The End Of "The Bois Era"

0.2 Percent Nigerian

Contributing Poster
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(This was not proof read, it was wrote off the top of my head sorry if errors and or other dialogue issues; thank you for reading if you did)
As much as every ounce in my body wishes to turn around and pop-off and grind away on this world. Dump unlimited amounts of war propaganda and really deep dive into people's brains and try to manipulate my way out of this whole situation. I've decided that I refuse to step down to that level and push back on this situation.

Instead, I rather leave how things are and call it quits here along with my public future on tribalwars. I've officially logged out of my discord for the last time and hanging up the the whole persona of "Babin". For more than one reason. I might come back and play here and there privately; but I won't be doing it under my name and personal life involved anymore.

With people's private lives being posted on profiles and not a single soul speaking up requesting it to be removed. That's sad. With people's daughters being brought up? That is beyond crossing the line. With people's wife's, girlfriends, boyfriends, AND personal photos being blasted everywhere? Not a single person saying anything until I told people to stop posting Maddrick's real life picture in the discord chat? For what? Why does personal life have to be brought into this game? That's sad. It's sad that a group of people are all afraid to speak out and tell others they're doing wrong because they're afraid of being kicked and internalled for speaking up for what's right in life.

Yahn and Yacob. Y'all were the boys, I looked up to y'all for YEARS. You two are one of the main reasons why I decided it was time to push in real life, I seen y'all making real life moves to better yourselves and I wanted to do better for myself as well. Jon I learned so much from you as a leader, as a roll model, and as a person. Jacob, I learned from you on w104 that we need to stand up for ourselves. Your voice was one of the ones that spoke the loudest to not sit down and be complacent when we were kicked. To fight for what we believed in, right or wrong. It took an army to turn around the position we were in on w104. Stew, Cory, max, garry, maddrick, mo, everyone else that was there for 3day voice calls. I appreciate you all. I realized that friends meant more than the game that world; rage and eddie proved to us that standing up and jumping for what was right (a community of friends); was more important than a badge. I learned so much from so many of you.

Its been nearly 6years since then. I've met so many other people that have been huge assets as friends in those years: Aj, Brage, Rob, people that have been in my real life and know more about my life than any others really. I'm going to miss you all really. I'm going to miss the multiple random people that message daily/weekly/monthly/yearly. I'll remember you all, I'll remember the memories, the time and effort that we all put into this game together. I love you all, I appreciate you all for everything each and everyone of you have done for me and done to teach me to be a better person.

I just want you all to remember this is a game, bringing real life shit into it is never acceptable. I've had my photo blasted on peoples profile pictures. I've had my public information including my business information shared around as ammunition. I rolled with those punches, but not everyone else can/will roll with those punches.

I've watched people that I've personally trained to be able to be accepted into the "Bois" group really just shrug that off after everything. One of them beyond eager to try their "skills" against me. I don't care how good you've got, I care about the companionship. I feel like I failed teaching y'all how to fall in line and be a soldier if you're not even willing to fight for what's right. People that I've been direct with even if they were my enemies, I still showed respect. I've told enemies more information than they needed to know to give them a fair shake.

I've watched those same old enemies now in the "bois group" not willing to take a look back on what really matters in this world. I promise you, the amount of badges that I've got framed up on my wall is zero. These leave, your decisions in life stay with you forever. Its sad, some of you know how it feels to be on the other side of the "bois". But you are to scared to say something to "the bois" in fear that you'll not be apart of them anymore. I promise you, being apart of the "bois" is not worth it. When the "bois" can burn someone after 6years. Thousands of voice calls, thousands of messages, thousands of memories. If the "bois" cant' stand up for you, after all of that? What are the rest of you?

All of these premades have turned into the "popular table at lunch". There's nothing else to it. People fear the names inside the tribe. People sell their souls to join these premades. The premades are what have ruined the game. Everyone says that the community is dying. They're correct, its because of what we've made it. Glorified circle jerks. We all know we know how to play the game. We join these premades to farm "one more win". We try to squash the competition to every avenue possible. We burn people for our amusement. How many of you spoke up to "the bois" for burning that group of flippers from dare? We put the blame on the flippers, because they wanted to leave. Those are real people on the other side of those names. Not a single one of you publicly spoke out, because you didn't want to lose your seat in that next "one more win". Nearly all of you are afraid to lose your places of fame on this game.

Jacob, you made the comment to me about you wished I just messaged you about wanting to kill 50/50 and it would've went down differently. It wasn't 50/50 I had issues with. It was the way that we were acting. It was the way you were acting. It was the way that "the bois" were acting. When did we get lost in the sea of wins from wanting respect from others, to demanding respect from others? Lead by example. Is this the example that "the bois" are? We put people's personal lives on our profiles? We spam other peoples real life photos in a chat? We encourage this behavior? We allow other council members to make fake girl discord accounts to bait and flirt with our own members? For what purpose? Our pure entertainment? Honestly, I think partial of this whole thing was encouraged by you to be able to fight trex, but lets be fair. You don't want to 1v1 trex. You have the opportunity to do so. Use popdonuts account, trex can use my account. Call off your army of sheep and really see who's better. But I think the whole community and yourself knows the answer to this one. Trex, by a mile.

Why would anyone want to be "the bois"? Why would I and or anyone else want to be associated with that behavior?
Jon, you use the excuse that you're not the pilot. I told you this multiple times all world, you're the pilot if you just sit down in that chair and say "stop". The amount of respect that the "bois" have for you is outstanding. You're more passive than I am, (maybe a little to passive lol). but they have and always will listen to you. Pretending like you don't have a say is just as bad as watching it all happen.

Jon & Jacob if y'all really wanted the fight to not happen you'd have came to Liam *and me* and discussed this situation. Y'all wanted this to happen. Y'all wanted another reason for "one more world". I'm not giving it to you. If I fight you, its on my terms. One where real life isn't on the table for y'all to abuse.

For everyone else in 50/50. You're there to play a part. We write "I owe you's" to people that do our dirty deeds for us. We pay you back with a future world win. Once your debts paid, its over. We owe someone else after that, your slot gets filled again next world unless you're in a position that's going to benefit us again. Then we're going to run it back and use you again. Just for our "one more badge". Stop selling yourselves to these premades. You're just encouraging the behavior, the foul play, the disrespect to people on the other side of the screen. I used to be one of the worst ones to use and burn people. The guilt adds up over time. You then either have to make the decision of stepping off that cliff again, or turning over that leaf.

It's very clear the people that have decided to step forward into that realm again, again, and again. When 6years means absolutely nothing to someone. You can only imagine how little 6 months of your time/presence means to these people. You should see how they treat the "whales" in the bois group. Once those funds dry up, the dms dry up too. What can you do for them? Not what can they do for you? Demand this, demand that. When's the last time any of you received a "thank you" for your efforts? How many "thank you" from council have you received for killing their friends of 6years have you got? Now imagine being put in the middle of "the bois" as the scapegoat. They don't care though, send attacks for us or you're next; right? Burn more friends, just for "one more win".

To INNO; make a world where premades aren't allowed. Stop milking the community. Make the game a community again. Stop making tickets have to be answered by upper staff based on how much money an account has spent. There's no reason why a ticket needs to be answered by upper staff because "i spent more". Make the game black and white, no grey areas. Give everyone an even playing field. If people can't make new friends with their neighbors, maybe that's a good thing for awhile on here. It'll rinse out the toxicity as they won't have a group of premades with friends making boosting villages, for each other, and running ramped. People will spend more money if they're having a good time. Stop fishing for premades to dump on a single world to fund the next world. Make no location choosing, make no relocates, make no friend invites. Random spawns. Random placement. Do better inno. End this "bois era". You've milked us all dry. Give us tribalwars back, make it a community again. What's been created with keeping up with adaption of the game has ruined the game. Make worlds last longer, make them bigger, advertise. Y'all know the settings that people like. Make a legit world. Not a funding world. Give us more than one. Make it the norm. Turn HP's into the premade spending worlds. Let those live up to their name. To jawjaw and jirki, I'm sorry for all the shit I stirred over the years for y'all. I think you two would be perfect for running the new era of tribalwars before this game dies on its own sword.

To trex (w65) and liam; y'all have been un-waivered bois from the start. I know at times we talked mad shit about each other over sleep deprived drama and differences on leadership styles etc. Love y'all honestly.

Everyone else. Do better, speak up for the little people. Stop feeding the beast of "the bois".

I hope that the mark I left on this community was an overall positive outlook over the years, I hope that people learned from me just as much as I learned from you all.

I'm quitting and I'm sad. Learn from our mistakes so that y'all can do better than we did while we ran the worlds.

Any questions or concerns, keep them to yourself this time lol.
~Love Babin. <3

Gandon Jr

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With people's private lives being posted on profiles and not a single soul speaking up requesting it to be removed. That's sad. With people's daughters being brought up? That is beyond crossing the line. With people's wife's, girlfriends, boyfriends, AND personal photos being blasted everywhere? Not a single person saying anything until I told people to stop posting Maddrick's real life picture in the discord chat? For what? Why does personal life have to be brought into this game? That's sad. It's sad that a group of people are all afraid to speak out and tell others they're doing wrong because they're afraid of being kicked and internalled for speaking up for what's right in life.
Ur co player Liam was the one who Doxed Maddrick so thats kinda funny
I've watched those same old enemies now in the "bois group" not willing to take a look back on what really matters in this world. I promise you, the amount of badges that I've got framed up on my wall is zero. These leave, your decisions in life stay with you forever. Its sad, some of you know how it feels to be on the other side of the "bois". But you are to scared to say something to "the bois" in fear that you'll not be apart of them anymore. I promise you, being apart of the "bois" is not worth it. When the "bois" can burn someone after 6years. Thousands of voice calls, thousands of messages, thousands of memories. If the "bois" cant' stand up for you, after all of that? What are the rest of you?
Let's pretend u didnt get preferential treatment the entire world, untill u got yeeted
Jacob, you made the comment to me about you wished I just messaged you about wanting to kill 50/50 and it would've went down differently. It wasn't 50/50 I had issues with. It was the way that we were acting. It was the way you were acting. It was the way that "the bois" were acting. When did we get lost in the sea of wins from wanting respect from others, to demanding respect from others? Lead by example. Is this the example that "the bois" are? We put people's personal lives on our profiles? We spam other peoples real life photos in a chat? We encourage this behavior? We allow other council members to make fake girl discord accounts to bait and flirt with our own members? For what purpose? Our pure entertainment? Honestly, I think partial of this whole thing was encouraged by you to be able to fight trex, but lets be fair. You don't want to 1v1 trex. You have the opportunity to do so. Use popdonuts account, trex can use my account. Call off your army of sheep and really see who's better. But I think the whole community and yourself knows the answer to this one. Trex, by a mile.
Back with the 1v1 comments, and likes (u really think anyone would let u leave on a high horse after the stuff u pulled and how u been acting all world?)
Jon & Jacob if y'all really wanted the fight to not happen you'd have came to Liam *and me* and discussed this situation. Y'all wanted this to happen. Y'all wanted another reason for "one more world". I'm not giving it to you. If I fight you, its on my terms. One where real life isn't on the table for y'all to abuse.
Talking to Liam is like talking to a brick wall u of all People should know that, and u aint any better. all u say is 1v1 me, but u let 50 of ur nukes get backdated ^^
For everyone else in 50/50. You're there to play a part. We write "I owe you's" to people that do our dirty deeds for us. We pay you back with a future world win. Once your debts paid, its over. We owe someone else after that, your slot gets filled again next world unless you're in a position that's going to benefit us again. Then we're going to run it back and use you again. Just for our "one more badge". Stop selling yourselves to these premades. You're just encouraging the behavior, the foul play, the disrespect to people on the other side of the screen. I used to be one of the worst ones to use and burn people. The guilt adds up over time. You then either have to make the decision of stepping off that cliff again, or turning over that leaf.
Two Faced coming from a guy that has pressured council all world for force internals around your cluster xd
To trex (w65) and liam; y'all have been un-waivered bois from the start. I know at times we talked mad shit about each other over sleep deprived drama and differences on leadership styles etc. Love y'all honestly.
Trex the guy who vpn`s 10 acounts at the same time, the guy that has 50 Discord profiles to try and get people`s pw and ruin their acounts?
Liam the guy that has not done anything the entire world but be a ass to anyone around him?
I hope that the mark I left on this community was an overall positive outlook over the years, I hope that people learned from me just as much as I learned from you all.
The Mark u left on this game, is that ur not to be trusted, that u would backstab and try to sabotage anyone even your own boys
Kisses and Hugs <3
Reaction score
people on Tw2 probs dont know ya yet go spill ur shit there

Oh right, your account was the one leaking the pictures anyway, so.. Stop playing the victim for once in ur god damn life. -Trevor
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Non-stop Poster
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You guys jumped for a win on 104, not for "whats right". Though you and TreX did a lot defending those weeks.

EDIT: I forgot, but actually 104 and 142 was the same story for your account. Planned backstab, got kicked when figured out. Just this time you didn't have a Visine level crew to bail you out :)
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Reaction score
@0.2 Percent Nigerian It sucks to feel betrayed by the people you spent so much time with and considered as friends, I agree it definitely hurts.

However, this is nothing new, over the years dozens if not hundreds have gotten burned. It’s fun to be on the winning end; being the one placing the spies, manipulating the world, breaking up tribes and causing the flips, you yourself have been the mastermind of many. Even doxxing was considered fun when you’re on the side dishing it out, Ragestyles as you mentioned is a good example.

No one thinks about the grief caused with others over the actions they take in this game, if anything it’s celebrated. Infiltrating the enemy discord and sharing the despair for entertainment.

You’re not the first and you wont be the last, 135 left a trail of bodies and this world follows suit.


Still Going Strong
Reaction score
(This was not proof read, it was wrote off the top of my head sorry if errors and or other dialogue issues; thank you for reading if you did)
As much as every ounce in my body wishes to turn around and pop-off and grind away on this world. Dump unlimited amounts of war propaganda and really deep dive into people's brains and try to manipulate my way out of this whole situation. I've decided that I refuse to step down to that level and push back on this situation.

Instead, I rather leave how things are and call it quits here along with my public future on tribalwars. I've officially logged out of my discord for the last time and hanging up the the whole persona of "Babin". For more than one reason. I might come back and play here and there privately; but I won't be doing it under my name and personal life involved anymore.

With people's private lives being posted on profiles and not a single soul speaking up requesting it to be removed. That's sad. With people's daughters being brought up? That is beyond crossing the line. With people's wife's, girlfriends, boyfriends, AND personal photos being blasted everywhere? Not a single person saying anything until I told people to stop posting Maddrick's real life picture in the discord chat? For what? Why does personal life have to be brought into this game? That's sad. It's sad that a group of people are all afraid to speak out and tell others they're doing wrong because they're afraid of being kicked and internalled for speaking up for what's right in life.

Yahn and Yacob. Y'all were the boys, I looked up to y'all for YEARS. You two are one of the main reasons why I decided it was time to push in real life, I seen y'all making real life moves to better yourselves and I wanted to do better for myself as well. Jon I learned so much from you as a leader, as a roll model, and as a person. Jacob, I learned from you on w104 that we need to stand up for ourselves. Your voice was one of the ones that spoke the loudest to not sit down and be complacent when we were kicked. To fight for what we believed in, right or wrong. It took an army to turn around the position we were in on w104. Stew, Cory, max, garry, maddrick, mo, everyone else that was there for 3day voice calls. I appreciate you all. I realized that friends meant more than the game that world; rage and eddie proved to us that standing up and jumping for what was right (a community of friends); was more important than a badge. I learned so much from so many of you.

Its been nearly 6years since then. I've met so many other people that have been huge assets as friends in those years: Aj, Brage, Rob, people that have been in my real life and know more about my life than any others really. I'm going to miss you all really. I'm going to miss the multiple random people that message daily/weekly/monthly/yearly. I'll remember you all, I'll remember the memories, the time and effort that we all put into this game together. I love you all, I appreciate you all for everything each and everyone of you have done for me and done to teach me to be a better person.

I just want you all to remember this is a game, bringing real life shit into it is never acceptable. I've had my photo blasted on peoples profile pictures. I've had my public information including my business information shared around as ammunition. I rolled with those punches, but not everyone else can/will roll with those punches.

I've watched people that I've personally trained to be able to be accepted into the "Bois" group really just shrug that off after everything. One of them beyond eager to try their "skills" against me. I don't care how good you've got, I care about the companionship. I feel like I failed teaching y'all how to fall in line and be a soldier if you're not even willing to fight for what's right. People that I've been direct with even if they were my enemies, I still showed respect. I've told enemies more information than they needed to know to give them a fair shake.

I've watched those same old enemies now in the "bois group" not willing to take a look back on what really matters in this world. I promise you, the amount of badges that I've got framed up on my wall is zero. These leave, your decisions in life stay with you forever. Its sad, some of you know how it feels to be on the other side of the "bois". But you are to scared to say something to "the bois" in fear that you'll not be apart of them anymore. I promise you, being apart of the "bois" is not worth it. When the "bois" can burn someone after 6years. Thousands of voice calls, thousands of messages, thousands of memories. If the "bois" cant' stand up for you, after all of that? What are the rest of you?

All of these premades have turned into the "popular table at lunch". There's nothing else to it. People fear the names inside the tribe. People sell their souls to join these premades. The premades are what have ruined the game. Everyone says that the community is dying. They're correct, its because of what we've made it. Glorified circle jerks. We all know we know how to play the game. We join these premades to farm "one more win". We try to squash the competition to every avenue possible. We burn people for our amusement. How many of you spoke up to "the bois" for burning that group of flippers from dare? We put the blame on the flippers, because they wanted to leave. Those are real people on the other side of those names. Not a single one of you publicly spoke out, because you didn't want to lose your seat in that next "one more win". Nearly all of you are afraid to lose your places of fame on this game.

Jacob, you made the comment to me about you wished I just messaged you about wanting to kill 50/50 and it would've went down differently. It wasn't 50/50 I had issues with. It was the way that we were acting. It was the way you were acting. It was the way that "the bois" were acting. When did we get lost in the sea of wins from wanting respect from others, to demanding respect from others? Lead by example. Is this the example that "the bois" are? We put people's personal lives on our profiles? We spam other peoples real life photos in a chat? We encourage this behavior? We allow other council members to make fake girl discord accounts to bait and flirt with our own members? For what purpose? Our pure entertainment? Honestly, I think partial of this whole thing was encouraged by you to be able to fight trex, but lets be fair. You don't want to 1v1 trex. You have the opportunity to do so. Use popdonuts account, trex can use my account. Call off your army of sheep and really see who's better. But I think the whole community and yourself knows the answer to this one. Trex, by a mile.

Why would anyone want to be "the bois"? Why would I and or anyone else want to be associated with that behavior?
Jon, you use the excuse that you're not the pilot. I told you this multiple times all world, you're the pilot if you just sit down in that chair and say "stop". The amount of respect that the "bois" have for you is outstanding. You're more passive than I am, (maybe a little to passive lol). but they have and always will listen to you. Pretending like you don't have a say is just as bad as watching it all happen.

Jon & Jacob if y'all really wanted the fight to not happen you'd have came to Liam *and me* and discussed this situation. Y'all wanted this to happen. Y'all wanted another reason for "one more world". I'm not giving it to you. If I fight you, its on my terms. One where real life isn't on the table for y'all to abuse.

For everyone else in 50/50. You're there to play a part. We write "I owe you's" to people that do our dirty deeds for us. We pay you back with a future world win. Once your debts paid, its over. We owe someone else after that, your slot gets filled again next world unless you're in a position that's going to benefit us again. Then we're going to run it back and use you again. Just for our "one more badge". Stop selling yourselves to these premades. You're just encouraging the behavior, the foul play, the disrespect to people on the other side of the screen. I used to be one of the worst ones to use and burn people. The guilt adds up over time. You then either have to make the decision of stepping off that cliff again, or turning over that leaf.

It's very clear the people that have decided to step forward into that realm again, again, and again. When 6years means absolutely nothing to someone. You can only imagine how little 6 months of your time/presence means to these people. You should see how they treat the "whales" in the bois group. Once those funds dry up, the dms dry up too. What can you do for them? Not what can they do for you? Demand this, demand that. When's the last time any of you received a "thank you" for your efforts? How many "thank you" from council have you received for killing their friends of 6years have you got? Now imagine being put in the middle of "the bois" as the scapegoat. They don't care though, send attacks for us or you're next; right? Burn more friends, just for "one more win".

To INNO; make a world where premades aren't allowed. Stop milking the community. Make the game a community again. Stop making tickets have to be answered by upper staff based on how much money an account has spent. There's no reason why a ticket needs to be answered by upper staff because "i spent more". Make the game black and white, no grey areas. Give everyone an even playing field. If people can't make new friends with their neighbors, maybe that's a good thing for awhile on here. It'll rinse out the toxicity as they won't have a group of premades with friends making boosting villages, for each other, and running ramped. People will spend more money if they're having a good time. Stop fishing for premades to dump on a single world to fund the next world. Make no location choosing, make no relocates, make no friend invites. Random spawns. Random placement. Do better inno. End this "bois era". You've milked us all dry. Give us tribalwars back, make it a community again. What's been created with keeping up with adaption of the game has ruined the game. Make worlds last longer, make them bigger, advertise. Y'all know the settings that people like. Make a legit world. Not a funding world. Give us more than one. Make it the norm. Turn HP's into the premade spending worlds. Let those live up to their name. To jawjaw and jirki, I'm sorry for all the shit I stirred over the years for y'all. I think you two would be perfect for running the new era of tribalwars before this game dies on its own sword.

To trex (w65) and liam; y'all have been un-waivered bois from the start. I know at times we talked mad shit about each other over sleep deprived drama and differences on leadership styles etc. Love y'all honestly.

Everyone else. Do better, speak up for the little people. Stop feeding the beast of "the bois".

I hope that the mark I left on this community was an overall positive outlook over the years, I hope that people learned from me just as much as I learned from you all.

I'm quitting and I'm sad. Learn from our mistakes so that y'all can do better than we did while we ran the worlds.

Any questions or concerns, keep them to yourself this time lol.
~Love Babin. <3


The memories and the good times and the laughs will always be appreciated, but the mental gymnastics required and edited version of events here is a proper send off for you specifically because it reeks of propganda.

We have proof that you were actively working against us, giving away info, leaking coms, letting trex login to the account and I’ll make sure that’s shared publicly at the right time due to sensitivity so you can continue to just dig yourself into a deeper hole until then with your lies.

The death of the bois was when you went rogue and started actively working us and wasting our times because of beef with a select few members.

It’s a damn shame this is where things end but I’m quite sure you guys were the architect of your own demise and the only part we got to control was the timing. Sit and wait for the stab or pull the trigger first.

As for doxing - we don’t support this and we’ve done our best as leadership to put a stop to it and that’s all I can say. At the end of the day there’s a lot of weirdos on the internet and I’m sure on both sides but the only thing I can say is despite everything if you look at the last message I sent you it wished you nothing but health and good luck IRL. Also - the person to actually share the pictures from Maddrick IRL was actually Liam from your account but it did start a snowball from there. We’ve already proved that so @maddrick you can sort that out with deleting. Or just keep sitting them lmfao.

The way you handled all this has been extremely disappointing as a friend but everyday you’ve made it easier by acting like the world’s biggest kid in a baby rage fit. I think stepping away from you computer is what’s best because somewhere inside me I think that how you’ve been lately isn’t representative of who I think you are.

As far as everything else said everyone who knows me knows that I’ll die behind what I think is right, even if sometimes I do have to admit when I had it wrong. It really is hard to read something like that knowing the things you were doing or atleast allowing to be done and saying on the other side in private. Honestly it’s really a bit hard to understand unless it really is just one more manipulation attempt…

I don’t know that we’ll ever speak again but I hope you also learn your mistakes as much as we ours and that’s all I can say. Noones perfect but we had to set a red line. Maybe this is just meant to e a time to finally move on with our lives

The 1v1 comments were clearly just a shot but all I can say is Jon’s a great player, I’m a great player, trex is a great player, Abel’s a great player. The game is way too complex to act like a 1v1 is relevant and everything is situational real life is important. I’m a competitor so yes, going against some of the people I consider to be at the same top level I consider myself to be in is appealing but I have enough going on in real life, as do you, that I’m not here for validation so I think that was just a random attempt at a personal shot which just continues to prove my points above.
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Incoming impact

Non-stop Poster
Reaction score
It's such a shame to see the community in its current state. I've been at the center of many dramas myself, often due to being a hot-headed idiot, but seeing players like Babin leave because of this kind of behavior is genuinely upsetting. As a community, we need to reflect and change how we act and engage with this game.

Inno, you also have a role to play here. The way things are now is slowly killing the game. Imagine a no-haul, non-PP world heavily advertised—it could bring about a massive comeback of old-school players. Personally, I've spent far too much on this game, and I believe as a community we deserve a non-PP world at least every 5 to 10 worlds.

I love this game, but it has become heavily pay-to-win, and that’s disheartening. Babin, I wish you all the best, and to everyone else—Merry Christmas! Let’s strive to make this community and game better for everyone.


Well-Known Member
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Sad to see it go down like this brother Babin. I don't have anything to add regarding what happened because I wasn't really into the thick of it at the time but I'd like to adress one paragraph in there.

But you are to scared to say something to "the bois" in fear that you'll not be apart of them anymore. I promise you, being apart of the "bois" is not worth it. When the "bois" can burn someone after 6years.

As someone that came from nothing in tw, being ignored by every single premade out there, left on read, insulted by a plethora of actual nobodys, Jacob and Jon took me in, advised me, gave me a seat at the table and treated me like one of their own. Jacob even came to visit me this past summer. They have never been these conniving monsters you guys are trying to make them out to be. NOT ONCE have they shut me down or punished me if I thought something was not going in the direction it needed to go and I pointed it out. I've always encouraged people to speak up over the years. There's no shame in having a different opinion on how things are going, as long as it doesn't damage the integrity of the group. You understand the group dynamic, you were part of it for more than 6 years. And you know damn well shadiness has always been repaid in kind.

Maybe the bridge isn't fully burnt and we'll be a happy family again at some point in the future. Wishful thinking more than anything but who knows. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and best of luck moving forward!


Non-stop Poster
Reaction score
Inno, you also have a role to play here. The way things are now is slowly killing the game. Imagine a no-haul, non-PP world heavily advertised—it could bring about a massive comeback of old-school players. Personally, I've spent far too much on this game, and I believe as a community we deserve a non-PP world at least every 5 to 10 worlds.
Babin alone on 142 made Innogames more money than W100 + W125 combined.
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Contributing Poster
Reaction score
It's such a shame to see the community in its current state. I've been at the center of many dramas myself, often due to being a hot-headed idiot, but seeing players like Babin leave because of this kind of behavior is genuinely upsetting. As a community, we need to reflect and change how we act and engage with this game.

Inno, you also have a role to play here. The way things are now is slowly killing the game. Imagine a no-haul, non-PP world heavily advertised—it could bring about a massive comeback of old-school players. Personally, I've spent far too much on this game, and I believe as a community we deserve a non-PP world at least every 5 to 10 worlds.

I love this game, but it has become heavily pay-to-win, and that’s disheartening. Babin, I wish you all the best, and to everyone else—Merry Christmas! Let’s strive to make this community and game better for everyone.

You've been at the center of dramas because you are among the slimest pieces of dog turd in TW. Every drama you've been in is because you caused it. Everyone who has been around TW for a while knows who you are and knows that you aren't capable of anything but spying against whatever tribe you manage to worm your way in. And you do it EVERY. SINGLE. TIME no matter what.

You're trash. You are the lowest, smelliest piece of garbage in the dump. From becoming my coplayer just to spy against me, my tribe, and alliance in 72 to creating a tribe in world 100 to "teach" newcomers only to backstab the hell out of them the moves you've made throughout your career are deplorable. You are the absolute worst person I've ever met in this game. You're so bad that even our enemies in world 102 didn't want anything to do with you because of how much of an untrustworthy, traitorous piece of s*** you are.
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