ROFL. If we had front lines with each other then I would have excepted. I'm not having a 1v1 with someone who is 2 continents away. No half decent player would agree to a 1v1 war when your 2 continents away. It is actually stupid, none of us would have lost a village EVER. What would the point have been? Who can outlast the other sending the most fakes and nukes? Lamest thing I have ever heard. Anybody with half a brain would see how stupid that is.
Remember when you had this same attitude when the RAM Vs Storm war started, you were larger than us then. And how did that go again? Oh that's right - TOTAL DESTRUCTION.
Feel free to keep nobling closer to me, as I'm sure you'll "get busy with school" or some other lame excuse when my nukes and nobles come a knocking.
Let us also remember how Storm was twice the size of UNDER and you still couldn't beat us.
We will see come war time but although optimism is encouraged delusional behaviour isn't