Yeah XVI have the upper hand, they hit some inactive players and wiped D, that is expected, we are hitting back, and we will continue to do so.
lmao....... the [v] war was finished long before dvader "kindly helped" eat the left overs.............
anyways words are CHEAP let the stats do the talking
LMFAO... I was in the chats where Darth Boru basically begged us to jump in. We hadn't even finished eating our WUKE left overs yet he cried Heaven and Earth about it. get your facts straight.
Now I do not know about all of you but I am asking myself how did Dvader got almost 3/4 of the world while XVI just secured what they had after Active collapsed
I don't know what happened after we left, but I can tell you for sure that XVI did not need the help of Dvader when I was still there.
I found a map to show you from the days just before Active fell apart
Now I do not know about all of you but I am asking myself how did Dvader got almost 3/4 of the world while XVI just secured what they had after Active collapsed :icon_eek:
I don't know what happened after we left, but I can tell you for sure that XVI did not need the help of Dvader when I was still there.
I found a map to show you from the days just before Active fell apart
Now I do not know about all of you but I am asking myself how did Dvader got almost 3/4 of the world while XVI just secure t they had after Active collapsed :icon_eek:
nah, lets not get stats talking, let's get history talking. queen maria, was you even in xvi 2 years ago.
this is niallkce here, the one who joined xvi, the one who will represent xvi in this war exterminating the village idiots who've taken over a tribe i was once proud of.
so LOADED, i bet half of you guys in xvi dont even know what im talking about, so i'll explain, xvi used to be a proud tribe, with great players on undertheradar, people like RQ, and MvvM, the oldies of XVI who made it worth my stay in there.
until one day a shocking merge happened, and some village idiots were let into the tribe that was supposed to xterminate them. the duke's of said merged tribe, we're none of than darth boru, and skipp.
now, you ask how did both of those player's enter the top 20, most dont know, i was there, sitting inactive, begging for a war with XVI 2 years ago, to remove the stain marked upon that once proud tribe. instead of complying with my whims, DVD upheld their diplomacy, instead of agreeing to my proposal, that they werent the tribe that the end-game alliance was struck with. its a shame that they didnt listen to me. for you proved your worth darth. your naught but a backstabbing, barb internalling, little pointwhore, who still, after years of playing cant send a train in 1 second. what do i say to that? simple, LOL!. epic noob.
so, this war, in my eye's, for me. starts today. xvi, your backstabbing, below the belt, underhanded, betrayal of the alliance dvd fought to uphold. will slowly turn on you, 2 years ago, i stopped rimming legs01, and this day, i restart my conquest.
so, niallkce + DVD vs Loaded village idiot's. starts today.
Hi niallkce ,
I am not here to fire up a forum war, just to point out that XVI and Dvader are not perfect tribes both of them. While I can't be unbiased, I give my sympathies to XVI and my reasoning is not only being in the tribe for a while, but also the fact that they actually did not recruit 3/4 of the world to have the current size. Also you say they needed help well I say thats what allies are for.
We forged this end-game alliance and it held to the end game, where both tribes have to decide the winner. This is completely normal (atleast for me )and I am also very pleased by XVI, that they chose to fight for the 1 rank, instead of just merge or whatever the other options were.
I wish both tribes good time fighting and go XVI
@sakura-chan18 - What is the problem whit this attack ?
Before publishing a report think what can be the reasoning, becouse I can think of atleast 3 possible options why this nuke is better than others. But thats just me :icon_wink:
Comparing the world like a year before the actual [V] and XVI wars is like me comparing a penguin to a horse...totally irrelevant to the conversation...
my friend.. you dont want to know, alot happened between there and the crummy LOADED merge.. most of the decent players quit, the tribe i loved fell apart, my first tribe on 36 was active.. for less than a week.., the first tribe i enjoyed on 36 was xvi. until certain occurrence's.
the xvi that warred [v] was shocking though.... and did need the help.
Spoils of war are that spoils and are nobled out or recruited. Its stupid not to. At least Dvader didnt have 2 Academies
Allies backstab too right? You shouldnt be talking about an alliance you were not there to make. So on that subject would be wise to not even talk. Your tribe decided to break a deal. Im sure many tribes in the future will want to horde to darth and mike as members They decided to hit inactives. Nothing great there. Shock and awe but like any blitz Defense is going lower and lower the deeper you go. Perhaps learning to snipe and send trains would help you?
The fact that it has 2 nobles in it...But you're right that nuke is so much better
I don't play this world , is the reason for multiple nobles to make your enemies underestimate you? if so..its working
If you would care to read back you would know that you are completely wrong about me and when I played, but thats too hard to understand I suppose, so I will give you a hint - post 47 in this thread
Now on the subject, in my oppinion the end game allaince ends when only the 2 allied tribes are left in the world and I can not see another tribe that can make a difference so this is not backstabbing, but this is me and everyone has the right to have a point of view. Yes XVI might lose, but the fact that they chose to fight you instead of just end this world is pleasant and if you do not see it this way than I would call you a teddy bear.:lol:
Spoils of war? Who was the happy tribe to lose against Dvader? Was it Dice or Wuke or V, who was it that you crushed :icon_rolleyes:?
Spoils of war? Who was the happy tribe to lose against Dvader? Was it Dice or Wuke or V, who was it that you crushed :icon_rolleyes:?
The End game alliance specifically stated Neither tribe declares on the other unless dukes from BOTH tribes agree to war.
Doesn't sound like something I would sign but then again I have lost it, can you provide a copy of the original agreement? (the one that was hashed around between rq, jamiered, old guy and myself, no doubt it was superceded but I'd still like to see it if we're indulging in a history lesson) I don't quite understand that both dukes have to agree to war?! What if one side is not currently accepting wars? Or if they have a war council to agree on such things? (where's that noob Beardsy when you need him).
Just love the idea of a conversation that goes along the lines of:
Duke 1: I want to war you!
Duke 2: I do not agree! You cannnot declare war on us! We must both agree to war each other, do you not remember?!
Duke 1: Oh er, ok we do not declare war, that is a very persuasive argument, peace it is!