The New Graphics Blog!


Really nice blog, all the sections were interesting and useful. I didn't know you were interviewing GE too, but great idea - that juxtaposition is really good.

I hope you do continue the idea of having the SOTW winner do a bit of explanation of their piece.

I'm sorry to hear about the choice you're faced with about dream vs. reality... I don't have any good advice to give :(


good blog.
At 18 it is rare someone 'knows' what they want to do for the rest of a life. You know a few things like 'can't live at home forever' and 'crap stuff is getting expensive' and dare I say 'sex,sex,sex'. I feel your comment on cross roads is a bit premature but I'm not in your shoes. Definitely take the crane job! It will serve you well by a magnitude of ten later in life or become a distant memory. Getting an endorsement on certain machines, not to mention those that WANT to do that find it hard to get experience. That is why employers always turn applicants away (no experience). You will serve your family and girlfriend best by acquiring that occupation in this tumultuous economic time.

You would also serve your long term dreams best by having the nice and steady income. Yeah you spend 10 hrs of daylight doing what others want you to do, but it's a sad truth to get to a point of doing what you want to do to support yourself. Countless generations have done it and will continue to do it, unless you were born with a silver spoon. You are ahead of them by having a desire, many do not have it at all and may never find it.
All this can be so eloquently summed up by a line from a long forgotten band and a even more obscure song
"Keep your day job until your night job pays"


There's no point going in for a job that you don't want to do Harb. Follow what you enjoy. Happiness is more important than money. This is something that you will be doing day in, day out until you're in your 60s, probably a lot later than that by the time we reach that age. You've got to be happy doing that, or you're just wasting your life. You could work a crane for 10 hours a day, but that isn't enough for people like you. You know it yourself. Do you really think you're the type of person to be confined by manual labour? No offense to the people in that industry of course, but you're too smart for that. Put your abilities to good use. Don't worry about not being good enough. I've said time and time again that talent isn't the thing that matters in art. It's generally irrelevant if you take into account practice and hard work. The fact that you're creative is just as important as technical skill, don't forget this. The ability to be creative will take you father than skill on its own. As I said, everyone can make good art with a lot of skill, but it's only with imagination that art can truly become unique and actually interesting. The execution to put what you want onto paper will come with time.

I also don't think that the graphics industry is as hard to get into as you think. Look around you for a moment. How much of that has been designed by a graphics designer? There is a lot of people that need to be in that industry, and this isn't something that is going to change. In fact, chances are it's going to become more and more prominent as time progresses and as technology becomes better and better. The sentiment that only the best can become designers seems a little off to me as well. Again, look around you for a moment. Would you consider all of the graphical things around you to be actually good, both technically and aesthetically? I wouldn't. Couldn't you just go into the same kind of choice that you were offered for the cranes? Get an apprenticeship or internship at a graphics studio or something like that and earn while you learn. It's the same thought process as learning to operate a crane while doing it on the job, only with this you'll be actually aiming for something meaningful to the self. That's just my two cents about your rambling there harb. I am not you, so of course I have no control over your decisions, but it's what I would do anyway. In fact, it is what I'm working towards at the moment. You could probably call me naive for thinking this way. But I think that I'll end up being happy if I keep going the way I'm going.

As for the rest of the blog. It was good. I liked reading it anyway.

I would protect the asker’s right to request, and probably wouldn’t interfere with the request directly. It’s up to the members of the forum if they consider it just to be assisting someone in what they know to be a shady activity.

Agreed with this Matt. It's a thought process which some of the people on this forum need to get their head around I think.
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You both have very good points, and I actually agree with both of you, which is what makes it a hard decision for me. Either path I choose to walk though will take several years to fully develop either-way to complete all the courses, training, experience needed, etc etc, so I will have to fully commit to one or the other. I still have some time to decide anyway while I finish my current course, before deciding what to do next.

I'm glad you all enjoyed the blog and that it provoked some thought, I will try to make sure the next one is just as good :)

King Sean04

Great blog Harb :) Too bad I don't live in Austrailia, I would have joined you playing football :lol:


Nice, I liked the Last Supper reference. Linear perspective is something that is hard to pull off accurately (for me, at least), and I feel that flow in sigs is usually much more subtle.

King Sean04

Nice read :) Saving is the number one habit you should learn when using anything. I've had some close calls :p I also liked the Facebook rant. I agree with you on the fact how people can't differentiate on-line and real life. The problem I see is that it's hard to understand if someone is sad or angry or whatever when they are typing. Face to face you can see emotion and body language but on the internet it's just walls of text.


Graphics Blog V

New one guys, it includes a Q&A with the artist behind the 7.0 graphics packages and a video of me speed smudging, as-well as a bunch of other stuff. :icon_razz:


Fantastic, and I love the smudging video. I myself fail at smudging, so maybe I'll give it a shot :).


Yes, I thought the smudging video was quite nice too. All around, another good read :) Always plenty of content!