we all know the top 10 and top 20 rankings in the game is not a true depiction of the players on this world or on any other world for that matter. so i present the following
In life and game there are a few people that stand alone or stand strong.
so this list is for those few people that have done great things on our world, the hero's of w44 some may not like a few of my choices but guess what; someones hero, is another's villain; so i am striving to be as neutral in this choosing as i can.
and in no particular order
D4- the colossus of w44
Lamby- The Noble Pucker of w44
Attila- the Shining Pallidin of w44
Bboci- The Ravager of w44
GBM- Bakery Defender of w44
Tbone Steak- Alien leader of w44
Big Trucker- dedicated trucker of w44
r.karthi- The Master Scripter of W44
raiko deus: The Noble Legend of w44
wounded wand: the forgotten hero of w44
D4- for over one year he stood at the top of the food chain, for better or worse he is a gigantrunum player an dpower on this world. and w44 can not be discussed without the mention of his name.
Lambezz- he is one that is not afraid to fight or stand up for the fight he feels he deserves, he has taken rawkar on solo and stands alone, he might threaten to quit alot but he is an essential piece of w44.
Attilla- it dosnt matter who plays this account, it has always been and shall always be a force to reckon with on w44, when the original had it he was always there too fight and too help those who where in need it was a beast then and is a beast still. now with gabi and SOG on it, it still stands as one of the greatest accounts on w44, gabi and sog are some of the friendliest people on this server and SOG is one of the kindest people i have ever met. Gabi works hard to help others in her tribe as well as too manage her own account. This account truly fits all the people that have played it.
Bboci- a valiant warrior and fiend on the battlefield, he relentlessly hunted down and destroyed KTA, most of the time alone. he is another not to afraid to fight. he is truly a greta player and will be missed on this world.
GingerBreadMan- he has put in constant hours into the game. he may come off as a bit cocky from time too time but when it comes to defending that cockiness is earned. he has helped his tribe by sitting many times, with few complaints if an attack is in bound he is there to defend against it.
Tbone Steak: has helped keep under afloat and turned the tables on the storm. he has worked hard to gain ranks and is a dedcated player... he walked miles to let his tribe know he had rl problems. he is our dedicated alien leader.
Big Trucker: its easy to keep a big tribe going, its easy to look good when your the best.... but thats not always what it is too be great.... big trucker has been persistent in playing, and has been dedicated to his tribe so he deserves mention here. good job on trying.... its not winning that matters.... at least you tried and never gave up.... that's more then many including myself can say.
if you feel another should go on here then PM me or skype me while there are slots open
Woundedwand: a good team player, always there too help his tirbe out. greatly skilled in tw
he pretty much singlehandedly took down 2 of the major tribes in w44 history, that being AGONY/DREAD/WORRY family, when he nobled right into their core and just kept on nobling and successfully defended every village w/o any stacking, while at the same time successfully defending the western front of RAM alone against NOMAD (well pretty much, I remember Snaperay moving in a bit by eating some villages, and i think i remember Sir Mee struggling mightily back then, being in danger of getting rimmed), also w/o any tribal support, until the time that, he along with a few others annihilated them. Both tribes were top 5 at the time that he fought them.
he was also in the process of taking down Legacy. Having defended the YORGOLB sat account for 3 months straight w/o any losses of note. he was the only player sitting it after the player abandoned it. It was basically the entire Legacy family vs the Yorgolb account and they couldn't do anything despite the fact that only a few front villages were stacked.
his ODA was so high that it took the next highest player 6 months to catch up after his bannage.
raiko deus: a truly noble man, friendly, and always strived to help his tribe. he founded storm and led it too grlory , he was a man that would help any and spoke kindly of all.
r.karthi.: it is his first world and he has done wonders. but namely he has helped many bu supllying scripts when ever needed.
In life and game there are a few people that stand alone or stand strong.
so this list is for those few people that have done great things on our world, the hero's of w44 some may not like a few of my choices but guess what; someones hero, is another's villain; so i am striving to be as neutral in this choosing as i can.
and in no particular order
D4- the colossus of w44
Lamby- The Noble Pucker of w44
Attila- the Shining Pallidin of w44
Bboci- The Ravager of w44
GBM- Bakery Defender of w44
Tbone Steak- Alien leader of w44
Big Trucker- dedicated trucker of w44
r.karthi- The Master Scripter of W44
raiko deus: The Noble Legend of w44
wounded wand: the forgotten hero of w44
D4- for over one year he stood at the top of the food chain, for better or worse he is a gigantrunum player an dpower on this world. and w44 can not be discussed without the mention of his name.
Lambezz- he is one that is not afraid to fight or stand up for the fight he feels he deserves, he has taken rawkar on solo and stands alone, he might threaten to quit alot but he is an essential piece of w44.
Attilla- it dosnt matter who plays this account, it has always been and shall always be a force to reckon with on w44, when the original had it he was always there too fight and too help those who where in need it was a beast then and is a beast still. now with gabi and SOG on it, it still stands as one of the greatest accounts on w44, gabi and sog are some of the friendliest people on this server and SOG is one of the kindest people i have ever met. Gabi works hard to help others in her tribe as well as too manage her own account. This account truly fits all the people that have played it.
Bboci- a valiant warrior and fiend on the battlefield, he relentlessly hunted down and destroyed KTA, most of the time alone. he is another not to afraid to fight. he is truly a greta player and will be missed on this world.
GingerBreadMan- he has put in constant hours into the game. he may come off as a bit cocky from time too time but when it comes to defending that cockiness is earned. he has helped his tribe by sitting many times, with few complaints if an attack is in bound he is there to defend against it.
Tbone Steak: has helped keep under afloat and turned the tables on the storm. he has worked hard to gain ranks and is a dedcated player... he walked miles to let his tribe know he had rl problems. he is our dedicated alien leader.
Big Trucker: its easy to keep a big tribe going, its easy to look good when your the best.... but thats not always what it is too be great.... big trucker has been persistent in playing, and has been dedicated to his tribe so he deserves mention here. good job on trying.... its not winning that matters.... at least you tried and never gave up.... that's more then many including myself can say.
if you feel another should go on here then PM me or skype me while there are slots open
Woundedwand: a good team player, always there too help his tirbe out. greatly skilled in tw
he pretty much singlehandedly took down 2 of the major tribes in w44 history, that being AGONY/DREAD/WORRY family, when he nobled right into their core and just kept on nobling and successfully defended every village w/o any stacking, while at the same time successfully defending the western front of RAM alone against NOMAD (well pretty much, I remember Snaperay moving in a bit by eating some villages, and i think i remember Sir Mee struggling mightily back then, being in danger of getting rimmed), also w/o any tribal support, until the time that, he along with a few others annihilated them. Both tribes were top 5 at the time that he fought them.
he was also in the process of taking down Legacy. Having defended the YORGOLB sat account for 3 months straight w/o any losses of note. he was the only player sitting it after the player abandoned it. It was basically the entire Legacy family vs the Yorgolb account and they couldn't do anything despite the fact that only a few front villages were stacked.
his ODA was so high that it took the next highest player 6 months to catch up after his bannage.
raiko deus: a truly noble man, friendly, and always strived to help his tribe. he founded storm and led it too grlory , he was a man that would help any and spoke kindly of all.
r.karthi.: it is his first world and he has done wonders. but namely he has helped many bu supllying scripts when ever needed.
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