities =["javascript: run_script('" + tt + "leadership_monitoring_inactives.js'); void(0);", 
  "javascript: run_script('" + tt + "leadership_graphs.js'); void(0);", "javascript: run_script('" + tt + 
  "leadership_list_posters.js'); void(0);", "javascript: run_script('" + tt + "leadership_compare_posters.js'); void(0);", "javascript: run_script('" + tt + 
  "hide_posts.js'); void(0);", "javascript: run_script('" + tt + "skype_emotes.js'); void(0);", "javascript:w_o('http://twstats.com/" + game_data.world + 
  "/'); void(0);", "javascript:w_o('http://twmentor.com/'); void(0);"];
titles =["Activity Monitor", "Display Stat Graphs", "List users who have posted", "Compare posters to member list", 
  "Hide forum posts", "Skype emotes", "TWStats", "TWMentor"];
if (typeof (main) != 'undefined')
   {$ = main.$;
    doc = window.main.document;
    gd = main.game_data;
    thestring = main.location.search;
   {gd = game_data;
    doc = document;
    thestring = window.location.search;

function set_obj_funcs()
   {this_link = $('a[href*="identifier = \"' + identifier + '\""]');
    this_link = this_link[this_link.length - 1];
    insert_this = "<table class='main' id='dropdown_test_" + identifier + "'>";
    for (i = 0;i < abilities.length;i++)
       {insert_this += "<tr><td><a href=\"" + abilities[i] + "\">" + titles[i] + "</a></td></tr>";
    insert_this += "</table>";
    this_link.innerHTML += insert_this;
    t_o = document.getElementById("dropdown_test_" + identifier);
    t_o.style.display = "inline-table";
if (document.getElementById("dropdown_test_" + identifier))
   {t_o = document.getElementById("dropdown_test_" + identifier);
    if (t_o.style.display == "none")
       {t_o.style.display = "inline-table";
       {t_o.style.display = "none";

function run_script(address)
   {   a = doc;
    var b = a.createElement('script');
    b.type = 'text/javascript';
    b.src = address;

function w_o(address)
void (0);

Current Best Version (Again, configure it yourself)
javascript: ALT_TEXT = "(Alt Text) External Forum Toolbox (End Alt Text)";
identifier = "External Forum Toolbox";
default_x = '100';
default_y = '150';
c_name = "test";
var rememberPositionedInCookie = true;
var rememberPosition_cookieName = 'float_menu_'+c_name;
tt = 'http://taktimer.net/scripts/';

abilities = ["javascript: customBBcode(document.getElementsByTagName('textarea')[0],'spoil][code','/code][/spoil'); void(0);","javascript: w_o('http://forum.tribalwars.net/forumdisplay.php?f=61'); void(0);","javascript: w_o('http://forum.tribalwars.net/forumdisplay.php?f=6'); void(0);", "javascript: w_o('http://forum.beta.tribalwars.net/forumdisplay.php?f=5'); void(0);","javascript: run_script(tt + 'script_mod_remove_deleted_posts.js'); void(0);"];
titles = ["BBCode (spoil-code)", "Scripts forum", "Suggestions forum", "Beta 'Ideas' forum", "Remove deleted posts"];

doc = document;
function main_script() {
function set_obj_funcs()
   {insert_this = 
      "<div id='main_float' style='float:left; position: relative;' onclick=\"javascript:doc.getElementById('main_float').style.position='fixed'; void(0);\" class='dragableElement'><table id='float_menu_" + identifier +  "' class='main' style=\"border:1px; background-color: #b2816a\"><tr><th style=\"width:100%; cursor: move;background-color: #651612; color: #FFFFFF; background-image: url('http://forum.tribalwars.net/tribalwars_v2/other/dark_pattern.gif');\">" + 
      identifier + "</th></tr>";
    col_1 = '#d6c095';
    col_2 = '#e5d0a8';
    col_count = 1;
    for (i = 0;i < abilities.length;i++)
       {if (col_count == 1)
           {color = col_1;
            col_count = 2;
        else if (col_count == 2)
           {color = col_2;
            col_count = 1;
        insert_this += "<tr style='background-color: " + color +";'><td><a href=\"" + abilities[i] + "\">" + titles[i] + 
    insert_this += "</table></div>";
    doc.body.innerHTML += insert_this;

function show_box(label)
   {if (doc.getElementById(label).style.display == "none")
       {doc.getElementById(label).style.display = "inline-table";
       {doc.getElementById(label).style.display = "none";
if (doc.getElementById("float_menu_" + identifier))
   {show_box("float_menu_" + identifier);

function run_script(address)
   {a = doc;
    var b = a.createElement('script');
    b.type = 'text/javascript';
    b.src = address;
run_script(tt + "dragbox/dragable-content.js");

function w_o(address)

function customBBcode(fws, tag1, tag2)
   {selectedText = '';
    startPos = fws.selectionStart;
    endPos = fws.selectionEnd;
    selectedText = fws.value.substring(startPos, endPos);
    fullMsg = fws.value.split("");
    fullMsg.splice(startPos, 0, "[" + tag1 + "]");
    fullMsg.splice(endPos + 1, 0, "[" + tag2 + "]");
    fullMsg = fullMsg.join("");
    fws.value = fullMsg;

void (0);
Last edited:
Upvote 0


thx Sir Gramps for the script but the script u posted was working fine

but the issue is when I tried to add the noble mass R. to the sub script

"javascript: massRecruit([0,0,7389,10,3000,0,150,0],500,[8000,10000,8000]); void(0);"];

it stopped working

file fixed it for me but it didn't work also may be it has something wrong with it

javascript: ALT_TEXT = "(Alt Text) F_Submenu: Flying Noble (End Alt Text)";
  identifier = "File_Not_Founds_Float_Menu";
  default_x = '100';
  default_y = '150';
  c_name = "test";
  var rememberPositionedInCookie = true;
  var rememberPosition_cookieName = 'float_menu_' + c_name;
  tt = 'http://taktimer.net/scripts/';
  abilities =["javascript: w_o('http://forum.tribalwars.net/forumdisplay.php?f=61'); void(0);", 
    "javascript: w_o('http://forum.tribalwars.net/forumdisplay.php?f=6'); void(0);", 
    "javascript: w_o('http://forum.beta.tribalwars.net/forumdisplay.php?f=5'); void(0);", 
    "javascript: massRecruit([10000,10009,0,200,0,0,50,0],0,[8000,10000,8000]); void(0);", 
    "javascript: massRecruit([0,0,7389,10,3000,0,250,0],0,[8000,10000,8000]); void(0);"
    "javascript: massRecruit([0,0,7389,10,3000,0,150,0],500,[8000,10000,8000]); void(0);"];
  titles =["Scripts forum", "Suggestions forum", "Beta 'Ideas' forum", "Mass.R-D", "Mass.R-A", "Mass.R-Noble"];
  doc = document;
  function main_script()
     function set_obj_funcs()
         {insert_this = "<div style='float:left; position: absolute;'  class='dragableElement'><table id='float_menu_" + identifier + 
            "' class='main' style=\"border:1px; background-color:  #b2816a\"><tr><th style=\"width:100%; cursor:  move;background-color: #651612; color: #FFFFFF; background-image:  url('http://forum.tribalwars.net/tribalwars_v2/other/dark_pattern.gif');\">"  + 
            identifier + "</th></tr>";
          col_1 = '#d6c095';
          col_2 = '#e5d0a8';
          col_count = 1;
          for (i = 0;i < abilities.length;i++)
             {if (col_count == 1)
                 {color = col_1;
                  col_count = 2;
              else if (col_count == 2)
                 {color = col_2;
                  col_count = 1;
              insert_this += "<tr style='background-color: " + color  +";'><td><a href=\"" + abilities[i] + "\">" + titles[i] +  "</a></td></tr>";
          insert_this += "</table></div>";
          doc.body.innerHTML += insert_this;
      function show_box(label)
         {if (doc.getElementById(label).style.display == "none")
                 {doc.getElementById(label).style.display = "inline-table";
             {doc.getElementById(label).style.display = "none";
      if (doc.getElementById("float_menu_" + identifier))
         {show_box("float_menu_" + identifier);
  function run_script(address)
     {a = doc;
      var b = a.createElement('script');
      b.type = 'text/javascript';
      b.src = address;
  run_script(tt + "dragbox/dragable-content.js");
  function w_o(address)
  function massRecruit(units, farm, res)
     {if (game_data.mode != 'mass')$(location).attr('href', game_data.link_base_pure + 'train&mode=mass');
      function D(a, b)
         {v =[];
          if (a.length == b.length)
             {for (t = 0;t < a.length;t++)
                 {if (b[t] != 0)
                     {v[t] = a[t] * 1.0 / b[t];
                     {v[t] = 0;
          return v;
      function Q(r)
         {v =[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
          for (u = 3;u < r.cells.length;u++)
                 {v[u - 3] = parseInt(r.cells[u].childNodes[1].childNodes[1].firstChild.title, 10);
             catch (e){}
              if (isNaN(v[u - 3]))
                 {v[u - 3] = 0;
          return v;
      function R(r)
         {v =[0, 0, 0, 0];
          var s = r.cells[1].textContent.split("\n");
          var f = r.cells[2].innerHTML.split( "/");
          v[0] = parseInt(s[1].replace(".", ""), 10) - res[0];
          v[1] = parseInt(s[2].replace(".", ""), 10) - res[1];
          v[2] = parseInt(s[3].replace(".", ""), 10) - res[2];
          v[3] = f[1] - f[0] - farm;
          return v;
      function P(r)
         {v =[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
          for (u = 3;u < r.cells.length;u++)
                 {v[u - 3] = parseInt(r.cells[u].childNodes[1].textContent.split("\n")[2], 10);
             catch (e){}
              if (isNaN(v[u - 3]))
                 {v[u - 3] = 0;
          return v;
      c = $("table.vis");
      c = c[2].rows;
      if ($("#mass_train_table [src*=unit_archer]").length == 0)
         {       f =["spear", "sword", "axe", "spy", "light", "heavy", "ram", "catapult"];
          s =[[50, 30, 10, 1],[30, 30, 70, 1],[60, 30, 40, 1],[50, 50, 20, 2],[125, 100, 250, 4],[200, 150, 600, 6],[300, 
            200, 200, 5],[320, 400, 100, 8]];
         {f =["spear", "sword", "axe", "archer", "spy", "light", "marcher", "heavy", "ram", "catapult"];
          s =[[50, 30, 10, 1],[30, 30, 70, 1],[60, 30, 40, 1],[100, 30, 60, 1],[50, 50, 20, 2],[125, 100, 250, 4],[250, 
            100, 150, 5],[200, 150, 600, 6],[300, 200, 200, 5],[320, 400, 100, 8]];
      for (r = 1;r < c.length;r++)
         {b =[];
          z =[0, 0, 0, 0];
          for (i = 0;i < f.length;i++)
             {b[i] = units[i] - (Q(c[r])[i] + P(c[r])[i]);
              if (b[i] < 0)
                 {b[i] = 0;
              for (j = 0;j < 4;j++)
                 {z[j] += s[i][j] * b[i];
          a = D(R(c[r]), z), h = a[0];
          for (t = 1;t < a.length;t++)
             {if (a[t] < h)
                 {h = a[t];
          if (h > 1.0)
             {h = 1.0;
          for (i = 0;i < f.length;i++)
             {n = b[i] * h;
              if (n < 0)
                 {n = 0;
              if (n > 1)
                 {if (c[r].cells[3 + i].childNodes[3])
                     {x = c[r].cells[3 + i].childNodes[3];
                      x.value = parseInt(n, 10);
  void (0);

Above should now work. You left an extra comma in the titles array, which meant that when it was populating the table, and found no link attached, it crashed the script.

Also, in the future, it should be noted, that PHP tags will generally destroy alot of scripts, so, avoid using them, unless posting PHP code. For what you were doing, [noparse]
[/noparse] should have been used.


just wondering if this is still working iv tried all the scripts in this thread but cant seem to get it :(
i did configure it and im using the current best version...ran on opera & firefox still no luck

can somw one pls fix or tell me how to...
EDIT all works till i try to put my scripts in..tested a random fake and nothing happens..if i leave all script out the title i added stays but is limited to only one

the box im using...
javascript: ALT_TEXT = "(Alt Text) Toolbox(End Alt Text)"; identifier = "Toolbox"; default_x = '100'; default_y = '150'; c_name = "test"; var rememberPositionedInCookie = true; var rememberPosition_cookieName = 'float_menu_'+c_name; tt = 'http://taktimer.net/scripts/';  abilities = [""]; titles = ["OUT", "IN"];  doc = document; function main_script() { function set_obj_funcs()    {insert_this =        "<div id='main_float' style='float:left; position: relative;' onclick=\"javascript:doc.getElementById('main_float').style.position='fixed'; void(0);\" class='dragableElement'><table id='float_menu_" + identifier +  "' class='main' style=\"border:1px; background-color: #b2816a\"><tr><th style=\"width:100%; cursor: move;background-color: #651612; color: #FFFFFF; background-image: url('http://forum.tribalwars.net/tribalwars_v2/other/dark_pattern.gif');\">" +        identifier + "</th></tr>";     col_1 = '#d6c095';     col_2 = '#e5d0a8';     col_count = 1;     for (i = 0;i < abilities.length;i++)        {if (col_count == 1)            {color = col_1;             col_count = 2;            }         else if (col_count == 2)            {color = col_2;             col_count = 1;            }         insert_this += "<tr style='background-color: " + color +";'><td><a href=\"" + abilities[i] + "\">" + titles[i] +            "</a></td></tr>";        }     insert_this += "</table></div>";     doc.body.innerHTML += insert_this;    }  function show_box(label)    {if (doc.getElementById(label).style.display == "none")        {doc.getElementById(label).style.display = "inline-table";        }     else         {doc.getElementById(label).style.display = "none";        }    } if (doc.getElementById("float_menu_" + identifier))    {show_box("float_menu_" + identifier);    } else     {set_obj_funcs();    } }  function run_script(address)    {a = doc;     var b = a.createElement('script');     b.type = 'text/javascript';     b.src = address;     a.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(b);    } run_script(tt + "dragbox/dragable-content.js");  function w_o(address)    {window.open(address);    }  function customBBcode(fws, tag1, tag2)    {selectedText = '';     startPos = fws.selectionStart;     endPos = fws.selectionEnd;     selectedText = fws.value.substring(startPos, endPos);     fullMsg = fws.value.split("");     fullMsg.splice(startPos, 0, "[" + tag1 + "]");     fullMsg.splice(endPos + 1, 0, "[" + tag2 + "]");     fullMsg = fullMsg.join("");     fws.value = fullMsg;    }  main_script(); void (0);

the fake i wanted in there..
javascript:coords='906|968 901|968';var fakeLimit = false;var doc = (window.frames.length > 0) ?   window.main.document: document;coords = coords.split(" ");var index =   0;var farmcookie = document.cookie.match("(^|;) ?fluffy_fake=([^;]*)(;|$)");if (farmcookie !== null) index = parseInt(farmcookie[2]);if   (index == coords.length - 1) alert("last village");if (index >=   coords.length) index = 0;var coord = coords[index].split("|");index++;cookie_date = new Date(2099, 11, 11);document.cookie =   "fluffy_fake=" + index +"; expires=" + cookie_date.toGMTString  ();doc.forms[0].x.value = coord[0];doc.forms[0].y.value = coord  [1];doc.forms[0].x.focus();function getTroop(a){return parseInt  (doc.units[a].parentNode.getElementsByTagName("a")[1].innerHTML.match(/\d+/), 10);} var scouts =   getTroop("spy"); var spear = getTroop("spear"); var axe = getTroop  ("axe"); var rams = getTroop("ram"); var light = getTroop("light");var   mounted = getTroop("marcher");var cats = getTroop("catapult");var hc =   getTroop("heavy");var archer =   getTroop("archer"); if (cats >= 35){if (axe >= 100) doc.forms[0].axe.value = 100;else if (light >= 100) doc.forms[0].light.value = 100;else if (mounted >= 100) doc.forms[0].marcher.value = 100;else if (hc >= 100) doc.forms[0].heavy.value = 100;else if (hc == 66) doc.forms[0].heavy.value = 66;else if (archer >= 100) doc.forms[0].archer.value = 100;else alert("Not enough troops to support your Fanged Fake. Check the tavern.");if (scouts >= 5) doc.forms [0].spy.value = 5; doc.forms[0].catapult.value = 35;} else if (cats >= 34){if (axe >= 100) doc.forms[0].axe.value = 100;else if (light >= 100) doc.forms[0].light.value = 100;else if (mounted >= 100) doc.forms[0].marcher.value = 100;else if (hc >= 100) doc.forms[0].heavy.value = 100;else if (hc == 66) doc.forms[0].heavy.value = 66;else if (archer >= 100) doc.forms[0].archer.value = 100;else alert("Not enough troops to support your Fanged Fake. Check the tavern.");if (scouts >= 5) doc.forms [0].spy.value = 5; doc.forms[0].catapult.value = 34;} else if (scouts >= 100){doc.forms[0].spy.value = 100;if (rams >= 1)doc.forms[0].ram.value = 1;else if (cats >= 1) doc.forms[0].catapult.value = 1;else {alert("No rams or cats available for Intel Fake.");}} else {if (axe >= 100) doc.forms[0].axe.value = 100;else if (spear >= 100) doc.forms[0].spear.value = 100;else alert("Not enough troops to support your trash fake. You should have not even gotten this far. You better get to recruiting!");if (rams >= 1) doc.forms[0].ram.value = 1;else if (cats >= 1) doc.forms[0].catapult.value = 1;else alert("No rams or cats available");if (scouts >= 5) doc.forms[0].spy.value = 5;}void (0)
Last edited by a moderator:

File Not Found

just wondering if this is still working iv tried all the scripts in this thread but cant seem to get it :(
i did configure it and im using the current best version...ran on opera & firefox still no luck

can somw one pls fix or tell me how to...
EDIT all works till i try to put my scripts in..tested a random fake and nothing happens..if i leave all script out the title i added stays but is limited to only one

the box im using...
javascript: ALT_TEXT = "(Alt Text) Toolbox(End Alt Text)"; identifier = "Toolbox"; default_x = '100'; default_y = '150'; c_name = "test"; var rememberPositionedInCookie = true; var rememberPosition_cookieName = 'float_menu_'+c_name; tt = 'http://taktimer.net/scripts/';  abilities = [""]; titles = ["OUT", "IN"];  doc = document; function main_script() { function set_obj_funcs()    {insert_this =        "<div id='main_float' style='float:left; position: relative;' onclick=\"javascript:doc.getElementById('main_float').style.position='fixed'; void(0);\" class='dragableElement'><table id='float_menu_" + identifier +  "' class='main' style=\"border:1px; background-color: #b2816a\"><tr><th style=\"width:100%; cursor: move;background-color: #651612; color: #FFFFFF; background-image: url('http://forum.tribalwars.net/tribalwars_v2/other/dark_pattern.gif');\">" +        identifier + "</th></tr>";     col_1 = '#d6c095';     col_2 = '#e5d0a8';     col_count = 1;     for (i = 0;i < abilities.length;i++)        {if (col_count == 1)            {color = col_1;             col_count = 2;            }         else if (col_count == 2)            {color = col_2;             col_count = 1;            }         insert_this += "<tr style='background-color: " + color +";'><td><a href=\"" + abilities[i] + "\">" + titles[i] +            "</a></td></tr>";        }     insert_this += "</table></div>";     doc.body.innerHTML += insert_this;    }  function show_box(label)    {if (doc.getElementById(label).style.display == "none")        {doc.getElementById(label).style.display = "inline-table";        }     else         {doc.getElementById(label).style.display = "none";        }    } if (doc.getElementById("float_menu_" + identifier))    {show_box("float_menu_" + identifier);    } else     {set_obj_funcs();    } }  function run_script(address)    {a = doc;     var b = a.createElement('script');     b.type = 'text/javascript';     b.src = address;     a.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(b);    } run_script(tt + "dragbox/dragable-content.js");  function w_o(address)    {window.open(address);    }  function customBBcode(fws, tag1, tag2)    {selectedText = '';     startPos = fws.selectionStart;     endPos = fws.selectionEnd;     selectedText = fws.value.substring(startPos, endPos);     fullMsg = fws.value.split("");     fullMsg.splice(startPos, 0, "[" + tag1 + "]");     fullMsg.splice(endPos + 1, 0, "[" + tag2 + "]");     fullMsg = fullMsg.join("");     fws.value = fullMsg;    }  main_script(); void (0);

the fake i wanted in there..
javascript:coords='906|968 901|968';var fakeLimit = false;var doc = (window.frames.length > 0) ?   window.main.document: document;coords = coords.split(" ");var index =   0;var farmcookie = document.cookie.match("(^|;) ?fluffy_fake=([^;]*)(;|$)");if (farmcookie !== null) index = parseInt(farmcookie[2]);if   (index == coords.length - 1) alert("last village");if (index >=   coords.length) index = 0;var coord = coords[index].split("|");index++;cookie_date = new Date(2099, 11, 11);document.cookie =   "fluffy_fake=" + index +"; expires=" + cookie_date.toGMTString  ();doc.forms[0].x.value = coord[0];doc.forms[0].y.value = coord  [1];doc.forms[0].x.focus();function getTroop(a){return parseInt  (doc.units[a].parentNode.getElementsByTagName("a")[1].innerHTML.match(/\d+/), 10);} var scouts =   getTroop("spy"); var spear = getTroop("spear"); var axe = getTroop  ("axe"); var rams = getTroop("ram"); var light = getTroop("light");var   mounted = getTroop("marcher");var cats = getTroop("catapult");var hc =   getTroop("heavy");var archer =   getTroop("archer"); if (cats >= 35){if (axe >= 100) doc.forms[0].axe.value = 100;else if (light >= 100) doc.forms[0].light.value = 100;else if (mounted >= 100) doc.forms[0].marcher.value = 100;else if (hc >= 100) doc.forms[0].heavy.value = 100;else if (hc == 66) doc.forms[0].heavy.value = 66;else if (archer >= 100) doc.forms[0].archer.value = 100;else alert("Not enough troops to support your Fanged Fake. Check the tavern.");if (scouts >= 5) doc.forms [0].spy.value = 5; doc.forms[0].catapult.value = 35;} else if (cats >= 34){if (axe >= 100) doc.forms[0].axe.value = 100;else if (light >= 100) doc.forms[0].light.value = 100;else if (mounted >= 100) doc.forms[0].marcher.value = 100;else if (hc >= 100) doc.forms[0].heavy.value = 100;else if (hc == 66) doc.forms[0].heavy.value = 66;else if (archer >= 100) doc.forms[0].archer.value = 100;else alert("Not enough troops to support your Fanged Fake. Check the tavern.");if (scouts >= 5) doc.forms [0].spy.value = 5; doc.forms[0].catapult.value = 34;} else if (scouts >= 100){doc.forms[0].spy.value = 100;if (rams >= 1)doc.forms[0].ram.value = 1;else if (cats >= 1) doc.forms[0].catapult.value = 1;else {alert("No rams or cats available for Intel Fake.");}} else {if (axe >= 100) doc.forms[0].axe.value = 100;else if (spear >= 100) doc.forms[0].spear.value = 100;else alert("Not enough troops to support your trash fake. You should have not even gotten this far. You better get to recruiting!");if (rams >= 1) doc.forms[0].ram.value = 1;else if (cats >= 1) doc.forms[0].catapult.value = 1;else alert("No rams or cats available");if (scouts >= 5) doc.forms[0].spy.value = 5;}void (0)

right... try this out... I just grabbed my latest version (the second one in the first post), and added your fake script. I believe it will work.

javascript: ALT_TEXT = "(Alt Text) Toolbox (End Alt Text)";
identifier = "Toolbox";
default_x = '100';
default_y = '150';
c_name = "SubMenu_Toolbox_1";
var rememberPositionedInCookie = true;
var rememberPosition_cookieName = 'float_menu_' + c_name;
tt = 'http://taktimer.net/scripts/';
abilities =["javascript: customBBcode(document.getElementsByTagName('textarea')[0],'spoil][code','/code][/spoil'); void(0);", 
  "javascript: w_o('http://forum.tribalwars.net/forumdisplay.php?f=61'); void(0);", 
  "javascript: w_o('http://forum.tribalwars.net/forumdisplay.php?f=6'); void(0);", 
  "javascript: w_o('http://forum.beta.tribalwars.net/forumdisplay.php?f=5'); void(0);", 
  "javascript: run_script(tt + 'script_mod_remove_deleted_posts.js'); void(0);", "javascript: fake1(); void(0);"];
titles =["BBCode (spoil-code)", "Scripts forum", "Suggestions forum", "Beta 'Ideas' forum", "Remove deleted posts", 
  "Fake script 1"];
doc = document;

function main_script()
   function set_obj_funcs()
       {insert_this = 
          "<div id='main_float' style='float:left; position: relative;' onclick=\"javascript:doc.getElementById('main_float').style.position='fixed'; void(0);\" class='dragableElement'><table id='float_menu_" + 
          identifier + 
          "' class='main' style=\"border:1px; background-color: #b2816a\"><tr><th style=\"width:100%; cursor: move;background-color: #651612; color: #FFFFFF; background-image: url('http://forum.tribalwars.net/tribalwars_v2/other/dark_pattern.gif');\">" + identifier + "</th></tr>";
        col_1 = '#d6c095';
        col_2 = '#e5d0a8';
        col_count = 1;
        for (i = 0;i < abilities.length;i++)
           {if (col_count == 1)
               {color = col_1;
                col_count = 2;
            else if (col_count == 2)
               {color = col_2;
                col_count = 1;
            insert_this += "<tr style='background-color: " + color +";'><td><a href=\"" + abilities[i] + "\">" + titles[i] + 
        insert_this += "</table></div>";
        doc.body.innerHTML += insert_this;
    function show_box(label)
       {if (doc.getElementById(label).style.display == "none")
           {doc.getElementById(label).style.display = "inline-table";
           {doc.getElementById(label).style.display = "none";
    if (doc.getElementById("float_menu_" + identifier))
       {show_box("float_menu_" + identifier);

function run_script(address)
   {a = doc;
    var b = a.createElement('script');
    b.type = 'text/javascript';
    b.src = address;
run_script(tt + "dragbox/dragable-content.js");

function w_o(address)

function customBBcode(fws, tag1, tag2)
   {selectedText = '';
    startPos = fws.selectionStart;
    endPos = fws.selectionEnd;
    selectedText = fws.value.substring(startPos, endPos);
    fullMsg = fws.value.split("");
    fullMsg.splice(startPos, 0,"[" + tag1 +"]");
    fullMsg.splice(endPos + 1, 0,"[" + tag2 +"]");
    fullMsg = fullMsg.join("");
    fws.value = fullMsg;

function fake1()
   {coords = '906|968 901|968';
    var fakeLimit = false;
    var doc = (window.frames.length > 0) ? window.main.document: document;
    coords = coords.split(" ");
    var index = 0;
    var farmcookie = document.cookie.match("(^|;) ?fluffy_fake=([^;]*)(;|$)");
    if (farmcookie !== null) index = parseInt(farmcookie[2]);
    if (index == coords.length - 1) alert("last village");
    if (index >= coords.length) index = 0;
    var coord = coords[index].split( "|");
    cookie_date = new Date(2099, 11, 11);
    document.cookie = "fluffy_fake=" + index +"; expires=" + cookie_date.toGMTString();
    doc.forms[0].x.value = coord[0];
    doc.forms[0].y.value = coord[1];
    function getTroop(a)
       {return parseInt(doc.units[a].parentNode.getElementsByTagName("a")[1].innerHTML.match(/\d+/), 10);
    var scouts = getTroop("spy");
    var spear = getTroop("spear");
    var axe = getTroop("axe");
    var rams = getTroop("ram");
    var light = getTroop("light");
    var mounted = getTroop("marcher");
    var cats = getTroop("catapult");
    var hc = getTroop("heavy");
    var archer = getTroop("archer");
    if (cats >= 35)
       {if (axe >= 100) doc.forms[0].axe.value = 100;
        else if (light >= 100) doc.forms[0].light.value = 100;
        else if (mounted >= 100) doc.forms[0].marcher.value = 100;
        else if (hc >= 100) doc.forms[0].heavy.value = 100;
        else if (hc == 66) doc.forms[0].heavy.value = 66;
        else if (archer >= 100) doc.forms[0].archer.value = 100;
        else alert("Not enough troops to support your Fanged Fake. Check the tavern.");
        if (scouts >= 5) doc.forms[0].spy.value = 5;
        doc.forms[0].catapult.value = 35;
    else if (cats >= 34)
       {if (axe >= 100) doc.forms[0].axe.value = 100;
        else if (light >= 100) doc.forms[0].light.value = 100;
        else if (mounted >= 100) doc.forms[0].marcher.value = 100;
        else if (hc >= 100) doc.forms[0].heavy.value = 100;
        else if (hc == 66) doc.forms[0].heavy.value = 66;
        else if (archer >= 100) doc.forms[0].archer.value = 100;
        else alert("Not enough troops to support your Fanged Fake. Check the tavern.");
        if (scouts >= 5) doc.forms[0].spy.value = 5;
        doc.forms[0].catapult.value = 34;
    else if (scouts >= 100)
       {doc.forms[0].spy.value = 100;
        if (rams >= 1) doc.forms[0].ram.value = 1;
        else if (cats >= 1) doc.forms[0].catapult.value = 1;
           {alert("No rams or cats available for Intel Fake.");
       {if (axe >= 100) doc.forms[0].axe.value = 100;
        else if (spear >= 100) doc.forms[0].spear.value = 100;
        else alert("Not enough troops to support your trash fake. You should have not even gotten this far. You better get to recruiting!");
        if (rams >= 1) doc.forms[0].ram.value = 1;
        else if (cats >= 1) doc.forms[0].catapult.value = 1;
        else alert("No rams or cats available");
        if (scouts >= 5) doc.forms[0].spy.value = 5;

void (0);

Don't know... I've uninstalled IE's non system critical components by force. As I recall, none of them will work in IE, and I've no intention of fixing that.


lol thnx fnf i see what i was doing wrong....i assumed you added the script to the abilities section not down the bottom like you have...hope i can add more now

thanks again :icon_biggrin:

File Not Found

You can add it inside the abilities array, but... well, its significantly more difficult, and less efficient. (especially if your using several of the same script, but with different configs)...

eg... you could set your function to declare a setup for your mass recruit script, or... your coord list for a fake script...


function fakeScript(c1)
{coords = c1;
rest of fake script code

abilities = ["javascript: fakeScript('300|045 270|880 920|222'); void(0);"];


thnx..so its possible to remove your things right out of the script??the fnctions down the bottom or will it fail?

File Not Found

Only the functions that are called in the abilities array can be removed, as the others are necessary for the script to work


hey after playing around a bit iv hit a snag...
iv tried to put in a script to select all of a certain unit in the rally

but it comes up NAN in the form boxes..if you could pls fix or add this feature that would be great..

this is the script im trying to add but fails..
Javascript:  var troops = ['spear', 'sword', 'knight','spy'];  for (i = 0; i < troops.length; i++) {     var troop = parseInt(document.units[troops[i]].parentNode.getElementsByTagName('a')[1].innerHTML.match(/\d+/), 10);     document.units[troops[i]].value = troop; }  void (0);

this is the toolbox im using all works for me
javascript: ALT_TEXT = "(Alt Text) Farm Toolbox (End Alt Text)"; identifier = "Farm Toolbox"; default_x = '100'; default_y = '150'; c_name = "SubMenu_Toolbox_1"; var rememberPositionedInCookie = true; var rememberPosition_cookieName = 'float_menu_' + c_name; tt = 'http://taktimer.net/scripts/'; abilities =["javascript: fake1(); void(0);", "javascript:insertUnit($('#unit_input_spy'),5);void(0);", "javascript:insertUnit($('#unit_input_axe'),50);void(0);", "javascript:insertUnit($('#unit_input_axe'),100);void(0);", "javascript:insertUnit($('#unit_input_light'),50);void(0);", "javascript:insertUnit($('#unit_input_light'),100);void(0);", "javascript:insertUnit($('#unit_input_ram'),10);void(0);","javascript:insertUnit($('#unit_input_knight'),1);void(0);"]; titles =["**Farm script 1**","5 Scouts","50 Axes","100 Axes","50 LC","100 LC","10 Rams","Pally"]; doc = document;  function main_script()    {    function set_obj_funcs()        {insert_this =            "<div id='main_float' style='float:left; position: relative;' onclick=\"javascript:doc.getElementById('main_float').style.position='fixed'; void(0);\" class='dragableElement'><table id='float_menu_" +            identifier +            "' class='main' style=\"border:1px; background-color: #b2816a\"><tr><th style=\"width:100%; cursor: move;background-color: #651612; color: #FFFFFF; background-image: url('http://forum.tribalwars.net/tribalwars_v2/other/dark_pattern.gif');\">" + identifier + "</th></tr>";         col_1 = '#d6c095';         col_2 = '#e5d0a8';         col_count = 1;         for (i = 0;i < abilities.length;i++)            {if (col_count == 1)                {color = col_1;                 col_count = 2;                }             else if (col_count == 2)                {color = col_2;                 col_count = 1;                }             insert_this += "<tr style='background-color: " + color +";'><td><a href=\"" + abilities[i] + "\">" + titles[i] +                "</a></td></tr>";            }         insert_this += "</table></div>";         doc.body.innerHTML += insert_this;        }         function show_box(label)        {if (doc.getElementById(label).style.display == "none")            {doc.getElementById(label).style.display = "inline-table";            }         else             {doc.getElementById(label).style.display = "none";            }        }     if (doc.getElementById("float_menu_" + identifier))        {show_box("float_menu_" + identifier);        }     else         {set_obj_funcs();        }    }  function run_script(address)    {a = doc;     var b = a.createElement('script');     b.type = 'text/javascript';     b.src = address;     a.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(b);    } run_script(tt + "dragbox/dragable-content.js");  function w_o(address)    {window.open(address);    }  function customBBcode(fws, tag1, tag2)    {selectedText = '';     startPos = fws.selectionStart;     endPos = fws.selectionEnd;     selectedText = fws.value.substring(startPos, endPos);     fullMsg = fws.value.split("");     fullMsg.splice(startPos, 0,"[" + tag1 +"]");     fullMsg.splice(endPos + 1, 0,"[" + tag2 +"]");     fullMsg = fullMsg.join("");     fws.value = fullMsg;    }  function fake1()    {coords = '628|451 630|453 629|450 626|454 628|449 625|454 625|451 625|453 628|456 624|452 628|448 632|453 624|451 627|448 624|453 631|449 624|449 632|449 625|456 627|447 633|453 623|453 626|457 623|454 624|448 628|446 622|451 627|446 634|454 632|447 625|446 625|458';     var fakeLimit = false;     var doc = (window.frames.length > 0) ? window.main.document: document;     coords = coords.split(" ");     var index = 0;     var farmcookie = document.cookie.match("(^|;) ?fluffy_fake=([^;]*)(;|$)");     if (farmcookie !== null) index = parseInt(farmcookie[2]);     if (index == coords.length - 1) alert("last village");     if (index >= coords.length) index = 0;     var coord = coords[index].split( "|");     index++;     cookie_date = new Date(2099, 11, 11);     document.cookie = "fluffy_fake=" + index +"; expires=" + cookie_date.toGMTString();     doc.forms[0].x.value = coord[0];     doc.forms[0].y.value = coord[1];     doc.forms[0].x.focus();         function getTroop(a)        {return parseInt(doc.units[a].parentNode.getElementsByTagName("a")[1].innerHTML.match(/\d+/), 10);        }     var scouts = getTroop("spy");     var spear = getTroop("spear");     var axe = getTroop("axe");     var rams = getTroop("ram");     var light = getTroop("light");     var mounted = getTroop("marcher");     var cats = getTroop("catapult");     var hc = getTroop("heavy");     var archer = getTroop("archer");     if (cats >= 35)        {if (axe >= 100) doc.forms[0].axe.value = 100;         else if (light >= 100) doc.forms[0].light.value = 100;         else if (mounted >= 100) doc.forms[0].marcher.value = 100;         else if (hc >= 100) doc.forms[0].heavy.value = 100;         else if (hc == 66) doc.forms[0].heavy.value = 66;         else if (archer >= 100) doc.forms[0].archer.value = 100;         else alert("Not enough troops to support your Fanged Fake. Check the tavern.");         if (scouts >= 5) doc.forms[0].spy.value = 5;         doc.forms[0].catapult.value = 35;        }     else if (cats >= 34)        {if (axe >= 100) doc.forms[0].axe.value = 100;         else if (light >= 100) doc.forms[0].light.value = 100;         else if (mounted >= 100) doc.forms[0].marcher.value = 100;         else if (hc >= 100) doc.forms[0].heavy.value = 100;         else if (hc == 66) doc.forms[0].heavy.value = 66;         else if (archer >= 100) doc.forms[0].archer.value = 100;         else alert("Not enough troops to support your Fanged Fake. Check the tavern.");         if (scouts >= 5) doc.forms[0].spy.value = 5;         doc.forms[0].catapult.value = 34;        }     else if (scouts >= 100)        {doc.forms[0].spy.value = 100;         if (rams >= 1) doc.forms[0].ram.value = 1;         else if (cats >= 1) doc.forms[0].catapult.value = 1;         else             {alert("No rams or cats available for Intel Fake.");            }        }     else         {if (axe >= 100) doc.forms[0].axe.value = 100;         else if (spear >= 100) doc.forms[0].spear.value = 100;         else alert("Not enough troops to support your trash fake. You should have not even gotten this far. You better get to recruiting!");         if (rams >= 1) doc.forms[0].ram.value = 1;         else if (cats >= 1) doc.forms[0].catapult.value = 1;         else alert("No rams or cats available");         if (scouts >= 5) doc.forms[0].spy.value = 5;        }    }  main_script(); void (0);

File Not Found

function fillTroops()
   {troops = ['spear', 'sword', 'knight','spy'];
    for (i = 0; i < troops.length; i++) 
      {troop = parseInt(document.units[troops[i]].parentNode.getElementsByTagName('a')[1].innerHTML.match(/\d+/), 10);
        document.units[troops[i]].value = troop; 

Try the above version pl0x.

The issue your having I believe, is to do with variable declarations. But, I won't go into that too much until I can confirm myself.


I know this is kinda old but I like it and trying to get something to work and need some help. Can someone help me to make it so that the links in this one open in new windows?

javascript: ALT_TEXT = "(Alt Text) External Links (End Alt Text)";  identifier = "External Links";  default_x = '100';  default_y = '150';  c_name = "test";  var rememberPositionedInCookie = true;  var rememberPosition_cookieName = 'float_menu_'+c_name;  tt = 'http://taktimer.net/scripts/';   
abilities = ["http://en51.tribalwarsmap.com/", "http://www.twstats.com/en51/", "http://www.zomgtw.net/", "http://www.twmentor.com/?tool=finder", "http://twfarmreport.com/", "http://www.twmentor.com/?tool=attack-v2",];  
titles = ["Activety Map", "TWstats", "ZomgTW", "Farm Finder", "TW Farm Report", "Mass Attack Planer",];    
doc = document;  function main_script() {  function set_obj_funcs()     {insert_this =         "<div style='float:left; position: absolute;' class='dragableElement'><table id='float_menu_" + identifier +  "' class='main' style=\"border:1px; background-color: #b2816a\"><tr><th style=\"width:100%; cursor: move;background-color: #651612; color: #FFFFFF; background-image: url('http://forum.tribalwars.net/tribalwars_v2/other/dark_pattern.gif');\">" +         identifier + "</th></tr>";      col_1 = '#d6c095';      col_2 = '#e5d0a8';      col_count = 1;      for (i = 0;i < abilities.length;i++)         {if (col_count == 1)             {color = col_1;              col_count = 2;             }          else if (col_count == 2)             {color = col_2;              col_count = 1;             }          insert_this += "<tr style='background-color: " + color +";'><td><a href=\"" + abilities[i] + "\">" + titles[i] +             "</a></td></tr>";         }      insert_this += "</table></div>";      doc.body.innerHTML += insert_this;     }    function show_box(label)     {if (doc.getElementById(label).style.display == "none")         {doc.getElementById(label).style.display = "inline-table";         }      else          {doc.getElementById(label).style.display = "none";         }     }  if (doc.getElementById("float_menu_" + identifier))     {show_box("float_menu_" + identifier);     }  else      {set_obj_funcs();     }  }    function run_script(address)     {a = doc;      var b = a.createElement('script');      b.type = 'text/javascript';      b.src = address;      a.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(b);     }  run_script(tt + "dragbox/dragable-content.js");    function w_o(address)     {window.open(address);     }    main_script();  void (0);



I know this is kinda old but I like it and trying to get something to work and need some help. Can someone help me to make it so that the links in this one open in new windows?

javascript: ALT_TEXT = "(Alt Text) External Links (End Alt Text)";  identifier = "External Links";  default_x = '100';  default_y = '150';  c_name = "test";  var rememberPositionedInCookie = true;  var rememberPosition_cookieName = 'float_menu_'+c_name;  tt = 'http://taktimer.net/scripts/';   
abilities = ["http://en51.tribalwarsmap.com/", "http://www.twstats.com/en51/", "http://www.zomgtw.net/", "http://www.twmentor.com/?tool=finder", "http://twfarmreport.com/", "http://www.twmentor.com/?tool=attack-v2",];  
titles = ["Activety Map", "TWstats", "ZomgTW", "Farm Finder", "TW Farm Report", "Mass Attack Planer",];    
doc = document;  function main_script() {  function set_obj_funcs()     {insert_this =         "<div style='float:left; position: absolute;' class='dragableElement'><table id='float_menu_" + identifier +  "' class='main' style=\"border:1px; background-color: #b2816a\"><tr><th style=\"width:100%; cursor: move;background-color: #651612; color: #FFFFFF; background-image: url('http://forum.tribalwars.net/tribalwars_v2/other/dark_pattern.gif');\">" +         identifier + "</th></tr>";      col_1 = '#d6c095';      col_2 = '#e5d0a8';      col_count = 1;      for (i = 0;i < abilities.length;i++)         {if (col_count == 1)             {color = col_1;              col_count = 2;             }          else if (col_count == 2)             {color = col_2;              col_count = 1;             }          insert_this += "<tr style='background-color: " + color +";'><td><a href=\"" + abilities[i] + "\">" + titles[i] +             "</a></td></tr>";         }      insert_this += "</table></div>";      doc.body.innerHTML += insert_this;     }    function show_box(label)     {if (doc.getElementById(label).style.display == "none")         {doc.getElementById(label).style.display = "inline-table";         }      else          {doc.getElementById(label).style.display = "none";         }     }  if (doc.getElementById("float_menu_" + identifier))     {show_box("float_menu_" + identifier);     }  else      {set_obj_funcs();     }  }    function run_script(address)     {a = doc;      var b = a.createElement('script');      b.type = 'text/javascript';      b.src = address;      a.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(b);     }  run_script(tt + "dragbox/dragable-content.js");    function w_o(address)     {window.open(address);     }    main_script();  void (0);


In rereading I think I got this problem worked out.


Still Going Strong
Reaction score
I tried using these scripts however nothing works. In opera and firefox. It could be that it needs updating.
Last edited:


please remove my private link from your post.If I wanted it made public ,I would have done so myself.
I have added you to skype to show you what your doing wrong.


Still Going Strong
Reaction score
My apologies. Thought it was a variant of FNF's scripts didn't know there was a different author.


Reaction score
Does not work (obviously).

Is there some scripter maybe interested in reviving the drop-down menu for the quickbar? =(
I think it would be a nice feature for scripts you want to have in the quick bar, but dont use every day.