finally a response nice to finally meet geani's romanian buddy? i suspected she might not be running the tribe alone. i doubt shaggy can say much to you about posting if anything at all. i believe its a sound plan to shake the tree as hard as you can then watch to see what falls out and here you are.
i am however surprised your in england i would have assumed you were in romania. i am also impressed at your attempt at psychological warfare.
In Propaganda: The Formation of Men's Attitudes, Jacques Ellul discusses psychological warfare as a common peace policy practice between nations as a form of indirect aggression in place of military aggression. This type of propaganda drains the public opinion of an opposing regime by stripping away its power on public opinion. This form of aggression is hard to defend against because no international court of justice is capable of protecting against psychological aggression since it cannot be legally adjudicated. The only defense is using the same means of psychological warfare. It is the burden of every government to defend its state against propaganda aggression. "Here the propagandists is dealing with a foreign adversary whose morale he seeks to destroy by psychological means so that the opponent begins to doubt the validity of his beliefs and actions.
now if i were a young man your comments would install a need to strike out prove myself so to speak. sadly i am not a young man so the fact that one of the silent leaders of gotrob showing himself in public will have to do as a small victory.
as far as my choice of clips i do enjoy trying to match up just the right clip to the post guess what i am saying about your attempt at psychological warfare using this clip?