The 500 Thread


;) Twist has barely touched there food so far! ;) ROTP had some good players, its a shame they went the road they did.


not really. It shows ROTP has balls and won't just lie down after Twist! recruited their best player - Faridzman. ROTP would have died anyways but they chose the noble and honorable route of dying by a war of their choosing instead of just being picked off 1 by 1 and doing nothing. At least that's how an outsider sees it.


Twist! also recruited graysailor, who I think is a better player the faridzman, and this was months before the war.

And they have only taken 35 villages since the start of the war, most of which have been taken back and were taken by ROTP members who surrounded us, compared to our (500's) 193 conquers.
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My opinion is what ROTP done was an honourable route to guaranteed death.


True. I think that they were, and still are, the 4th best tribe in the world, and should be proud they got that far.


The most amusing thing, is that ROTP declared against Twist not long before the christmas break.... At first I thought it was in jest until i saw incomings from them.

For the record, we had a lot of ROTP players request to join Twist! after we cancelled the NAP with ROTP. Gray Sailor and Faridzman were accepted the rest weren't and they in turn declared against us. We didn't wish war against them, but they brought it to us, and we really haven't been bothered with their attacks which imo, seem to come in at the same time as TSL's from my experience, however, as I was attacked without provocation, I will return in kind....


was just an outsiders comment rage, I received attacks arriving within half an hr of from both TSL & ROTP.... if the impression i received, i apologize...


I had proof of ROTP going to ask TSL :( Trying to find it D:

(I am in no way saying TSL accepted the offer, Just that ROTP were gonna ask :p)


Side 1:
Tribes: TSL
Side 2:
Tribes: 500

Timeframe: Last 48 hours

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 6
Side 2: 5
Difference: 1


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 35,919
Side 2: 47,271
Difference: 11,352


Not a bad 48hrs considering size difference ;P

Side 1:
Tribes: ROTP
Side 2:
Tribes: 500

Timeframe: Last month

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 22
Side 2: 218
Difference: 196


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 122,640
Side 2: 1,543,034
Difference: 1,420,394


Last month against these has been dominated :p


TSL, the best tribe in the world, and 500 have conquered villages of greater value than them (and all of the TSL conquers were deep in TSL territory).

As for ROTP, our victory over them was swift and decisive.

500 are the indisputable 3rd best tribe in the world. I expect that there are still people who think that we're mass-recruiters, but we ditched all of the dead weight a long time ago, and 500 has become a tribe to be feared in its own right.


Well they weren't deep in TSL territory, but on our only front line really left ;)


TSL, the best tribe in the world, and 500 have conquered villages of greater value than them (and all of the TSL conquers were deep in TSL territory).

All 500 villages are not in 500 territory. All 500 villages are smaller or vastly greater than TSL or Twist villages as 9/10 500 members do not understand how to build their villages properly.

Level 25 market and level 10 barracks and stable with level 15 workshop and resource buildings not even maxed out.:S Might as well noble barbs.


Urrrm o_O Tad over exaggeration. I wont deny that we have a few lesser quality players that don't fully understand the game. But most of us do and even so your stating the points difference? Yes Capitalist brought that up, but i was just saying only 1 cap behind a tribe 8-9x our size pver 48hrs isn't too bad considering our builds are barb level as you imply.
And then again

Side 1:
Tribes: 500
Side 2:
Tribes: TSL

Timeframe: Last 48 hours

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 3
Side 2: 2
Difference: 1


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 28,776
Side 2: 3,728
Difference: 25,048


The last 48hrs you've been behind. Come on, and all these have been in TSL's "Amazing north" Twist ran a successful op in twist "Amazing north".....Doesn't seem so amazing to me


All 500 villages are not in 500 territory. All 500 villages are smaller or vastly greater than TSL or Twist villages as 9/10 500 members do not understand how to build their villages properly.

Level 25 market and level 10 barracks and stable with level 15 workshop and resource buildings not even maxed out.:S Might as well noble barbs.

500 do have territory, it is on the eastern and northern rim, and you can't really deny it.

There is no definitive village model whatever tribe you are in, and I have seen plenty of Twist! and TSL villages maxxed out, which I think you will agree is not the best way to do things.

500 started a lot later than the other tribes, and is doing very well. Admittedly, we have some members who are new to the game, but there is no reason why they shouldn't be a part of it, and they can learn.


The last 48hrs you've been behind. Come on, and all these have been in TSL's "Amazing north" Twist ran a successful op in twist "Amazing north".....Doesn't seem so amazing to me

The amazing north will bite back very soon :icon_wink: the fact that a 45 mill point tribe is boasting about being ahead by 1 conquer over 2 days is actually a mark of how useless your tribe really is. It isn't points, which you guys claim so often it is simply lack of skill and useless leadership which got you to such a point and keep you low on conquers. If there was any talent in your tribe it would take more planning to take vills off you guys, rather than lone players taking vills off you at will and sending distance 20 sec trains to take vills off any of your players. TSL has been ignoring you up till now, but don't expect that to last!

As for Twist, of course they will have 1 successful op after over a year of hitting us... Difference is our player is still there. They have lost a number of players in our ops! (and their dismissed deleted accs dont show up on the stats)

My advice to 500 is to speeden up your migration to the East, cos I guarrantee that it wont take longer than 2 months to rid you all from the West once we start!

500 started a lot later than the other tribes, and is doing very well. Admittedly, we have some members who are new to the game, but there is no reason why they shouldn't be a part of it, and they can learn.

They are 'doing well' because they unite a lot of useless players to make the 'third strongest' tribe... Lets be honest here, they cannot be compared to the top 2 tribes and are there by default having recruited more players than the other useless and unknown tribes at the bottom. Do you think the 1 man tribes below you are boasting about being 4th and 5th? Doubt it... yet your 150 man tribe is boasting about "doing well" and being third on the rankings?? :O lol
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Lol, 500 started later ? I thought the are here from the start :|


All 500 villages are not in 500 territory. All 500 villages are smaller or vastly greater than TSL or Twist villages as 9/10 500 members do not understand how to build their villages properly.

Level 25 market and level 10 barracks and stable with level 15 workshop and resource buildings not even maxed out.:S Might as well noble barbs.

Well Opty this version of 500 is a slightly different version.

Also yeah Rage some 500 noobs build villages like that. But before I got Twisted! I did give 500 a blueprint of how to make a good village and how to make good builds a couple weeks ago which should help. should let me know if that did get posted in your forums.

Either way a good village shouldn't have to be more than 9809-9993 points. Anything more is noobish overkill.


In previous worlds I was taught how this game works more or less.

It shouldn't take two years for you to figure this game out. Either 500 leadership are not passing down their knowledge or your players are not mature enough to understand this game. Anarky as far as I know did a good job in teaching it's new players to the game. That was over a year ago.

So yeah, like marg already said you cannot compare yourselves to the top two tribes. Learn as much as you can now while you get nobled(haha my predictive text made that 'mocked') and take your new knowledge into your next world.
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