Lmao!!! The only thing that would top off this comment is some good music vilja style!
Here you go Psycho...Hellfires Song
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Lmao!!! The only thing that would top off this comment is some good music vilja style!
Who's still playing and who's not? What's the fair market value of your account now? Instead of FOR SALE it now reads FORECLOSED :lol:
TheIlluminati today at 17:38
Hello guys im here to tell you that i quit.
Im planning to sell my account to anyone who wants it for a few hundred pps only... Around 200 pp is enough.l. Mail me here if you want to buy..
I realized that witchy the biggest witch who is telling such things like she was a spy before had sabotaged our account.
She throwed troops all the way to the other end of the world.. What a witch right?
Hmmm my suggestion guys is to form a revolt group.
A group that will make the world end faster ( get rimmed by knock or merge with knock )
Anyway goodluck guys to whoever became my friends if ever i have one
Thanks for sabotaging our account again witchy and psycho....
What a very nice person...
To witchy: i realized that your message to ke everyday that you are trusted must not be trusted ever again.
I realized your called a spy before and till forever your a spy...
I hope you realized that this is just a game... If you cant beat me. You must. Not throw away apl the troops to the other end of the world. Im glad to quit this world thanks to you
Acount for sale.... For 1000 pp can be discounted or on a monthly basis
sorrynot sure who you are or what tribe you are in whether be friendly or enemy to mine? but you were banging on about having skill etc? and from what ive read were ina tribe but secretly playing for {HI}??. How does that involve skill? Sounds like you ddint tell one of your co's what you were doing? suprised why they sent the troops to other side of world?
So you assume that i am TheIlluminati, as i am not i will take your post to be inacurate and thus will ignore it.