Think before you flame.
They've accepted 6 accounts in their history that don't meet their requirements(1 million or 500K plus and quickly increasing). I don't think this is extremely high for a tribe with 66 tribe changes.
That means that for every one account they accept that doesn't meet their requirements, they accept 10 that do.
So, in the history of their tribe, 1 in 10 recruits is under their "limit", yet they have turned you down?
So, in the history of their tribe, only 6 players are under their "limit", all in the last week, yet they have turned you down?
So, in the history of their tribe, only 6 members are under their 1,000,000 points, yet you are unable to read?
HERCULES1966 = Joined = 12th August 2012 - 13:09 = 1,763
fraser960 = Joined = 23rd July 2012 - 12:09 = 33,307
edwindragon = Joined = 30th June 2012 - 17:09 = 101,833
riyukosaka = Joined = 08th June 2012 - 01:10 = 251,387
andy0535 = Joined = 17th August 2012 - 18:09 = 284,115
Glantin = Joined = 16th August 2012 - 10:08 = 301,770
maj1nboo = Joined = 28th June 2012 - 06:08 = 333,437
herblamp800 = Joined = 04th July 2012 - 00:09 = 487,719
zalvard = Joined = 10th June 2012 - 13:10 = 503,202
splemor = Joined = 29th June 2012 - 03:09 = 625,864
REX I = Joined = 13th August 2012 - 17:11 = 633,703
CaptKirk56 = Joined = 14th August 2012 - 23:10 = 745,091
marjo-nhel = Joined = 15th July 2012 - 01:09 = 863,754
stargate67steve = Joined = 10th June 2012 - 08:10 = 897,534
riley rules = Joined = 16th August 2012 - 04:11 = 902,930
By my count, that is 15 under 1 million points, which is now 25% of their total recruiting.
Mr T Monster, please research and revise before trying for the exam.