TGC are about to enter the building.!


Hello all

Just a bit of sound advice from the leadership of TGC. We know there is many players who wanted to play this world and win but I'm sorry we can't allow this to happen. We are set on winning this world and we all know it's going to happen because we are the elite and we can't be stopped. So i will say this nicely, don't waste your rl time playing this world because in the end it's gonna be us rimming you.

All the best on future worlds,

TGC W83 Winners


Michael Corleone.

<font color="#b22222">If you desire to be apart of our tribe, TGC please red rep Pepper Pepper and screenshot it and PM it to me here with your in game name. :)</font>


I know the highest form of flattery is imitation.

But don't you have anything better to do?

Michael Corleone.

pancakes are better tbh. But please do forward your red rep screenshots to pepper pepper for me for an invite to TGC. We must diversify our tribe and this is the best way to do it


Meh, Pancakes can be debated with, sometimes I prefer French Toast or even Crumpets. Its all about personal preference though, am I right?

But yes, Michael is right, the recruitment methods we endorse are rather unorthodox but they do the trick ;)
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This is NAM posting pretending to be Golden Company btw guys. I think the ego trippers are upset they didn't get as much attention as others have in the blogs/funny tribalwars tonight.

I expect they will proceed to continue attempting to outshout people in the thread to get more attention and make themselves feel special.

TG Smurf

Contributing Poster
Reaction score
Yes some of the posters on this thread was in NAM, but I'm sure what that has to do world 83. The majority of these posters are not even in the same start up tribe this time around.