the empire expands to the outer Rim

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Shahyd awoke, looked over the empire he had assembled of the leftovers, rejects the dejected souls remaining from the collapse of TRI. I approached him for a friendly chat.

It was a nice morning the mood was positive, only one thing to do.

[07/11/2009 23:56:10] jamie_red: am around now, what's new
[07/11/2009 23:56:35] al haji rasul al masiha: we merged some members of tgtbtu
[07/11/2009 23:56:41] al haji rasul al masiha: more tri refugees
[07/11/2009 23:56:43] al haji rasul al masiha: :)
[07/11/2009 23:56:51] jamie_red: cool :D [/spoil]

With the new found power of these new members, the conversation turned to diplomacy.

[spoil][00:30:55] jamie_red: why are u interested?
[00:31:13] al haji rasul al masiha: cuz i heard you wanted an NAP with ~*S*~
[00:31:20] al haji rasul al masiha: or your mates did
[00:31:27] al haji rasul al masiha: and i thought, no way
[00:31:27] al haji rasul al masiha: lol
[00:31:36] al haji rasul al masiha: but then everybody tells me you are allied to rim tribes
[00:31:48] jamie_red: we have 25 allies
[00:31:56] al haji rasul al masiha: WOW!
[00:32:04] al haji rasul al masiha: you really are like the consortium
[00:32:06] jamie_red: what's wrong with that?
[00:32:07] al haji rasul al masiha: except they are dead
[00:32:16] al haji rasul al masiha: thought you did not like family tribes?
[00:32:29] jamie_red: We have 4 family tribes
[00:32:34] al haji rasul al masiha: wow
[00:32:35] jamie_red: but no-one knows who they are ;)
[00:32:39] al haji rasul al masiha: lol
[00:32:56] al haji rasul al masiha: so does that mean you want an NAP?[/spoil]

Both parties felt as though a NAP was insufficient, so the next offer was made.

[spoil][00:33:13] jamie_red: how about family?
[00:33:22] al haji rasul al masiha: hmmm
[00:33:29] al haji rasul al masiha: can i get back to you?
[00:33:39] al haji rasul al masiha: had not considered this
[00:33:52] al haji rasul al masiha: honestly thought i was talking kind of crazy
[00:34:17] al haji rasul al masiha: i thought you'd tell me i was nuts
[00:34:26] al haji rasul al masiha: if you're serious
[00:34:35] al haji rasul al masiha: i might be interested[/spoil]

The next envitable step was hatching plans for world domination.

[Spoil][00:36:37] jamie_red: before long, we could hug the world?
[00:36:38] al haji rasul al masiha: except the other 25?
[00:37:05] jamie_red: I was going abit wild with the 25, its only 14 really
[00:37:11] jamie_red: you would be 15
[00:37:18] al haji rasul al masiha: cool
[00:37:54] jamie_red: then we can noble all the little barbs on the rim and core and then build up for acouple of months
[00:38:01] jamie_red: get all tribes strong
[00:38:28] jamie_red: really strong and then the leaders pick which tribes they want to be with and we have one big fight at the end?
[00:38:43] jamie_red: end of world agreement, something that i been planning for awhile now
[00:39:12] al haji rasul al masiha: :)
[00:39:35] jamie_red: That a yes, you are interest ? only if your council members or leaders are?
[00:40:15] al haji rasul al masiha: i have to think about it a minute, i am definitely interested, just did not expect this at all
[00:40:37] al haji rasul al masiha: i was thinking about a possible nap and maybe some idea what your stance was with xvi
[00:40:50] al haji rasul al masiha: this is totally out of the blue
[00:41:08] al haji rasul al masiha: let me smoke and get back to you in a few minutes
[00:42:25] jamie_red: Yes, no problem mate, take your time.
[01:05:16] al haji rasul al masiha: we are deliberating though i think there is already a clear consensus to agree[/spoil]

So from humble beginnings

[01:15:35] al haji rasul al masiha: this is my first world
[01:15:47] al haji rasul al masiha: when i joined, i was inactive for the first week[01:16:07] al haji rasul al masiha: when i logged back on after a week, i did not know to restart
[01:16:12] al haji rasul al masiha: total noob
[01:16:21] al haji rasul al masiha: when i was attacked by a bigger village the first time
[01:16:24] al haji rasul al masiha: i didn't know to dodge
[01:16:29] al haji rasul al masiha: lol
[01:16:36] al haji rasul al masiha: still
[01:16:46] al haji rasul al masiha: i eeventually became a feared player in my area
[01:18:06] al haji rasul al masiha: the first guy who attacked
[01:18:11] al haji rasul al masiha: when i did not know to dodge
[01:18:24] al haji rasul al masiha: guess he is a big old world player
[01:18:26] jamie_red: which player is that?
[01:18:32] al haji rasul al masiha: gabopanda09 was his name here
[01:18:41] al haji rasul al masiha: gabo the great i think they call him
[01:18:49] al haji rasul al masiha: in whatever world he started in
[01:21:54] al haji rasul al masiha: on twstats
[01:22:06] al haji rasul al masiha: they thought i was pyschic or something
[01:22:16] al haji rasul al masiha: so nearly everybody i talked to joined
[01:22:32] al haji rasul al masiha: that is how i used twstats to create this tribe
[01:22:58] al haji rasul al masiha: that and the 50k od i had from my 2k village
[01:23:03] al haji rasul al masiha: lol
[01:23:15] al haji rasul al masiha: that really impressed the rim players at the time
[01:23:26] al haji rasul al masiha: i had only 200 points
[01:23:31] al haji rasul al masiha: but it showed my od as 50k [/spoil]

So from those humble beginnings Solstice was formed, which later became....



And so the plans were finalised

[spoil][03:03:29] jamie_red: yes, we could clear up the noobs, eat the barbs then wen the end of world fight war, we would be together then
[03:03:38] jamie_red: long as we have active players
[03:03:52] al haji rasul al masiha: we will have active players
[03:04:25] jamie_red: we need to eat about 30 barbs each within the month, so we have a cluster, so we can noble in heart of our enemie and stack and hit from there
[03:04:33] jamie_red: so are you totally in on this
[03:04:43] jamie_red: i don't want tomorrow, u say no
[03:04:55] al haji rasul al masiha: you will see our name change, my mates in DVADER will confirm postitive relations between us?
[03:05:33] al haji rasul al masiha: if you are serious the world is ours[/spoil]

The latest branch of the DVADER empire. Not even Gabo the Great can destroy this alliance.

(You should only believe this if you are as gullable as Shahyd)


First Post Reservation....

Please hold....

Holy crap dude.... You're almost as bad as me with manipulating the noobs. XD I love the take on a PnP; I've never seen one chalk full of sarcasm like this. It's an awesome declaration. Thank you for giving some hope to the w36 PnP scene. ^^
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Now many peeps who said Dvader didn't do PnP can quiet down.... lolz

Deleted User - 4669627

What's REALLY Funny!

what's really funny is how DVADER nobles our inactives while we noble their actives

what's really funny is how the top tribe, needs the #2 tribe (and the former #5 tribe they merged with) as its ally to take on the #6 tribe

what's really funny is how there is still no progress made

what's really funny is that Jamiered thinks THIS is funny
how so jr.?

i would say the real joke is on you mate, or rather YOU are the real joke

guess time will tell whether DVADER can conquer more from its academy tribe than their academy tribe can conquer form the top ranked tribe

of course, DVADER will have help from the #2 tribe (and the former #5 tribe they merged with) so, it should not be a problem for 200 points to conquer less than 20 million?

the fact that you mention us in the externals and try to make us look weak is weak on your part mate

we have no academy tribe mate, you are the top ranked tribe and have multiple academies and the world knows it mate
in fact, who wants to list them? it would be a long list and a lot of work, wouldn't it jr.?

we did not change our name because we believed you mate, though we would not be your first academy or even your fifth
we did it to make the other tribes wonder, but you went and destroyed ALL the fun

anyway, enough idle chit-chat, enough games, let's get to nobling, genetlemen start the clock.
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Deleted User - 4669627

what's REALLY REALLY funny is how DVADER's Duke makes jokes while his mates make personal ceasefires

THAT is really funny

maybe, i will show the showspoilers?
what do you think jr.?


what's really funny ....

is the stability of shahyd's mind and how he is willing to do anything to save himself (i was going to let this fly, but the mention of xvi prompted my response)

here is shahyd's initial communicae w/ me:

Shahyd on 05.11. at 04:36

i included Klan because they do have some presence in the southwest corner, are of particular concern to you and have a key position in regards to DVADER

i never noticed till just now how weak DVADER appears in k63, as if a knife could be driven in that would split them there tribe in half
[offering their services to declare war on dvd?... hmmm]

Shahyd on 05.11. at 04:39

i expect us to virtually vacate k51 within the week, at which time our player whose core is in the area will likely be dismissed and easily nobled out by your mates [thanks, thatll make it easy for us]

and so some ppl send attacks at the freebies, is anyone really surprised? and then i get this:

cista.desetka on 05.11. at 10:03
Command Destination Origin arrival time Arrival in
Attack Stronghold 1.2.0 (157|564) K51 mbv16818 today at 10:28 0:26:08
[blah blah blah... i wont bore anyone w/ the list of attacks]

MvvM on 05.11. at 10:05
why did you send me this? [no really, why?]

cista.desetka on 05.11. at 10:08
you see mate, i explained [uhm... no you didnt]

you play nice, you prosper
you play like this.... [you still prosper]

well mate, you just don't prosper

see, i told you i would kick this guy
you could have his villages with no resistance [oops, some ppl got over excited, but shows the level of loyalty to his mates and how he takes care of his "mates" accts]

and instead you try to take them by force???? [uhh... nobling is the only way to take villas]

very good then mate, we'll just establish an NAP with DVADER and declare on you instead [really?]

LOADED does not have the reputation of the most skilled players in this neck of the woods and recruiting them into XVI doesn't change their skills [players can learn so yes, recruiting them will change their skills]

:( [turn that frown upside down young man :)]

i had thought the leadership of the number 2 tribe in the world would have more sense than to declare war their very first day in a neighborhood they are unfamiliar with with a tribe that has the respect of every tribe that is familiar with them [why would xvi even care about these noobs]

especially over villages that were GIVEN to you [im lost again]

cannot wait to post this one to the externals, the whole world will have a laugh at this [you dont have to ill do it for you]

Shahyd Sitting

cista.desetka on 05.11. at 10:10
Account sitting log for this account over the last 120 days: 17 days

player hasn't quit mate

no rules violation here
[except the fact that you are gifting his villas thus destroying someone's acct w/o their consent]

i was going to dismiss him for personal reasons [good leadership there]

canceling his attacks, redirecting against our newest neighbor [o_O]

cista.desetka on 05.11. at 10:13
wait till they here that DVADER and XVI, the top two tribes, 160 million + between them had to coordinate, with even LOADED no less, to take care of ~*S*~

LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [i think we're the ones having a good laugh now]

cista.desetka on 05.11. at 10:32
think i'll send this to all your mates and all the folks in LOADED so they can see the quality of their leadership

declaring war over gifted villages

are you a noob? [yes, but youre a bigger noob]

i dont remember declaring war on S, dvdr2 now, or whatever it will be tomorrow, i think youll lose your "hard earned" respect now

better question: how do you declare war when the villas are gifted? <- free pps to anyone that can explain this to me

i am glad i had not coordinated an attack w/ dvd, we wouldnt of had a good laugh

finally, i was unaware dvd was going to post this, i was actually going to post my own funny but ill save it for later :icon_wink:

Deleted User - 4669627

wow, did not expect MvvM to confirm himself that DVADER and XVI and LOADED were all allied against ~*S*~
thanks for the respect mate

again, how weak does it make the top two tribes look when they BOTH openly post on the externals that they are EACH attacking the #6 tribe with the help of the #5 tribe they merged with in order to be in range to attack us?


you know they've a word for you mates, its another name for kittens

what's REALLY REALLY funny is how XVI's Duke makes jokes while his mates make ceasefires for the WHOLE tribeS

what's REALLY REALLY REALLY funny is how the top tribe, the #2 tribe and the #5 tribe they merged with ALL have asked ~*S*~ for ceasefires in the last 48 hours

we have less than 20 million points! you have over 200 million!

P.s. what makes me gullable, if i did believe that DVADER wanted a 16 million point academy, when they ALREADY have several academies with less than 10 million (in addition to their allies in the #2 tribe and #5?

Can anybody spell Family?

I'd like to dedicate this next request to the whole D-V-A-D-E-R-X-V-I-L-O-A-D-E-D-A-F-K-ETC. Family
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old guy

The joke of course is an excellent play by my good mate JamieRed. Beers to you bro :)

The quadruple post by shady guy comes a close second on the laughter scale. Infractions? Who knows.....history would prove that is coming for sure......shards?

But if we follow this story from beginning to end, this is the final last death gasp of TRI.....once 4 family branches now reduced down to just one.

Nice "TRI" shady dood.

You were once chock full of family in 4 branches.....the corner looks small now don't it?

I would be remiss if I didn't mention the XVI blokes who were brought into this by the "shady" person in this thread.

Have a beer on me fellas :)


Yes, nice PnP. The forums could use something like this.


He seems like a likable enough fellow, seems to see positive aspects when there are none.


Ok, you guys have a what?


Apart from that genious bit of PnP if i must say so myself left Shayd looking like a complete and uter fool Bravo james *clap*

Shayd here let me take that shuffle of you, its obvious to everyone in this forum that your incapabilities to adeem yourself after this are non-existant Quad post FTW!

Do you really think we are taking ~*S*~ seriously /Sarcasm/ Yes we are my freind /End of sarcasm/
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Apart from that genious bit of PnP if i must say so myself left Shayd looking like a complete and uter fool Bravo james *clap*

Shayd here let me take that shuffle of you, its obvious to everyone in this forum that your incapabilities to adeem yourself after this are non-existant Quad post FTW!

Do you really think we are taking ~*S*~ seriously /Sarcasm/ Yes we are my freind /End of sarcasm/

It's /facepalm not /facepalm/ :icon_wink:

but yeah, the rest of the post pretty much nailed it :lol:
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Deleted User - 4669627

somebody please explain

i claim they are a family tribe, just like TRI, only much bigger and much less brave, that they have more shared forums and allies than TRI ever had, you all know it and i DO see how that would make us look foolish to stand alone and still call out the top two tribes (and the #5 tribe they merged, and all the little tribes that make up their loveable family)

thing is, nobody denies that THEY are asking US for ceasefires

when i have the top tribe, the second top tribe, the fifth top tribe, ALL asking US for ceasefires, and they do not even deny, how does that make me look foolish?

if i did buy into jr.'s family and wanted to join it myself, why would that be foolish when it is OBVIOUS that they are a family tribe with much weaker members than us? when THEY are asking US for ceasefires.

they have over 200 million points
we have less than 20 million and they even mention us on the externals?
jr. even talks to me?

not sure how i look foolish, if somebody could please explain
am sure how this makes the top tribes look super weak

myself, i was once worried about these tribes, but when they have to ask ME for ceasefires, hard to see what is so serious about them

am pretty sure THEY are the joke and you all just missed it mates
actually, am more certain none of you missed it, but are all friends from 100 worlds ago
and when all the old worlders stick together in the new worlds, are these not just pre-made family tribes?
if not, how not?
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Deleted User - 4669627

"its obvious to everyone in this forum that your incapabilities to adeem yourself after this are non-existant Quad"

launch attacks mate, i have borders with top two tribes (and #5 they merged with) who are allied with shared forums (family) and you think i am scared of what?
launch attacks mate, see why the quintessential old-world family tribe asks ~*S*~ (a rim tribe in their words) for ceasefires
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