The Ninja Turtles - TNT


Name: The Ninja Turtles
Tag: TNT

Cos I'm
I'm Dynamite
And I'll win the fight
I'm a power-load
Watch me Explode


Well hello there everyone. I'm here to advertise the best tribe to come to World 58! Many of you aren't going to know The fabulus leader named Tuzain. but those that do say good things, or so I've heard. :)

On to the important stuff, so my tribe, The Ninja Turtles, is going to be basically a screw around tribe that is going to be in the core. I will be joining w59 in a premade and I just wanted to practice start-up but a friend told me I should make a premade so I am doing just that. I will be putting everything I have into this tribe and if, when 59 comes out, the tribe is doing exceptionally well, I will stay on this world and lead it.

A little about Our leader Tuzain

[SPOIL]Well my first world was world 57 where I managed to get myself an amazing co-player, Doctor Jeroen, who then left the account as I asked him to. After that the account fell apart for the most part because I got double crossed by numerous people. If you need to see what happened, just look at the threads I've started. I am currently playing on where I am leading a tribe with my co-player. We started ~1 month late and some are just getting to their second villages. :D[/SPOIL]

What I can Tuzain bring to the table?

[SPOIL]He has a few traits that some would find "admirable" and then he has just as many that some would find "unadmirable". The admirable traits are that he is EXTREMELY honest about EVERYTHING. he gives 100% to whatever he is doing when he is doing it. He is an EXTREMELY ethical person (again for proof just look up the threads I have started.) and I value everyone in my tribe, so he can promise equality in the tribe and your voice will be heard. No matter what you say, he will take it into account when attempting to form alliances, NAP's, preparing to war, etc. Everyone deserves to be heard in his opinion and he seeks to make it that way.[/SPOIL]


[SPOIL]Advancement in the tribe WILL BE AVAILABLE to those who prove themselves. If you are interested, make sure to make a note of it when applying. TNT will rely heavily on recruiting in game as he started the thread rather late to get many if any players. I'd just like to put us out there.[/SPOIL]


[SPOIL]None. The only thing he asks of you is that you be loyal, that you be active, and that you are willing to learn. Everything else he can deal with. Also, newbs as well as noobs are welcome. If you are a newb, you can walk the road with us. If you are a noob, you can also walk the road with us and become a newb. :)[/SPOIL]

Ways to contact: You can message him here (Tuzain), or on Skype. His Skype is Tuzain. You can also catch him in game on 54 (just messing around and point whoring. :D) or catch him in game on The tribal COA is still under construction. If you would like to apply for any position, make sure to note that in your message. We accepting everyone. :)

Current Member Count: 4
Happy Nukeing To All


The starting direction will be announced to members via PM. Once game starts we will be recruiting also.


I'd like to join but I might be away when the world starts...


.,interested in joining...

anymore slots?

:icon_twisted: :icon_evil: :icon_eek:


Check your mail. ;)

EDIT: Now up to 10 members.
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I would like to apply for Imperial Wizard Dragon Master Chef. I expect full duke privileges and a free burrito every time I farm a village. and Ms. Ch3rry. Please decide on one tribe to join. =P


We have now joined the world and we are in the SW. We are currently located on the backside of K54 because I fell asleep and everyone else forgot to join the world right away. :icon_redface: It actually worked out better for our spread like this in my personal opinion. Also, not all of the confirmed members have joined because they are offline. If you are interested in game, contact Tuzain.