what i meant really was they were active enough to accept the invite to BoH on the first day... aha, looking at the entire tribe BoH not many of them are nearly as active as most the members of the other tribes on this world,
my point being if titans had have disbanded 2 weeks ago, and a new tribe set up, or say np invited all the members or whatever, kingkong would have never have logged on properly to accept the invite, dispite being so deadly inactive for months now he was never kicked untill he started to loose villages,
same goes for atleast 2 or 3 other accounts in TITANS, permanent sits, cannot move troops around because over 60 days, but no one in titans on your average member level knew they were perm sits, and no one is doing anything about internally nobling them or finding them new account holders, makes me ask the question why have titans still got these accounts and why are they not doing anything about the huge rate if inactivity in the tribe, it is for this exact reason i got frustrated with the tribe that led to my dissmissal, and that was before even i knew all these accounts were just dead and sat accounts by the leadership.
how can a tribe work when half the tribe is inactive, and the other half arent communicating information properly, in my eyes titans are no better for this than BoH are.
Sigh as much as i have tried to let you die a natural death it seems you wish to continue on with your rubbish so let me clear up a few facts for you
The account you had in titans was gifted to you it was not yours
You attemted to form your own tribe with some of your dead Ex storm members thats why you were dissmissed
We as most tribes allow the odd member being loyal to labour along at times as they were once loyal hard working towards the end game and deserve to see the end unlike yourself
You intentionally with your Stormy's tried to take controll of accounts and nowing the history of Storm a dissband or mass delete would have followed
Fortunatly you were never allowed access to information like a subject called Allied command Allthough had you been you may have realised the western alliance has a plan that clearly doesnt include you gathering up members of storm in a pathetic attemt to play in a game you lost long ago
Now if you have any further statments to make think carefully because i have tollerated your trash talk long enough and will not hesitate to expose you for the trash peddeler you are
Kind regards and best wishes Bazz