Rejected Support request without premium


Well-Known Member
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Requesting support without premium account is a pain in the ass. I know basically everyone here has premium account anyway but the new players doesn't. I have pp farmed on a lot of worlds and often I get invited to smaller tribes usually with a lot of new players which I like to join sometimes just for the sake of it and sometimes to teach them something. There are a lot of times I see reeaally shitty support requests in the lines of "Help, someone is attacking me" (No kidding, this was everything that was posted once). Not giving the information needed hinders people from helping them, they get nobled or quit very early and they remain "bad" players.

Why not just give all accounts access to requesting support properly? Premium account has so many other great tools that are beneficial enough to keep players using it, so just make it easier for the new players to catch up!