The Fleezus Feature

  • Thread starter Deleted User - 11252347
  • Start date


Weekly update


Side 1:
Tribes: SCREW
Side 2:
Tribes: SQUAD

Timeframe: Last week

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 111
Side 2: 7
Difference: 104


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 995,067
Side 2: 57,828
Difference: 937,239



Side 1:
Tribes: SCREW
Side 2:
Tribes: NOOBS

Timeframe: Last week

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 141
Side 2: 19
Difference: 122


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 1,050,382
Side 2: 155,241
Difference: 895,141


World Dominance swing log:

SCREW - 47.1%
NOOBS - 20.9%
SQUAD - 7.9%

SCREW - 50.1% : +3.0%
NOOBS - 27.4% : +6.5%
SQUAD - 0.7% : -7.2%
REBELS - 3.5% : -1.9%
NOOBS Academy - 5.2% : (N/A)


Congratulations to SCREW on picking up 50% dominance


There will be a report coming on the externals soon about ludi acc. as soon as I get some time.

Everyone should know what kind of shit Charmander pulled throughout the world, costing noobs- their growth, and squad- the core.

I believe that you sat the account when we took those first wave of villages that left the account in a shambles?

Anyway - look forward to it.


Non-stop Poster
Reaction score
i did sit it for a few hours multiple times, yes. All the snipes you guys had to resend on were probably me. There were no sitters available, yet me and jeff did what we could. The acc was in shambles when we took over anyway.

Anyway, the same sitters also sat clinty too.

Deleted User - 11252347

Updated Statistics:


Player Villages: 13.341
Total Villages: 34.067
Current villages of SCREW: 6108 (+388 since sept 6th)
Current villages of the Coalition: 5572 (based on the top 6 Coalition tribes)
Average SCREW gains per week: 409.6 villages

To get 70% = ((13.341 * 0.7) - 6108) / 409.6 = 7.9 weeks
To get 100% = (13.341-6108) = 7233 / 409.6 = 17.7 weeks

Player Villages: 13.897
Total Villages: 34.509
Current villages of SCREW: 7074 (+966 since sept 14th)
Current Villages of the Coalition: 5263 (-309 since sept 14th)
Average SCREW gains per week: 421.8 villages

To get 70% = ((13.897 * 0.7) - 7074) / 421.8 = 6.3 weeks
To get 100% = (13.897-7074) = 6823 / 421.8 = 16.2 weeks

SCREW are coming it hot with current statistics indicating the world will be over around the second week of November :eek:


Weekly update


Side 1:

Tribes: SCREW
Side 2:
Tribes: NOOBS, ???

Timeframe: Last week

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 168
Side 2: 22
Difference: 146


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 1,301,526
Side 2: 175,019
Difference: 1,126,507


World Dominance swing log:

SCREW - 50.1%
NOOBS - 27.4%
REBELS - 3.5%
NOOBS Academy - 5.2%

SCREW - 51.7% : +1.6%
NOOBS - 27.9% : -0.5%
NOOBS Academy - 4.8% : -0.4%
REBELS - 3.5% : 0.00%
Last edited:


i did sit it for a few hours multiple times, yes. All the snipes you guys had to resend on were probably me. There were no sitters available, yet me and jeff did what we could. The acc was in shambles when we took over anyway.

Anyway, the same sitters also sat clinty too.

I would of glady sat it...... should of asked bro. I wanna play again :(


Non-stop Poster
Reaction score
If i remember right you are clouds, correct?
Sorry but frankly i would not want to play with you again mate.
you are a good player and gutsy, I give you that, but when you quit, you Eff-ed us in the process

Lord BillyNoMates

its lekwai

he would sell his soul to the highest bidder


If i remember right you are clouds, correct?
Sorry but frankly i would not want to play with you again mate.
you are a good player and gutsy, I give you that, but when you quit, you Eff-ed us in the process
1. It wasn't my choice to quit, the owner of the account gave villages away to Brandon without consulting us, we logged on one day and we saw trains coming in from brandon and owner changed password a day later.
2. If your tribe was putting all hopes on one player then that is really not a tribe. Please don't blame me for your tribes downfall. Simply not fair, stop trying to find a scapegoat in someone who joined your tribe for a few days.

Thank you and the Duke for sitting me on the last two days for a few hours, I appreciate the help and respect you guys for putting in the effort. But do not be salty on me because you guys lost. I had no influence in the tribe with the few days I was there. Better to look at your tribe members and put the blame there who were actually fighting the war.

And Martin, your comment really shows your lack of intellectual reasoning. What relevance does 'selling my soul' to the devil got to do with anything sugar was talking about lol. You got yourself and your tribe destroyed so move on.

On a side note, I doubt the devil would accept your worthless soul even if you offered it o_O


Non-stop Poster
Reaction score
who said we put on hopes on you mate?

And your co or whoever that was eff-ed us and that's a fact.
You guys gave bran your villages, ludi blocked our whole front, then bran tries to get into screw, and well ends up in squad.
Noobs was stuck in a war with WS since week 1 and well we couldn't grow, not on this rim. When WS was gone, it was time to munch, yet again too much BS, lack of faith and whatnot caused us our growth.

Anywho, we haven't lost yet.
As for marking you as a scapegoat? I have no intention to do that. Except for the core noobs and squad recruits, rest of the Noobs sucked. Won't deny it. But the handful who don't, are still in the game, approaching the fronts (technically fronts came to us lol)
SO games still on. The marathon runners are still going on.
All dead accounts have been revived, or are being internalled.
We have secured our backlines (again lol)
And well you can say its a fresh start for noobs at this point :D

I am still confident that noobs will win the world. Always was.


Weekly update


Side 1:
Tribes: SCREW
Side 2:
Tribes: ???, NOOBS

Timeframe: Last week

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 127
Side 2: 41
Difference: 86


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 924,034
Side 2: 359,434
Difference: 564,600


World Dominance swing log:

SCREW - 51.7%
NOOBS - 27.9%
NOOBS Academy - 4.8%
REBELS - 3.5%

SCREW - 53.0% : +1.3%
NOOBS - 28.4% : +0.5%
NOOBS Academy - 4.5% : -0.3%
REBELS - 3.5% : 0.00%