tore apart
If you are referring to me irake, you can kiss my a$$.
The core at certain times in TLA's history was THE DRIVING FORCE behind TLA. And Kristofski. what do you mean it was a shame? i had quit months and months ago. occasionally sitting people was really the only reason i even kept my account that long. The war was over. the world was boring. TLA won when NN was formed and disbanded. NN HAD to be formed at that time for 2 reasons:
1. The mutual respect that had come about between DSL/NME/Shadow ("no family tribes" was their battle cry) and TLA (we have a small family but want to have fun and kick arse - like mikey). This respect came as we battled. Heck, if NN did NOT come about, this world would be vastly different.
2. Grind thought they were all cool-like with their BIG-SOUNDING talk and barb nobling skills. As long as DSL and TLA were busy with each other, Grind could grow large (which they did) by being left alone and staying out of the fight.
In respect to these notions, there were a couple obvious outcomes looming...
1. The war with DSL and TLA would become a stalemate and VERY VERY time-consuming. *** Yes, it is VERY time-consuming (without co-players) to play this game when constantly planning attacks and defenses (snipes, stackings, etc...). MOST from BOTH sides would have become too pressured and would have quit. Leaving Grind to win. that COULD NOT HAPPEN.
2. Grind would eventually side with one (perhaps) or reap the benefits of the spoils from the DSL v TLA war and its fallout and aftermath of quitting due to the pressure and strain of an actual TW War, and again... GRIND might actually, by default, WIN. Again, that COULD NOT HAPPEN.
I wont go into NN, but suffice to say that its intentions were met (albeit on a bit curvier path than originally intended... and still with fallout of certain peoples that w29 really liked).
This is a game. I had fun. it became too boring and too much of a problem on my time both with work and personal life. The game was won after NN and i GUESS the first like month or two against Grind when *TLA* was "REBORN". Seriously.. sweenster was the last great target. i remember mikey and i working on him while Jess and I were catting Bert like every couple weeks when we would get riled up against him and his idiotic, but certainly entertaining, forum presence. That was FUN STUFF. and that was the END of the fun stuff. and why play a game if it isn't fun anymore? Why play a game that keeps you up all night and TAKES away your life to launch attacks at certain times, snipes at certain times, etc...
So no, Kristofski, it isn't a shame. I like sean a great deal. Daryl and his sister (who bert later took as an account when we really didn't care) and I were basically all but done. Sean and daryl and i talked about how boring this was and to go out in a blaze of glory. I half-listened to some of the plans, but in the end i couldn't be bothered to muster up enough energy to even mint anymore. at game's end, i think i had close to 2000 nobles. I would have more than likely never attacked mikey, which would have seriously hampered Blood's plans, and i didn't want to disappoint him.
What i wanted was if it had gone quicker... to have been the core... fighting it out.. .mano y mano. Mikey and i talked about this often enough in the private chats. THAT would have been fun.
Anyhow, WHO CARES!!! it was a game. i played for a while and it was good fun. The people i met were even better. I forgot to mention that slayer is also on FB and maks now! haha.. So most of my bestest friends from TW are on the annoying social network that i use to keep in touch. All but SusanCat. and MIKEY!!! lol.
Can i say i won w29. i could. But then again... i left TLA to have my account die. I was satisfied with what i had done and accomplished in this world, and i have no vain glorious need for recognition in the hallowed annals of TRIBAL WARS.. LOL.
And i'll say it once again. LOL to irake. those that deserved victory. yep. i guess you're right! :icon_twisted: