Story Time With That Guy
Aaaannnndddd...... We're back ladies and gents.
What's up party people. Before I start my story that no one cares about but is bored of the same ol' Golden Nam (Int > Golden) riff raff to actually read it. Here is what I want to say
1. I suck at this game, don't take me seriously.
2. Im not here to brag, but to tell a story, if any point you think im "bragging" please refer to statement one.
3. This story is only to liven up the externals a bit.
Aaaannnndddd...... We're back ladies and gents.
What's up party people. Before I start my story that no one cares about but is bored of the same ol' Golden Nam (Int > Golden) riff raff to actually read it. Here is what I want to say
1. I suck at this game, don't take me seriously.
2. Im not here to brag, but to tell a story, if any point you think im "bragging" please refer to statement one.
3. This story is only to liven up the externals a bit.
Background Information
After being rimmed at the start of this world by SSN I had a choice to quit or to try again. Viewing my options to try again I see I can start from scratch in the NW, get rimmed by Golden in the SW, get rimmed by NAM in the NE, or try to join this family tribe I have never heard of called ANY. So I figure since its a family tribe I can get in, which I did.
When I joined ANY, I had no knowledge of any (hehe) of their members as I am a relatively new player to the game. I just thought they were some scrub family tribe like the other family tribes that start up (Warp123456789g) so I did not plan to stay with them forever. After a few weeks of being in the Acad tribe of ANY, I realize that these guys are actaully good and respectable players. I watched them devour Malice and Sass right before my eyes which was very impressive. At this point I obviously made me want to reevaluate my opinion of them in which maybe one day I could work my way up to the main tribe.
So time goes by I get to about 300k points and that is when we NAP NAM and begin our 'war' with Khan, who at the moment, I was somewhat close to geographically. We have 'ops' on them in which I participate in, and we slowly work them out of K56. But as we did that, my mind got to thinking...
Second Thoughts
After talking to some others in the acad tribe I find out our leader Krieger has a rep for force internalling, which makes me nervous a little but not really. Until he asks to sit me with "all sitter restrictions turned off" is when I really start counting my days down (I didnt turn them all off obviously). This is because with Khan out of our K I have no more targets to go for per the border agreement with NAM. This is what makes me think that we (Acad tribe) will be turned on by ANY as they currently at this point in the story have a NAP with NAM. I figure they did that to focus on Khan and maybe pull some Eastwoods.
So I come to a point where I will be gone for an entire week going out of my country on a mission trip. Even if I survive that I will be gone all summer working at a church camp that has no wifi. I am also bored of having no targets. Acad members must post in the tribe forums to get approval for our claims one at a time. Needless to say with Khan out of the way the main tribe has claimed every village left in the K and denies all of our claims. So I am left very bored with no opportunity for growth and my troops are just chillin.
After my paranoia gets the best of me I mail Mr. Welshy in NAM in hopes that when they war maybe I can help them because I thought they would war soon with Khan out of the way. So me, a solo player, full-time college student, with no premium, and with little time left to play mails Mr. Welch Juice Celts that goes a little something like this.... (Too lazy to screenshot, just going to quote it as there's no reason I would lie about the contents in the mail, I assume Welsh will read this and if he cares that much can screenshot it himself)
"Ehh you do not seem like a beat around the bush small talk type of person so I would like to just get to the point.
I hear you do not like papa krieg, im getting bored over here and I would like to help you and your tribe and you to the fullest extent that my small account can. Not saying that's much I can do given my size, but like I said I'm bored and Id like to make things interesting for giggles. I've known that he's been using us smaller guys in the acad tribes since the beginning of time now and I figure my time in his tribe won't last much longer due to his given rep of force internalling. I just thought it'd be funny if the people he is using worked against him for whatever we are worth.
Didn't know who to talk to in your tribe so I just picked you. Congratz. If I picked the wrong person and you "expose" me then... Oops
Don't really care at this point. Too bored to care.
Let me know what I can do - or hit me up on skype at soulthegreat.
Deuces and happy Friday"
Why I Sent This Mail
1. I was not really a fan of Krieger given the reputation I have heard.
2. As said before, didnt have much time left to play so I figured I would make something happen that would or could lead to me having to fight for my villages, because this hugging world takes too much time to get to the warring.
3. Boredom
4. All of the above
So Welsh reads the mail and doesnt respond. After a week or so the only villages I can even target are newly spawned 21p barbarian villages so I start asking permission in the forum to noble them. Usually we cant ask for a second village until we have nobled the first but with it being the night before the launch of the secretly planned 'op' on me, JanJanz has other ideas
JanJanz, to get my offense out of the way to make me defenseless during their op on me. Lets me send 5 ish trains out by approving my village claims to make their op a little easier. He also sends me a friend request to which I accept, waits till I am offline and I wake up with 1500 incomings from the ANY tribe
So while I am asleep they cap two villages off of me and kick me from the tribe (duh)
I make my own tribe called 'That Tribe' and we (me) declare war and start having some well anticipated fun. It took them about 6 days to take my 58 villages but here are the stats to kinda give you some info of the sides, I wont make this look bigger than it actually is by including the entire ANY tribe because not all of their members attacked me, I also wont include their player's points because I am not sure what they were when they began attacking me.
So Welsh reads the mail and doesnt respond. After a week or so the only villages I can even target are newly spawned 21p barbarian villages so I start asking permission in the forum to noble them. Usually we cant ask for a second village until we have nobled the first but with it being the night before the launch of the secretly planned 'op' on me, JanJanz has other ideas
JanJanz, to get my offense out of the way to make me defenseless during their op on me. Lets me send 5 ish trains out by approving my village claims to make their op a little easier. He also sends me a friend request to which I accept, waits till I am offline and I wake up with 1500 incomings from the ANY tribe
So while I am asleep they cap two villages off of me and kick me from the tribe (duh)
I make my own tribe called 'That Tribe' and we (me) declare war and start having some well anticipated fun. It took them about 6 days to take my 58 villages but here are the stats to kinda give you some info of the sides, I wont make this look bigger than it actually is by including the entire ANY tribe because not all of their members attacked me, I also wont include their player's points because I am not sure what they were when they began attacking me.
Side 1 - Im That Guy - 515,000 ish points
Side 2
General Cr
Thy Valkrie
09. Krieger
MrNiceGuy ( He is actually pretty nice guy )
12. Krieger
14. Krieger
07. Krieger
06. Krieger
jpsemigwapo (whatever that means)
So you get it, almost their entire tribe. I have no hard feelings at all, I knew the consequences of my actions when I took them and kind of caused them out of boredom. So I planned to have a list of all the reports from each player here for your enjoyment. I publicized all of them when they happened but apparently only 20 reports can be publicized so Ill just save you the time by telling you what happened with each player. These are just estimated so no need to take them too seriously...
NickBielli - I killed 3 full nukes and a train sitting in his villages. I also proceeded to conquer one of his villages to which I named "Im That Guy Scores - NubBielli"
unaware - Killed one of his nukes and one train
Sabyy - Killed one of his nukes and one train
bromsboy - Killed one of his nukes and one train
MrNiceGuy - Killed at least 3 nuke noble trains, and one regular train
Appsolut - I cleared and conquered one of his villas to which I named "Im That Guy Scores - Appsopoop"
12. Krieger - Conquered a very small 21p village off of him - highlight of the war
Garganion - Killed one of his trains and conquered one of his villages to which I named "Im That Guy Scores - Garganub"
07. Krieger - Killed 6 of his nukes
06. Krieger - Killed 6 of his nukes
jpsemigwapo - Killed at least 15 nukes and 8 trains
Haxory - Killed 4 of his nukes and killed 7 of his trains
So after that boring list here are the war stats...
6 | Im That Guy | RoyalE | 4 | 60 | 273.360 | 2.861.131 |
Not going to put the headers there due to laziness, im sure you can figure them out.
No hard feelings to the ANY tribe as they made the right decision. It was fun till it got boring hence why this story happened. I wont be playing any more worlds because im not a fan of the P2W system. Also dont trust anyone to coplay my account and like I said earlier dont have much time to play. Good luck to all you guys, im sure ill be here now and agin browsing the forums to see what happens but my time in game is done. You all see to be reasonably good guys (reasonably) so good games.
No hard feelings to the ANY tribe as they made the right decision. It was fun till it got boring hence why this story happened. I wont be playing any more worlds because im not a fan of the P2W system. Also dont trust anyone to coplay my account and like I said earlier dont have much time to play. Good luck to all you guys, im sure ill be here now and agin browsing the forums to see what happens but my time in game is done. You all see to be reasonably good guys (reasonably) so good games.
Just some food for you to chew on, forgive me for my horrible formatting. Hopefully you were somewhat entertained and wasted some time of your Saturday to read this. Thanks for reading.
Youre intelligently designed to survive in this world. You were created to worship. Everyone worships something. What do you worship? We were all born broken into a broken world cursed by sin. We all can not live up to the moral standards we have set for ourselves. We don't think lying and cheating is okay but have you ever lied? Have you ever stolen? We are all sinners in a sin cursed world and there are consequences for every action. The consequence for sin is death, to which we all will die. But God sent his perfect son Jesus Christ into the world who lived a sin free life and was pinned on a cross by his own creation to suffer and die to pay the ultimate sacrifice for your sin. This has given you the free will to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior that you might be cleansed by the sacrifice of his son in order to enter a perfect heaven. Humans make for terrible gods. Let God be your God and let Him be the one you worship. Repent of your sin and confess it, and live your life for the one who gave you grace when we did not deserve it. I type this to share the love I have been shown that I do not deserve in hope that you will one day accept it.
All that call on the Lord will be saved.
Ill still be around on the forums so no goodbye, more like a see ya later.
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