so who is the 3rd?
Their not THAT important to be mentioned.
But there is a 3rd
so who is the 3rd?
The hunt is on, if you know this third. Please post here........LOL
I bet there is no third , its prob another publicity (<- fail spelling) stunt for seth ...
like that time he pretended he had a nuclear accident and turned into a snail :icon_eek:
On-Topic - have you noticed how much ODT B&H has now he's in TAT'S ? :icon_eek:
I just think Seth is talking about himself, but just waiting for the invite, lol.......
I assumed you understood irony
Man oh man, I assumed you understood irony
Irony: Verbal irony is a disparity of expression and intention: when a speaker says one thing but means another, or when a literal meaning is contrary to its intended effect. An example of this is sarcasm.
And Seth, even I have insulted our council as times have gone past
Seth, do I need to dig up that mail where you begged to come to TSoH?
Seth, do I need to dig up that mail where you begged to come to TSoH?
I did beg, Until I attacked Exile. Mawhahahaha :lol:
And Silva. What about the other Odd amount of tribes about.
Or are we superawesome.
TATs council meeting. I.E. Business.