Ahh whatever just going to be a he said she said battle. So it's pointless
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[5:13:30 PM] Ali/paver/Stardust: most of these guys are the ones eating my food accts and some active players, as well as you guys
[5:14:26 PM] Ali/paver/Stardust: and i'm friends with almost every one of em lol
[5:14:46 PM] Ali/paver/Stardust: 7 out of 13 are friends
lol 7 out of 13 is considered almost all?
Lamby: Lambert, in typical venator flaming style, is commenting on my comment of knowing 7 of the original 13 members of UNDER lolDidnt fully understand this comment
So does that mean you're the diplomat? :icon_wink: If so, TLO, can we talk?this is fun...???!!
i haven't run anywhere. everybody knows my intentions. i can speak for all my new tribemates as well...
bring it on
Ahh whatever just going to be a he said she said battle. So it's pointless
No i ended it when Nicole told me im accusing people of lieing.
I will just never get any truth from Storm. you know what you they say about the internet. "All lies"
No i ended it when Nicole told me im accusing people of lieing.
I will just never get any truth from Storm. you know what you they say about the internet. "All lies"
Getting truth and recognizing truth are two different things Lamby. But truth is truth whether you choose to believe it or not. By the way, I'm in Storm and the sky is blue Lamby :icon_biggrin: