Talk about offtopic AGAIN.
Anyway didnt I disband a few SCI tribes?
Yep, you did
Anyways, TDD are still nice
How would you know lol... anyways, yes GG you disbanded one, but I think I deserve at least partial credit xD
Gammlen said:
I am not embarrassing myself, I happen to know a lot about the R0N/HOP relationship and to be perfectly honest, I was delighted to see R0N fall, call me silly but thats how I am. Want to tell the world a little about that "or else" threats given by R0N regarding regarding HOPs NAP with the LFKD while they were on a winning streak against ~A~? From what I could make out of it all, R0N told HOP to end their NAP so that R0N wouldn't get attacked by LFKD. At that time R0N leadership was always looking out for the personal benefit of a few, never the entire tribe and in such they forced themselves into a bad position, as well as HOP.
Clearly I was delighted to see it fall as well, otherwise I probably wouldn't have done certain things :icon_rolleyes: :lol:
Gammlen, get your facts straight... NoMrcy/~TSE~/~=A=~ were crushing the HOPLO family, HOPLOS in particular, for ages... the ONLY time HOPLO was ever ahead was their initial strike.
I was a baron and diplo during that time, and was sitting an account in HOPLON, I know the situation very well, trust me -.- SCIR0N wanted HOPLON to NAP ~TSE~ so there wouldn't be any hard feelings with the merge or w/e, and that would leave HOPLON open to focus on those K50 PKs players like matius. SCIR0N always was being attacked by the LFKD, so your statement "R0N told HOP to end their NAP so that R0N wouldn't get attacked by LFKD." makes absolutely no sense. SCIR0N did not want to NAP the LFKD until the TSE war was at their doorstep, as well as V V V picking off the ex-HOPLO players.
Anyways, this is extremely off topic, so in summary, HOPLON were never as good as you give them credit for, TDD are boring, some of SCIR0N's leaders used low tactics, though I (along with many others) were against it, SCIR0N sucks and I'm glad I helped get rid of them, and just for the record, SCIR0N remains the only SCI tribe that has never NAP'd/allied the entire LFKD.