Surprise surprise


This morning we woke up to incoming attacks from the hard family, despite knowing we had a NAP agreement with 72 hours cooldown. It's been many years since last time I have seen someone dishonor and agreement to such extent. I might be old-fashioned, but to me diplomacy is sacred. To me, an agreement is there to be honored, that includes the cool down. To my surprise, the explanation given is that we in TFBS are running an OP on their allied 2001, which, if it was true, would have been up here as a war declaration should be. + If it is as the message ismail.kali sent out to his fellow friends, we would have started at 07:00 this morning server time. Not much of a change in OB so far into said OP. ^^

We have been aware of this coalition against us existing for some time, what to expect when we're new on .net, got to put us in place. Just gonna act in the shade thinking that we would not scent the shit being spread around?

We hereby declare war on the coalition!

Almost forgot, we're nuts :D

Corey Taylor

Personally I'm just waiting for Hard to create their 4th sister tribe :)

Sarcastic Charm

You know it is a rare and unusual betrayal when it drags me out of the shadows of reading the forum, and into creating an account to post in the forums.
To all the "this isn't Tribal Hugs" types out there:
We have no objection to having those we work with change their minds and throw down.
But as @Hail Mary said in the original, honour the conditions.
Hell, here is an old fashioned idea for you... try diplomacy first?
Has anyone ever sent @Hail Mary a message that wasn't replied to with a well thought out, logical, and polite response? Even a message as ugly as 'If you pick a fight with 'xxx' tribe, we will fight you too!' would receive a calm and cordial response.

Yet none of this took place. All that happened, is we had an agreement, and the Hard family spat on it.

Time to see if they understand what comes of such things. o_O


oooooooo shayteeeeee roasted, yo this gonna be fun to watch! where me popcorn



This is how the world works even in games . it's Human nature .


This morning we woke up to incoming attacks from the hard family, despite knowing we had a NAP agreement with 72 hours cooldown. It's been many years since last time I have seen someone dishonor and agreement to such extent. I might be old-fashioned, but to me diplomacy is sacred. To me, an agreement is there to be honored, that includes the cool down. To my surprise, the explanation given is that we in TFBS are running an OP on their allied 2001, which, if it was true, would have been up here as a war declaration should be. + If it is as the message ismail.kali sent out to his fellow friends, we would have started at 07:00 this morning server time. Not much of a change in OB so far into said OP. ^^

We have been aware of this coalition against us existing for some time, what to expect when we're new on .net, got to put us in place. Just gonna act in the shade thinking that we would not scent the shit being spread around?

We hereby declare war on the coalition!

Almost forgot, we're nuts :D

with all my respect ... have you know what honour means? i think you don't

1st of all let me explain to everyone around that TFBS is the team we fighted with against COL.. once we got COL down in 24 hours... TFBS recruited the top players and the rest got rimed...

1 day later TFBS ends NAP with us what a coincidence (tfbs claimed that there are reasons but none of the reasons were raisonable. so basically TFBS used us to kill a tribe then rejected us lol

IF YOU USE IN YOUR SWEDISH SERVER THESE TACTICS TO WIN... here this sh*t doesnt work my friend

i suggest you to watch how worlds work in .met when you get rimmed or go back to your swedish server and enjoy life there .

also a leader with honour doesnt sneak spies in othere tribe FYI... u can talk about fair play when you act like a d***.

anyway good luck during this war. you will need it.


with all my respect ... have you know what honour means? i think you don't

1st of all let me explain to everyone around that TFBS is the team we fighted with against COL.. once we got COL down in 24 hours... TFBS recruited the top players and the rest got rimed...

1 day later TFBS ends NAP with us what a coincidence (tfbs claimed that there are reasons but none of the reasons were raisonable. so basically TFBS used us to kill a tribe then rejected us lol

IF YOU USE IN YOUR SWEDISH SERVER THESE TACTICS TO WIN... here this sh*t doesnt work my friend

i suggest you to watch how worlds work in .met when you get rimmed or go back to your swedish server and enjoy life there .

also a leader with honour doesnt sneak spies in othere tribe FYI... u can talk about fair play when you act like a d***.

anyway good luck during this war. you will need it.
Wow. With all due respect, that is simply not true. Yes, we recruited xSAFAx and LRSES. You guys wanted to recruit them as well, but they picked us. Also, you recruited billpwrs and you wanted to recruit their biggest member dynamic11 who then got banned. Then you made up lies saying that he was banned for 7 days and that we were supposed to leave him be as he was going to join you, so we let him be. But then, out of nowhere, you started clearing his villages without giving us a heads up, and you had claimed all his big villages already. That's why we cancelled the NAP. Also, this happened on the 24th. The war started on the 19th, so it was hardly "1 day later".

Also, of utmost importance here; we respected the 24 hour notice. I am finding it difficult to understand if you're defending breaking a 72 hour NAP without notice. But I guess that's the way you guys play it. You're right. Maybe Swedish tactics, where one respects agreements don't work here.

Also, obviously we don't sneak spies anywhere. But if you contact pretty much every tribe around the globe to join the gangbang, it's likely that someone will write to us.


you wanted to recruit their biggest member dynamic11 who then got banned. Then you made up lies saying that he was banned for 7 days and that we were supposed to leave him be as he was going to join you, so we let him be.

we are not TW support to know the type of ban :)
also the villages where in our cluster i think we should have had them
but surprisingly your team took them from us even with knowing we cleared and started nobling as u just said:) anddd ohh it was during cooldown lool.

i have nothing against you. thats the game but dont play it like we are the bad guys:)


To be honest, we actually didn't contact every tribe in the game. We were appoached by an individual, on which we decided to accept. Anyways it is a game, wars are always fun. Let's enjoy it!

All the best guys x


we are not TW support to know the type of ban :)
also the villages where in our cluster i think we should have had them
but surprisingly your team took them from us even with knowing we cleared and started nobling as u just said:) anddd ohh it was during cooldown lool.

i have nothing against you. thats the game but dont play it like we are the bad guys:)
TW support or not. You claimed that it was a 7 day ban.
Also, he was a member of COL. Of course we sent attacks on him because we wanted those villages as well, and we had just been betrayed. We certainly didn't send any attacks on 2001 members.


TW support or not. You claimed that it was a 7 day ban.
Also, he was a member of COL. Of course we sent attacks on him because we wanted those villages as well, and we had just been betrayed. We certainly didn't send any attacks on 2001 members.

everyone please give peli a round of applause:D
you attacked our claims. thats how betraying started.


everyone please give peli a round of applause:D
you attacked our claims. thats how betraying started.
Haha. Nice try turning this around. I must be bad at maths, but how can that be how the betraying started seeing as your betrayal happened before that?
Ah well. You clearly won't admit your error, and you'll defend a tribe that breaks a 72 hour NAP without notice. I think that says it all really. Good luck to you too.


Goodluck to the tribes, may the best tribe be the worst and the worst be the best and middlist be the middlist


In about 12 hours I want to see some war stats and what’s going on with the rest day at war :D

Snyper Eyes

Rank Name Information
1 Enemy Show more...
Conquered villages

Lost villages

Defeated opponents while attacking

Defeated opponents while defending

2 Ally Show more...
Conquered villages

Lost villages

Defeated opponents while attacking

Defeated opponents while defending