The beginning of the end of world 18


If the criterion of a sucessful tribe is to win the world, then these four tribes should be congratulated accordingly.

Well done. Don't take the criticism to heart. Sure, there are more spectacular ways of winning a world, but you did it.

Triple post??

I assume you are being ironic.


Congrats guys proving it can be done, even though we all hoped it wouldn't.


Thank you Bomber, assassin, and all the others that have/are congratulating us. Despite criticism and all the PNP we all came here for entertainment and stayed for the same reasons. As it was in one way shape or form entertaining or else we each would of left.

To the detractors of us who still cry foul and say we cheated and want to bask in the glory and purity of TW. Apparently "war" is a misunderstood concept. The object being to win. You take a look at the circumstances you find, you then manipulate those circumstances till the "enemy" is reacting to you not you to them. As things change you change and adapt, again manipulating the circumstances so that the enemy as much as possible is reacting to you rather then acting forcing you to react. We found a way, and stuck with it, till we won. And what I find amusing is those who say we cheated and profane the purity of tribal wars are in effect those who would have us turn on our friends, our family, turn on the very people who we have fought so long and so hard besides. How is turning on them pure? How is that "glorious"? What would be the point? Is it good for us to break our word in some way shape or form? I myself don't think so.

To me the game is long enough as is, which is longer then comfort, lol. In apite of the fact that I may play another world again someday I think it's too long and would prefer a shorter version. Ack am losing my point so will leave for now. LOL y'all take care and ENJOY!


Fail. So many ways, fail.

Tribal hugs wins Tribal Wars and shame to those on W18 that allow this to happen. Did the nasty man attack you? Did he use both axes and Cav?? You are an embarrassment.

Just hope you know that we are the most aggressive tribe on this world. Thats why we won. :icon_eek:


... you guys should have just allied up the world in the first week and declared yourselves as winners.

Depending on who you ask, some might say we did. We just weren't arrogant enough to announce it then. :) There were plenty of folks announcing our demise, who were a WHOLE lot bigger and better established.

A bunch of us came over together, ended up in different spots, but started coordinating strategy from day 1. I started two Ks away and a couple months after anyone friendly, but started moving the local politics towards the group goal right from there.

We knew then it was a big, big world - particularly at speed 1 - and we'd have to work with some large groups of people to get the game over before we were old and gray, and to bring strangers up through the ranks who were similar minded and likeable.


too all haters out there

consider this before posting shit saying 'huggers blah blah ... ruined world blah blah'
when the RKN and TWA family joined together we had a small percentage of the world. APOC/BA won this world through fighting well and defeating all we warred with.

if you think you could of done better on this world why diddnt you? or did you start here and get rimmed or more likely are you just jealous that we have the skill to win a world whereas you cannot?


if you think you could of done better on this world why diddnt you? or did you start here and get rimmed or more likely are you just jealous that we have the skill to win a world whereas you cannot?

Ummm, I think almost all the people I have seen posting were busy winning other older worlds. The ones that fight rather than hug to win.

Hell your tribes are half the size of ours in points and villages.


Thank you Bomber, assassin, and all the others that have/are congratulating us. Despite criticism and all the PNP we all came here for entertainment and stayed for the same reasons. As it was in one way shape or form entertaining or else we each would of left.

To the detractors of us who still cry foul and say we cheated and want to bask in the glory and purity of TW. Apparently "war" is a misunderstood concept. The object being to win. You take a look at the circumstances you find, you then manipulate those circumstances till the "enemy" is reacting to you not you to them. As things change you change and adapt, again manipulating the circumstances so that the enemy as much as possible is reacting to you rather then acting forcing you to react. We found a way, and stuck with it, till we won. And what I find amusing is those who say we cheated and profane the purity of tribal wars are in effect those who would have us turn on our friends, our family, turn on the very people who we have fought so long and so hard besides. How is turning on them pure? How is that "glorious"? What would be the point? Is it good for us to break our word in some way shape or form? I myself don't think so.

To me the game is long enough as is, which is longer then comfort, lol. In apite of the fact that I may play another world again someday I think it's too long and would prefer a shorter version. Ack am losing my point so will leave for now. LOL y'all take care and ENJOY!

The point is not to bash those who did well to win the world, but to point out to those who take our cash every month, that they screwed up...
There has to be a point at which the game can be won, and perhaps with 2 tribes together to the end that is just about acceptable, but 3/4/16? what limits can be seen by this rash action, I saw a post suggesting the world of 52 could end in a week if everyone agreed to unite as an alliance, what is to stop then doing tribal hugs on that scale?... certainly not the people who run this game, they are only interested in how many are paying for this game

for your latter comment I too agree the rounds are too long. Until recently there was no way to win a world, as inno had not considered it before, but I have suggested before that 2 years should be about the maximum for a round, and others have echoed that, perhaps its time they got off their fat pay checks and made sure rounds were fixed time in future.


I have nothing against alliances, because alliances are needed and spice this game up in the diplomacy department. Whether they last for 2 weeks against a common enemy or if it's 'till the end of days and the two tribes are the only ones left, I do not mind.

But they're temporary constructs. There should only be one tribe left in the end.

This alliance obviously hasn't been temporary. And I do not like the implications of this decision by the TW-team. It sets a bad precedence in what it opens up and allows for.

@TW-Team: why do you even bother with member limits in tribes? You might as well make the limit 400 players, or without limitations.

I agree 100%


yeaaa!!!! allying with everyone is great, guys every tribe should form and ally in w53 so we can achieve world domination in less than a week. WHOS IN!!!


I'm becoming a little worried about the new blood arriving in TW.

Fail. So many ways, fail.

Tribal hugs wins Tribal Wars and shame to those on W18 that allow this to happen. Did the nasty man attack you? Did he use both axes and Cav?? You are an embarrassment.


Pains me to say this, but...

Come back when -WE-'s ODA is at least half of Apoc's. MM (who, in their prime, were considered among the best in TW), who's been dead for about a year, has a better ODA.


Ummm, I think almost all the people I have seen posting were busy winning other older worlds. The ones that fight rather than hug to win.

Hell your tribes are half the size of ours in points and villages.

Yes, but look at the barbarian village conquer difference.

WE has taken 24,339 barbs. Apoc has taken 3,068. BA has taken 3,311. Apoc-F has taken 1,518. Apoc-N has taken 2,875.


-WE- = 24,339

APOC And Co. = 10,772


-WE- = 121,429

APOC And Co. = 129,028


-WE- = 18.9%

APOC And Co. = 8.3%

You guys are the ones that are hugging. How many more barbs are you gonna take to cushion your k's? Thats pathetic. You're the hugger, barb nobler.
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Just when I was starting to hate Plarin, he goes and posts something like this...and totally redeems himself!!!


Everything else has been said already. I'd only submit that people who continue to give their cash to InnoGames have my sympathies.
Also, the people who come here to complain about an alliance being named winners of the world merely prove their ignorance of the history of W18.

Carry on your flaming...
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Thank you....I guess. I'm guessing I know what the hate part is about. I suppose that is viable. Glad to have you back on my side, though.



Pains me to say this, but...

Come back when -WE-'s ODA is at least half of Apoc's. MM (who, in their prime, were considered among the best in TW), who's been dead for about a year, has a better ODA.

You should probably have looked at the details before posting this. OD on World 7 is determined based on farm space, which is a clear number that anyone can look at and get an idea of how aggressive (or defensive), a particular player is. OD on World 18 is worked out based on an arbitrary points system which works out to be some significantly higher number for the same number of troops killed.

So unless you have the key to how many points each unit you kill is worth, it's pretty pointless attempting to compare one to the other.


The key doesn't matter if you don't have record of which troops that you did kill. But yes, it is pointless to compare. I agree with that.


Yes, but look at the barbarian village conquer difference.

WE has taken 24,339 barbs. Apoc has taken 3,068. BA has taken 3,311. Apoc-F has taken 1,518. Apoc-N has taken 2,875.

And they also did it with nearly a year's head-start, *and* a 50% higher tribe limit.
W7: 10 May 2007, 150 member tribes
W18: 7 April 2008, 100 member tribes