a couple things came up about when I finished nobling jamie out in k35 so i kinda ended up just vanishing a couple weeks before the world ended as soon as I made sure he was 100% removed from the continent
I suppose I should say a few words too,never been very good at this kinda thing though
i'm still not entirely sure about how I feel about W62 as a whole to be honest,i'm definitely still disappointed with the way everything shook out(the undy and org wars were way easier than I was hoping,and then when org was crumbling panic was the last possible fight i was even looking forward to and that never ended up even happening etc) and there were several points throughout the world where i was pretty unhappy about the way things were going
that said I suppose it wasn't all bad,I did generally like agency and most of it's members when it was active and other than a brief period of listlessness the leadership was generally pretty good,and I suppose one of the things I was upset about(massive inactivity) is in large part just a natural part of a world getting closer to it's end(there's a reason I usually end up quitting long before worlds end)
as I said,mixed feelings
special mention to runesten,you were in and out at times earlier in the world and I had no will to play at times more towards the end but in general it was a positive experience coplaying with you and we made a good team