
Non-stop Poster
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* Coded by WildWang, March 2021
* Taking in script requests. DM me on TW forums or Discord: WildWang#5614
* Use above contact for any bugs found.
* v1.0.0
* Script withdraws support from fastest to slowest
* If paladin is included in village, all troops (after settings) will be withdrawn with paladin

var settings = {
// Min support troop counts to keep from each village
minTroopCounts: {
'spear': 0,
'sword': 0,
'axe': 0,
'archer': 0,
'spy': 0,
'light': 0,
'marcher': 0,
'heavy': 0,
'ram': 0,
'catapult': 0,
'knight': 0,
'snob': 0
// List of coords to withdraw support from. If left empty, script will withdraw from all
coords: '', // coords should be delimited by spaces (ie. 500|500 501|501)
// Ratio of troops to withdraw
troopWithdrawRatio: 1,
As requested by Penetier, a script that allows for quick support withdrawal from villages.

Clicking script auto populates fields with the fastest units to withdraw from and withdraws them for you. Running the script around 4-5 times will empty out villages unless settings are defined.

Benefits of Script:
1. Instead of withdrawing support at sword/cat speed; support can be withdrawn at scout speed, then heavy speed, etc. This allows for your defense to arrive home quickly (especially useful when stacking front with midline support).
2. Overstacked a village? Set min troop counts of troops you want to leave from each village, or set a ratio of troops you want to withdraw.

I am fielding more script requests. PM me on forums or on discord: WildWang#5614

If you do not want the support to be automatically withdrawn please use this script link instead: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/jwv88sheoew4pau/WildWang_supportWithdraw_noFill_0.0.1.js?dl=0

  * Coded by WildWang, March 2021
  * Taking in script requests. DM me on TW forums or Discord: WildWang#5614
  * Use above contact for any bugs found.
  * v1.0.0
  * Script withdraws support from fastest to slowest
  * If paladin is included in village, all troops (after settings) will be withdrawn with paladin

var settings = {
    // Min support troop counts to keep from each village
    minTroopCounts: {
        'spear': 0,
        'sword': 0,
        'axe': 0,
        'archer': 0,
        'spy': 0,
        'light': 0,
        'marcher': 0,
        'heavy': 0,
        'ram': 0,
        'catapult': 0,
        'knight': 0,
        'snob': 0
    // List of coords to withdraw support from. If left empty, script will withdraw from all
    coords: '', // coords should be delimited by spaces (ie. 500|500 501|501)
    // Ratio of troops to withdraw
    troopWithdrawRatio: 1,
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Non-stop Poster
Reaction score
Script is now fixed, people messaged me during my hiatus so just fixed it up. Releasing a new minor version soon that includes a UI.