The Book of Classic


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The Book of Classic is back!
I have only you to look to, sir, and if you will clear my name of this false accusation, then I will worship you as one man never yet worshipped another. But if you fail me, then I give you my solemn promise that I will rope myself up, this day month, to the bar of my windows, and from that time on I will come to plague you in your dreams if ever yet one man was able to come back and to haunt another.
- Lionheart360 (Fake news peepz)
Okay, people: Some of you might know the concept, other might not. TOO BAD! Nah, jk <3 2 classics back I wrote the first Book of Classic, and now its time for the 2nd. Well, tecnicaly I didn't finish the 1st due to me being a complete potato and loosing fast xD. I'll keep adding chapters as long as Im in the game - so pliz noble me fast.

This is a thread where I'm posting world updates as the world develops. I will present some objective facts, so new players can get a real picture of the world situation - maybe helping them understand the development a bit more. Moving on I'll always add some subjective thoughts, inviting to discussion and arguments in the thread: "The Book of Classic - comment section". I am not able to keep anyone from posting in this thread rather than the comment section, but would strongly reccomend everyone to help us all keep this thread clean as it wil be easier to navigate through the chapters later on without all comments here. It will also allow people to put on notification on this thread if they wish, without getting notified everytime someone comments, but just when a new chapter is posted <3.

Some chapters I will also reach out to other players to get some comments from them to help make the book more rich. Some of you will be more than happy to answer me, others couldn't bother less. Both is fine. This is simply a book for people to read if they want, and to join with thoughts if they have something they want to add. I can not promise updates all the time, as I do run an acount myself, study and (believe it or not) have some sort of life outside tw. I will though try to write 1-2 chapters each week the first weeks, and decline some based on the world activity.

I hope it will be appreaciated as an addition to the public forum, but as always its your activity in the comment thread thats gonna make this book worth reading.

For now I hope everyone is doing well. The startup is a race against the clock to gain as big advantage on your enemies as possible. The big question still remains: Whats the best strat gonna be this world? Troop focus, pit rush or acadeny rush? Let me know your thoughts!

Lets hype this book up to the max, so everyone gets dissapointed when I post 1st chapter pliz! Thanks <3

- Konrax

PS: I take no precaitions that my writing is perfect. Pliz note that some spelling errors with occur, just like I sometimes misspell Spoon with "Noob". It can happen anyone :)


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Chapter 1 - The reason grass appears greener on the other side is because it is probably fake.

“Well hello there!” – Obi Wan

Welcome to the first chapter boyz and garls! I hope everyone is ready for a big disapointment. JK, my book is awsome! The startup is getting more and more interesting each day, and Ill try to break down some basicks now in the first chapter. If you don’t care about the basic breakdowns, there are some juicy gossip further down (*Clickbait much*)

There are different starts you can use when a new world starts. You can push troops, push pits or a combination. You will also sooner or later have to decide when you want to push for acadamy. Here are my thoughts on the different strats according to this world and these specific settings. Note that other world have other settings and might need other approaches.

Pushing troops: This strat is maybe one of the more successful, specially if you are in a rough area. Having troops will allow you to protect yourself when the beginners protection runs out. Most people have already discovered this as the BP ran out some days ago. No matter if you push off or def, you will be able to defend yourself. Def will allow for stacks, off will allow for backtimes. When that’s said – most of the top 25 players after 1 week pushed off. This allowes them to be more aggfressive taking out potential threaths before they attack them. You will also be more able to farm players, which are having higher pits than barbs and produce more ress. The only downside is that you will have some losses when clearing player, but in most cases this tends to get payed off by the farming afterwards. I persoiinally recommend pushing off almost all the time if you are an active player, with 1 or more Coi to keep the account active 24/7. You wil then be able to keep farming all days which will in most cases be worth the expences.

Pushing pits: Pushing pits is never wrong as it gives you a basic income no matter online or not. I think this strat fits better for accounts where you are not able to play 24/7, but at this classic, where the pit production is at x4.26667, high pits will allow for a huge income either way. I don’t know how much more or less you can make if you just push pits, but in most cases, if you just push pits, you will be easy targets for other players that have pushed off. This will often result in you constantly being attacked. If you want to push pits I highly recommend making some basic defence aswell – but for most of the players this is relevant for, I fear they have already experience the downside of no troops xD

Combination: I really like this strat on this world. The pit production is so high pushing pits might be more worth as you get the income without risking loosing troops farming. But, having a small army besides you either use to defend or use to farm on the side seems to be the right strat. You will always find some good players to farm with ok pits and little troops. These can easlily be cleared and used for farming which will bring a good extra income.

Pushing acadamy: I personally don’t push aca before I have high pits, almost no matter my army size. This is because I like to have the basic income to be high. There are 2 reasons for this: 1. I don’t loose much if there are some hours I am afk. 2. If I try to noble someone and I looose a lot of my lc, I still have a high basic income which inm some way can make up for the farmn I will loose while a rebuild my lc army. But, if you are guaranteed a 2nd villa straight away – maybe you have found an easi target – then pushing aca early will alow you to start the protuction of pits and troops in this villa earlier. This will all be based on psotition, situation and luck.

Okay, the short explenations above is more relevant for new players. Lets go have a look at some rankings and stats. Note that all screenshots of the rankins where taken 10.02.2021 15:25 st. So rankings might have changed when you read this.

Here we see the total troops on the world. This have not much analytic value, but in early game it can be used to estimate your enemy’s armies. Like now, we can see there are almost no mounted archers on the world, which might make it more worth for def players to push extra for archers. Note that people might start building MA quickly if they scout you and see lots of archers. We can also see that there does not exist any noble men either, which mean there are no one able to noble you atm. This can quickly change, and I recommend everyone to keep checking twstats to check how much close enemies rise in points. If you ever see a point raise on 512, then you know they have built their academy.


Player ranks: Here we have the currently top 25 players. Well done on making the list! When that’s said, we have seen the last day, and we know the coming days, that changes will happen fast on this list. A lot of points indicate a strong village, but it does not indicate whether you have a lot of troops. There might be some of these players having a poor defence, which might be crucial in some days where we are going to see the first wars take place. I personally have seen some of the players before, but there are a lot of players I have not seen before as well. They might use new account names or simply just new players to me. Either way it will be exciting to watch them during the development these next days. Points alone might indicate high pits and a pit rush. Combining player ranks with the loot rank will give a better view of people’s strategy and total results.


If you can spot any top players on top looter rank as well, then you can assume they are overall a strong account as they have a strong villa and a strong army they use actively for farming. Lionheart360, who dominates both ranks might be the biggest threat as for now. He will most likely be that player who will noble 5 villas first, both due to a big villa, but also do to lots of troops he can use to smash enemies. Nearby players should start retaliating and prepare for impact, but there is no denying this player has done well so far on this world! Ujkan on the other hand, who is rank 2 player, but not top 25 looter, might have a strong villa with high pits, but less troops on the other hand. Maybe an easy target? Who knows, send scouts if you wanna find out xD (Not that I am provoking any attacks). There are some players on the top looter rank though that has been banned. I know includes Mr.Eggman, and some other players. I don’t know the reason, but I suspect they broke some rules when gaining their high loot scores. Justice seemes to be served, and the the team once again show they properly are following up on concerns from the community regarding breach of rules.

Keep it clean everyone and we will have an awesome classic!


Here we have the top 25 tribes. These rankings tend to stand more still, but as the first wars develop, we will start to see changes here too. There are a lot of interesting tribes on the rankings, and it looks like we are going to have hell of a world in front of us! Goocci setting the standard at rank 1 with 28k, while Smash in rank 2 is on 24k, closely followed by FrMa in rank 3. The top tribes seem to be quite split among the 4 continents, and we will most likely see several wars going on in each continent at the same time, the coming days. Question still remains whether the best strat will be to stay neutral as long as possible, or go aggressive on big opponents risking high losses, but also possible gain lots of big villas to conquer. Duck, Goocci, Crazy, NSFW and YTPM seems all to be going hard on the offence already. This is just in the early farming period, but it will be interesting to see if they will keep this aggressiveness going, or take a step back and become more neutral for the first wars.

Shoutout to The humble guy, our YouTube guru. He makes updates each day on his progress. Some of his thoughts can be interesting and useful for players a bit unsure about the world state, but he mainly focuses on K44 where he and his tribes YTPM and YTPM-B are located. I think there is a YTPM-S as well? Anyway: .

There as been some discussion on the public discord server about rule breachers and bots, as I mentioned some under the looting rank comments. To me it seems like the team are taking these matters seriously, and they recommend people that experience any shady stuff to send in a ticket. Important though to not abuse the ticket system, but if you have any concern, I am of that opinion that the .net team are valuing tickets like this (Pliz love me JawJaw! Just see how I praise you guys like Gods!). Some people have already been banned, so it seems like there has been some rule breachers on the world, but hopefully they are all taken care of now and we can move on to the real problem at hands: Which tribes are going to declare the first war?

I would assume NSFW are going to get quite aggressive as soon as their top player Lionheart360 reaches academy. Maybe the first war will be between YTPM and NSFW as they both seems quite aggressive. What will be the deciding factor? 1 Strong tribe like NSFW, or 3 brother-tribes like YTPM? More players, but as support can only be restricted to your own tribes, brother-tribes and allies are only good for a combined offence.

In the end I would like to thank everyone that are cheering for this book. I will go more in-depth as soon as wars starts to break loose. Now it’s not much happening other than the excitement on following the loot rankings! Hopefully, someone* starts a big war soon

*Duck Army

Not in the public discord server yet? Damn you live in 2016. Come join us here in 2021:

Edit: ujkank and lukjackm both has academy now - whatch out!

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Chapter 2 - 12 days of bi*ching - 88 more to come

Chapter 2 guys - a bit later than I first planned, but as I went to visit my gf for valantines things get a little delayed. Im now staying up while she is sleeping to get the next chapter out - so hopefully its worth it (I doubt it tho, but everything for you guys <3).

A LOT has happened the past days. The world has only been running for 12 days, maybe 13 by the time I get this posted - and maaaan its been a lot of drama. Not like big scale drama yet, but you know its gonna be a lot of drama this world when we at day 1 start crying about bots and cheaters in the public discord xD We have also experienced the top players starting the noble race, and top 25 have got some new names to look out for!

Like I said in the last chapter - it seems like the team are working a lot to find and punnish cheaters. The biggest news tho since last time is the ban on Lionhearts360, as most of you probably know about. The number 1 player got banned - which opens up for others to take his place. The reason for the ban i dont know, but I know it didn't take long before he was unbanned again - so they probably found out a permaban was not suitable for this case. Big drama alert: After a ban is "deleted" it is 24 hours before the player can log into his account again - but the account can be attacked during this period. While this happened his own tribe rimmed his village and nobled it. Thats what you can call a real backstabb! I did talk some with his tribe about this, and a player from that tribe has also posted their reasons in the public discord some days ago. Long story short - his says they did not like some of his playstyle / some scenrios that had occurd the previous days. Based on this they decided they wanted to take him when he couldn't defend himself. I also got the feeling they still belive he is cheating, but I personally dont feel like this is a reason worth to evaluate as the team are in a way better position to evaluate this - and when a player is unbanned he is either found not guilty or have served his punishment with the time he has been banned. Concidering their other reasons its really hard for me to decide if its fair or not fair - but on general basis I think its a bit weak and childish to take a player that cant defend himself due to these circumstances (not talking about afk players). I guess they are just a bit affraid of the player maybe? Its the smartest way to get rid of him, I will admit that. Probably the easiest way with the fewest losses. But again, a bit of a dickmove if you ask me ://

Anyway, kudos to Lionheart360 I guess for appearing so good his own tribe fears him so much they have to take on him when he is banned and cant get support due to support only limited to tribemates... On the other side, if Lionheart did something his tribemates did not aproove of I understand their actions on dismissing him and nobling him - but maybe a bit disrespect to do this when he was not able to defend himself?

On other notes: We have a new rank 1 player: No you?
Leading with over 1.5k on the 2nd place. I think he was the first player with 5 villages? Anyway - good job taking over the new rank 1, but it seems like competition is getting hard, so will be interesting to keep an eye on how your rankings change over the next days - if it changes? ;)

Here is the top 25 players - screen taken 15.02.2021 21:35st


I think Gooccie is the tribe with most players in the top 25 - 5 players from same tribe! Impressive. When thats said, their top player, PulsR is only rank 7 - so still not dominating quite so well yet. Other than this it seems like a lot of different tribes has at least 1 player among top 25, and important to keep in mind that the top 25 is constantly changing as this point. FrMA with 3 players, SU and ZFP with 2 players at this point. All representing tribes to look out for - Lets go have a closer look at the situation from tribes perspective:

Here is the top 25 tribes - screen taken 15.02.2021 21:40st


Gooccie on the top. SU comming in hard on 2nd place and FrMA on 3rd. LiBiH and WL following close behind. All as expected from the player rankings. Tribe rankings are close to player rankings as they indicate how many of top players are in same tribes, but in the end most players on top 25 does not mean you have most point. FrMA has more top 25 players than SU for instance - this means that SU maybe have more top 100 players than FrMA. Keeping updated on both rankings are smart. There is also several other parts of the rankings its important to keep an eye on: OD rankings and continent rankings. I will give you a very short comparison between top 10 tribes and their OD stats to give you a view on the actual situation (Stats pulled 15.02.2021 21:50st):

1 Goocci114.661ODA: 137kODD: 50kTotal OD rank: 3
2 SU101.071ODA: 107kODD: 16kTotal OD rank: 13
3 FrMa95.402ODA: 148kODD: 8kTotal OD rank: 6
4 LiBiH93.083ODA: 75kODD: 11kTotal OD rank: 29
5 WL90.484ODA: 112kODD: 9k
Total OD rank: 14
6 EICHEL84.296ODA: 143kODD: 29k
Total OD rank: 4
7 ZFP84.136ODA: 103kODD: 31k
Total OD rank: 10
8 Smash80.805ODA: 137kODD: 18k
Total OD rank: 7
9 NSFW78.942ODA: 121kODD: 23k
Total OD rank: 9
10 Black476.308ODA: 19kODD: 4k
Total OD rank: 81

As you can see none of the top10 tribes are rank 1 OD - for the facts thats the DUCK tribe which is at tribe rank 11 atm.
Another observation is how most top 10 tribes get their biggest OD from ODA stats. This is where you see how the aggressive tribes often gain the advantage, as I talked some about in chapter 1. If you end up just defending you as a player and your tribe will most likely get hurt more than the attacker.
ALso important to say that high OD often also means high losses. Black4 has managed rank 10 with almost no troops defeated - which also means almost no units lost. Maybe this tribe will come out from the dark with the biggest troopcount among all tribes and run over their next target? Or maybe they all are pointwhores? xD Time will show I guess, but their OD stats is a small joker in these stats and will be very interesting to see if they have saved their troops and will shoot up the rankings - or just keep playing it safe.

Normally I would have ended the chapter here, but since you had to wait a bit longer than expected for this chapter I will throw in a bonus section. Note that chapter 3 also might come a bit later, but Ill try to work on it to be out during the beginning of the weekend.

The continent wars are soon to be expected to take form. Its well-known that the first big wars will take place withing each continent, or in some cases on the continent boarders depending on tribe locations. Lets have a short look at each continent as they stand right now. Im just doing the top 10 tribes as tribes further down are quite small. Im not saying they wont be having any impact, but we are looking at the big league right now xD

All stats are pulled 15.02.2021 22:05st


In K44 we see NSFW, the youtubers and Black4 dominate. FUBAR is a tribe ranked globally at rank 21 followed by IM at global rank 20. The reasons some tribes do not rank over others on continent rankings, while they do globally is simply that they have players in sveral continents. Like EICHEL is ranked over both NSFW and YTPM-B globally, but they dont have all their members in K44. They actually have some players in all the continents as they are located dead center on the map (black dots).

Where EICHEL will have their next war will be interesting to see as its a big chance they might get ganged on by several tribes at once. For the rest of K44 I find it most reasonable for NSFW and Black4 to ally against the youtube tribes as they are several tribes. This to make the war most fair. How the doplomacy is in this K I dont know, but I feel like the yourube tribes have the highground when it comes to picking parters as I would assume its good for anyone to ally with them atm concidering how big they are together - if everyone does not gang up against them tho? Interesting continent to whatch, but not the most intence I think.


FrMa with a fair lead on the other tribes. Here we also see DUCK not having all their members in the same continent. I still think maybe FrMa and DUCK will be the main tribes fighting in this continent, where I guess they will try get some of the smaller tribes like burro and WL as allies - but they might just ally and eat the small tribes for now. In the end I suspect there will be a fight against them determaning the king of K45 - but maybe a smaller tribe at this stage are gonna climb up and surprise?


K54 is maybe the continent filled with more of the higher ranked tribes? I think the comming wars in this continent might be a bit more intence than the others, as we have Goocci, ZFP and Crazy! close together - also having SU in the east and EICHEL towards the center. NBD and Roar! also comming in strong in this continent. How the diplomacy develpos here and who initiates the first war against another tribe will be interesting to see. The most interesting part is maybe to see if there will develop a 1v1v1 war against the top 3 or of 2 will gang up against 1. Also interesting to see if tribes from any of the continent boarders wil come join the war or if they are having enough fighting in other continents.


Last K we see Smash domination with 2 of their tribes at rank 2 and 3. I think there are more of these smash-tribes aswell? Still, LiBiH holding the top rank in this continent. Usually quality beats quantity, but at early stages more players tends to have a more firepower than even good players can handle. And as I know little about either of these tribes I dont know if LiBiH consists of better players than Smash or not, but Smash seems to have a tiny better positioning than LiBiH if they are going at eachother soon. Maybe LiBiH will prove me wrong? I sure hope so as I dont wanna fight a 4 tribe enemy later that as grown more xD. I would recommend LiBiH to find a sdtrong ally tho to stand with them if SMash launches as them - or maybe LiBiH and Smash should just ally and go eat the other tribes? SU also have like ish 60% of their members in this continent. Im excited to see if they are gonna fight in K54, K55 or maybe just go kamikaze at both the continents?

Edit: I now see that LiBiH might also have an acadamy tribe "LIBIH2". So maybe they can keep the doplomacy within their own tribes afterall?

As there has not started any big wars yet, that I know of - its always hard to predict the exact wars comming. Hopefully some more action happens before I write chapter 3 so we can get some more action to review. But as most tribes want a lot of food to eat its fair to assume they will be looking for targets shortly. If they wanna try to go up against a bigger neighbour in the attampt to get bigger villages to eat, or if they wanna go more safe and target smaller tribes in the attampt to get villages a lower troop cost, will be inetersting to see in the comming days. Normally people like to eat easy early on, as big troop losses often results in a big setback - but as the speed is so high on this world people might just calculate that higher losses migh be worth the bigger villages they possibly get to noble.

As always I hope everyone is staying safe during the pandemic - if there is a time to play tw I would say its now xD I think we will se a lot more high-ranked account this world than previous classics - also inviting for bigger wars later on concisting of 4-6 big tribes. I think it will be a fun world, and I'll try to cover as much of the events as I can - but its always limited how much information Im able to gain.

I will most likely start sending some of you some mails in-game with some questions to help me get a better overview on the world. Somehow like a short interview. Its completely up to you to answer or not - I respect and understand if you dont want to answer. I will keep all information annonymous if you share some juicy gossip and I will open up for you to give me very general answers not going to deep into your or your tribe's situation. Im not trying to uncover very sencitive information, but if anyone feel like sharing super sencitive information (real or fake) - to start roumers, feel free. I will emphasize that the given information is from a 3rd party, so people understand everything is not 100% true, but a little gosspi and roumers always help spice up the world.

In chapter 3 you can expect me to look more into each continent - and maybe som top player interviews will start to appear aswell...?

I encourage all tribes to start wars with eachother - for the sake of the book! But the big questions we won't know for sure before we are comming out of the first round of wars - will those who went up against the bigger or the smaller tribes come out as winners? Is the higher loss of troops worth the bigger villages? Or maybe you should just stay neutral and farm barbs?

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