TF/PX vs. the world


It is isn't it. I think you'll find many of our views remain consistent i.e. they were loose cannons. Of course we were prepared to defend their "eccenticies" as they we part of the family (as one does one's RL family) but there comes a time when actions become indefensible. Both were guilty of getting into spats with family members in the past. On numerous occasions we tried to calm the situation down and let bygones be bygones. Unfortunately actively colluding and conspiring with the enemy was beyond the limits of even us.

i hell do not know what you said, but Apoc was very tolerant towards them in all kinds of way and the attitude has changed significantly. Comments on them sound a lot harsher comparing to when they were in Apoc ( they were rather forgiving on their mistakes back then)


Fred that made no sense whatsoever.

Guess we can expect that much from a top 20 barb nobler.

Yes i am in the top 20 barb noblers but as i have said openly on this forum i have discussed this with you in a mail where i clearly stated i have a genuine reason that i could not prevent as to why my barb count is so high and if i did not i doubt i would still be playing this world now please stop reciting the same insults as it is highly irksome and pointless


Yes i am in the top 20 barb noblers but as i have said openly on this forum i have discussed this with you in a mail where i clearly stated i have a genuine reason that i could not prevent as to why my barb count is so high and if i did not i doubt i would still be playing this world now please stop reciting the same insults as it is highly irksome and pointless

and all i heard was blah blah blah. Get a proper reason for nobleing barbies, like nobleing inactives is too hard for yee


if you read the post you will see clearly how i state that if i did not i doubt i would still be playing this world this is due to my tribes policies on barb nobling that we are all aware of so no need to state them here is there. so all i see is people making stuff up now get a proper reason for nobleing barbies i do not believe i gave in that post a reason meaning you asking me to give a proper reason makes little sense. so try reading what i said not what you would say if you still played this world
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well for me,i can accept i can't noble some villas of other players..;)


lol tmalloc is this our little private joke
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the only problem i can see from my posting is the lack of punctuation, but then again you may find things wrong with the language are you english or other country that speaks english as first language as that may explain your lack of understanding.


No its not. The point of a sentance is what is said in it. Punctuation caps it off.

I see your time "Away" hasn't taught you much.


i believe that is a sentence however poor the grammar is and yes i agree TF are up a certain creek without a certain sterring instrument 10 PP who ever gets the refference :D


yes i agree tho i wodnmer where and how u will pay for the pp u could ask cocolofi i hear he gives out pp also i have some leftover from my 6 months also there is pp in tw


And this all relates to the topic, TF/PX vs. the world, how?


my apologies mwetmore i shall bring my posts ontopic
im just saying fred..some villas are hard to noble..;)

yes i do agree some are hard to noble and then again you occasionaly find a village nobled by enemies without any D in whatsoever

this is relevant as tmalloc is TF and i am 'the world side'


so you can only noble undefended, recently nobled villages?

Sounds easier than all those barbs you've been taking


swordnuke i believe only tmalloc may understand that and yet again i will say I do not care about my high barb count as i have a reason to which my dukes are aware of.

Also Tf seem to be loosing alot of villages lately many have gone barb how long till the next batch do i wonder??


I don't know. You best get to nobling the current batch now though!