The Once and Future South


The Once and Future South

Brothers and Sisters,

Your Council has been debating our current and future relationships with F.D and her sister tribe Fenix, and we have decided that, in keeping with [DT] Council’s tradition of and commitment to informing our membership of our situation in the world , we should share with you all that has happened with these two tribes over the last several months.

The Council is well aware that the contents of this message may leak to F.D and Fenix, perhaps with adverse consequences for our relationship with either or both tribes. However, unlike many tribes both past and present, [DT]’s Council will not - nor has it ever - hidden our intentions from our members; especially now as we stand together upon the very threshold of the greatest war this world shall ever see.

The complete story is rather involved and somewhat Byzantine, so we will provide a synopsis here. Rest assured that after reading it, should any of you have any questions, you can contact any member of the Council and we’ll get answers to you. Note that much of this is cold, hard solid fact – some of it is reconstructed based on the best intelligence we’ve been able to gather – none of it, however is speculative or we wouldn’t be sharing it with you. It’s rather lengthy, so grab some beer and chips, and away we go …

Some time ago, it came to the attention of the Council that iubi29 (then of F.D) was multi-accounting (using more than one account strictly for her own benefit and, not coincidentally, strictly against the rules and in violation of every precept of fair play) by using anonymous logins for each account – essentially impossible for the moderators to trace, much less to levy punishment. Subsequently, the Council learned that she had been abetted by a prominent member of Fenix and shown how to multi-account by using proxy IPs.

When [DT] Council became aware of this situation, we corresponded with various members of F.D's leadership, in particular and most fruitfully Black Talons (former Diplomat and Baroness of F.D) and Azrix Nightfire (Former Co-Duke of F.D – since resigned from the game), both of these players were outraged at the blatant cheating of their member and they were assured from their top leadership, and in their turn so assured us, that the problem was being handled.

At that time, we had a relatively solid and (we thought) mutually respectful relationship with the leadership of F.D, so the Council not unreasonably believed that F.D would pursue the honorable course with this player; kick and noble her out. We respectfully stood back with that expectation. Our expectation could not have been more wrong.

Weeks passed without any resolution, or even movement towards a resolution, to the problem and it became regrettably clear that a highly-placed member of F.D’s leadership had his own agenda and was consistently blocking every effort by lower-ranked members of F.D’s hierarchy to do the right thing. The player who so disgracefully behaved in this manner was none other than their Head Duke, Redlance.

Eventually, after a great deal of pressure from many within and outside of his tribe urging him to keep faith with F.D’s highest standards, Redlance had no choice but to kick Iubi29 from F.D. She immediately caused the tribe "Banana Smoking Monkeys" (a now defunct tribe we will henceforth call BSM) to be formed, and multiple accounts were promptly - and suspiciously - recruited from F.D to join her there. It should be noted that throughout this process, and despite being briefed by the leadership of F.D (and, presumably, Iubi29 herself), Fenix – F.D’s self-appointed “closest ally” – never disavowed Iubi29 or her behavior, nor took any stance on the matter other than full, unqualified support of a known cheater.

Why should they have done so? The answer is … troubling.

Fenix’s leadership had long planned, through top-level negotiations with Redlance, to have F.D join them in declaring war on first [DT] (and more particularly members of our Council), and then KNT (hence their current allied status with KNT – later to be broken). They wanted to keep Iubi29 in the game because of the number of accounts she personally controlled. When Iubi29 was kicked from F.D, Fenix had to hurriedly alter their plan; having Iubi29 setting up a separate tribe with many of her sat/multi-accounts, defending her from rimming from her former tribe’s now-divided leadership and preserving her viability for future operations against [DT]. Fenix’s hope was that they could use BSM to attack [DT] first, and when [DT] responded (as we assuredly would), hope that the F.D members who were paying attention would notice that their former tribemates were getting slaughtered by [DT] and “pressure” Redlance to go to war with us. Fenix would “reluctantly” join their ally F.D in attacking [DT], and cloud the real issue to the point where – they hoped – KNT would decline to take sides. Fenix and F.D would be then free to attempt to take down the finest tribe in the world with a combination of traditional warfare and their “secret weapon;” multi-accounts controlled by one player.

The plan might have worked, except they didn’t count on a couple of F.D players retaking control of their accounts after being alerted of the peculiar goings on – Bulgaria7 being among them (at the time of his account’s move to BSM he was being sat) – and moving from BSM back to F.D and ultimately to [DT]. Their plan was now exposed, so there was no further need for this Potemkin Tribe to continue to exist. BSM disbanded and Iubi29 went to … wait for it … Fenix, despite the protestations of F.D; the tribe with which Fenix have continually claimed they are most closely allied, most respectful of, most etc. etc. As you all know, Iubi29 became a member of Fenix only after Fenix rattled their sabers at F.D and bullied their leadership into accepting Iubi29's membership into Fenix as a fait accompli.

Please note dear tribemates, that throughout all of this drama Iubi29 was, at that time, still unsanctioned AT ALL by the moderators. Please also note – Fenix risked their “very special alliance” with F.D for the sake of one player who was cheating to such a degree as to affront every honest player, past and present, who has ever been involved in W8.

Fenix moved quickly to divert attention from their betrayal of the alliance and, with the help of Redlance, sought to find a scapegoat on which they could lay much of the blame for the deteriorating relationships with [DT] and KNT and their bungling of the entire Iubi29 fiasco. Unfortunately for them, they chose a player with whom many in [DT] Council have had a long and productive relationship – Black Talons. The Council had worked closely with Black Talons in her capacity as the diplomat of F.D, and we can say without reservation that she worked tirelessly and brilliantly for the benefit of her F.D members in all of her negotiations with [DT]. Black Talons approached [DT] – backed by many F.D members who were uneasy with what was happening at the top of F.D’s leadership - with the idea of a possible merge with F.D – and she fought to keep all of her tribe as viable members, not just the best ones, or the most active. She was foresighted enough to see where Redlance was leading F.D, and understandably wanted no part of it. For her trouble, for her concern with all the members of her tribe, for her tireless work for the benefit of Redlance and his lackeys, Black Talons was branded a traitor and a turncoat.

An absurd accusation.

Aside from her demonstrated grace, honor and dignity, Black Talons is also the beloved wife of woohoodave00 and a personal friend to many in our Council. We know her to be a player to whom the phrase “my word is my bond” is much more than simply a saying, but a way of life. When it became clear, through the machinations of Redlance and Fenix, that she and the tribe that she loved was being maneuvered into an untenable, unwinnable situation she attempted to save as many of her tribe as she could when it became abundantly clear that Redlance would not let her save them all.

[DT] received damning information proving that Redlance was not only plotting with Fenix against [DT], but also against Black Talons personally; Redlance planned to boot her and rim her. We also managed to obtain a copy of a very interesting chat log in which Redlance spoke of his utter hate of [DT] and his wishes for the future. We can guarantee that his unguarded comments about our tribe were less than complimentary, and entirely delusional.

Black Talons left F.D and joined KNT as her position had become impossible, especially knowing that those she had trusted had plotted and schemed behind her back, in the hope of not only removing her, but in joining Fenix and F.D in a war against [DT]. The cherry on top of this particular Sundae happened when we received information that Fenix had also approached Myriad asking them to join in a Grand Alliance against us.

Iubi29 was - eventually - banned for a short time, but even the circumstances surrounding this are somewhat suspect, Redlance claims to be the one who eventually reported her, but no one has yet to see proof of this, rumors also abound that she had someone report her, in order to not only deflect further accusations and investigations against her, but to calm any F.D members who were angered by her cheating, and who may have been thinking of leaving F.D. Further, that a deal had been made between Fenix and Redlance that if Iubi29 accepted her ban, F.D would kick Black Talons and allow Fenix to attack her.

Some of the members of F.D that shared with us much of the information you have just read have since left that tribe, and Azrix Nightfire (former co-Duke of F.D, an extraordinary stand-up guy and a close friend to some of our Council) deleted his account in disgust at the behavior of certain members of F.D & Fenix’s leadership, others left and have since joined [DT] or KNT.

The Council of [DT], having digested this information and despite everything that had happened still wanting to respect the NAP, then wrote to Redlance to gain his views on the situation and see if there was any way we could salvage our relationship and his honor. We received no substantive reply.

That letter was written on Wednesday, the 5th of August.

The truly regrettable thing in all of this is that the majority of F.D and Fenix players are decent, quality people (You know this! You chat with them on a daily basis.) However, they have not only been kept in the dark, but they’ve consistently been fed lies by their respective Dukes.

We can assure our members that we have seen proof of every assertion we’ve just made to you, much of which, to protect our sources, we cannot show in a public forum. We thought that you – members of the finest tribe that will ever call this world home – should know what’s really been going on.


The Council of [DT]



What is the point of posting that here?

Fenix has been aware of many of these allegations for some time and we have investigated them as much as possible.

For starters, BSM was formed before Iubi was dismissed and she joined the tribe as opposed to creating it - something easily verified. Maybe a minor detail, but when a group of people is claiming to have thoroughly investigated something and are absolutely certain of the truth of their statements it's frustrating to see even minor inaccuracies in it.

It is tough to deal with allegations of having a plot against DT when the ones who are supposedly planning it are quite sure we are not and DT and F.D refuses to share any evidence with anyone. We didn't even ask that it be made fully public, but shared with only Pani. Request denied. Why make public claims that can never be backed up by evidence?

But hey, if we are to believe the rumor factory these days, then it is actually DT that has been planning an op for some time now on several of our players. But don't worry, I believe that one as much as I believe this emails claims about Fenix plotting against DT.

On a side note, just out of curiosity, when exactly was DT's nap with F.D dropped and how soon afterwards did attacks begin? I hope I am mistaken, but it would appear from what I have been told so far that a large number of scouting attacks and ram attacks were sent in less than 24 hours of the NAP being dropped (which as I understand it appears to have been timed while Redlance was most likely to be in bed). I hope I am mistaken, because DT seems to be a tribe that prides itself on its honor.


Also, just to be 100% clear, Fenix officially flatly denies any claims of a conspiracy to wage war against DT.


This makes me remember of Davoe.

+ this is better than any Hollywood action movie from Tv this days..ok maybe not Star Gate SG-1.

Red Lance covering a cheater?

Was all this story needed to start a war?



What is the point of posting that here?

Fenix has been aware of many of these allegations for some time and we have investigated them as much as possible.

For starters, BSM was formed before Iubi was dismissed and she joined the tribe as opposed to creating it - something easily verified. Maybe a minor detail, but when a group of people is claiming to have thoroughly investigated something and are absolutely certain of the truth of their statements it's frustrating to see even minor inaccuracies in it.

By one of her many Accounts perhaps? She does have more than one :)

It is tough to deal with allegations of having a plot against DT when the ones who are supposedly planning it are quite sure we are not and DT and F.D refuses to share any evidence with anyone. We didn't even ask that it be made fully public, but shared with only Pani. Request denied. Why make public claims that can never be backed up by evidence?

Have you not approached myriad?

But hey, if we are to believe the rumor factory these days, then it is actually DT that has been planning an op for some time now on several of our players. But don't worry, I believe that one as much as I believe this emails claims about Fenix plotting against DT.

Where? We don't even have borders close to each other. We have a couple of players that left F.D who are now under attack from Fenix. But that is all.

On a side note, just out of curiosity, when exactly was DT's nap with F.D dropped and how soon afterwards did attacks begin? I hope I am mistaken, but it would appear from what I have been told so far that a large number of scouting attacks and ram attacks were sent in less than 24 hours of the NAP being dropped (which as I understand it appears to have been timed while Redlance was most likely to be in bed). I hope I am mistaken, because DT seems to be a tribe that prides itself on its honor.

lol one player got a little excited and sent some scouts. Thanks for letting me know when he sleeps.



This makes me remember of Davoe.

+ this is better than any Hollywood action movie from Tv this days..ok maybe not Star Gate SG-1.

Red Lance covering a cheater?

Was all this story needed to start a war?

No it isn't. But it does let people know what is really going on.


I was asked to post this by a member of the DT council so I did.


You are an F.D and in/with Red Lance tribe from can you explain this story? because for me is RED Lance.

2 tribes marked me during my w8 presence, ok maybe 3: LSD B, 8W and last F.D. with their amasing rise to the top.

I remember Red Lance created F.D. one of the most respected tribes i ever had to see in a few worlds i did play till now.

That tribe existence(u said Iubi made it) and presence down south-east where map ends is hard to be explained if isnt a pre-war tribe against [DT]

If Iubi isnt a multi why she left F.D?
+To be a multi even from start of the world is so easy that i could ask you the same.

Are you a [DT] multi account like a Cold War spy deep infiltrated in F.D. ?

A last question: this time for Fenix.
Why the hell is Iubi in Fenix if this isnt a real story than?
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Lance didn't create FD, and I wasn't there when he took power. I am not in FD havn't been for about 3 weeks now. Note that the post I made were not my words but the words of the DT council. Thier proof is not my proof, I had my reasons for leaving some were addressed in that post and some were not.

Thats all I care to address.



An F.D player is claiming to be currently attacked by 5 different DT players. Shall I name them for you?

Another top 20 player of yours sent 100+ scouting attacks on a F.D player as well.

Also, funny that you discount DT attacking Fenix because "We don't share common borders" yet your council is convinced of Fenix plotting to attack DT? In case you missed it, I said I didn't believe either.

Anyways, thanks for your response I suppose.

Nether, thanks for the response and this isn't directed towards you, but I've seen DT council members on here before. Not only do they present evidence which can never be shared and thus verified, but they don't even use their own accounts to post it?


I don't know the motive behind asking me to post it, i'm a grunt and I do as i'm asked.


Every tribe has conflicts with other tribes. What you are discussing here are routine matters that are normally handled through diplomatic channels.

Most people have the intelligence to recognize wrong-doing when facts are presented. But this persuasive essay is opinion and commentary of the most defensive nature. I point out your extensive use of inflamatory language that writers commonly use when the goal is to sensationalize and provoke emotional, rather than rational reactions in the reader(s).

If your goal was to warn readers about a malicious threat, that would be valid. All you had to do to to appear credible is state the facts and back it up with offers of evidence like in-game mails, reports, etc. For this type of matter, a factual report could have been written in one or two paragraphs instead of this long diatribe of complaints. If you offer no evidence, then this is nothing but gossip and an attempt to smear someone's good name.

You mentioned RedLance 15 times here, so one would conclude that your anxieties are specifically about him. Let me ask a question. Did you have the courage to confront RedLance with your complaints and talk it out man-to-man before going public with these scathing accusations?

RedLance is one of the most fearless persons I've ever met and he's not a people pleaser by any means. His goal is always to fulfill his duties and obligations that he undertakes and he is ruthless when someone gets in the way. People who don't share his same integrity find him intimitading.

This reflects poorly on [DT], showing that the leadership is lacking confidence to feel the need to create a public drama like this. They have reavealed their insecurities for all to see, and have hurt the dignity of their tribe with this display. Those who have the most guilt spend much time pointing a finger at others.

A pearl of wisdom from RedLance ealier this year:

"An intelligent person can meet their goals and needs without lying."

For more information on this topic:


Banana Smokers was created before Iubi got kick out from FD. A simple check on TW stats might help you to get the facts right. I know cause I created the Smokers.

I left FD not because of the so call plot against DT but because of unhappiness against certain leaders in FD and heck I only got to know about the so call plot rumors days after the Smokers was created. You, Nether, should know about. It was posted prominently in the forum.

Other players who are not happy with the internal matters left FD either joining other tribes or requesting invites from myself which I oblige. When The Smokers got to know that Iubi was kicked out of FD, we sent the invites over to her as we refuse to see a close friend being treated like a used tissue. Yeah she might have been cheating and bla bla bla, point is she have been punish by the game mods. At the end of the day, she's still a great friend and we Smokers do what is right to a friend.

So there you go. You fail on the Smokers investigation & 3/4 of this story is baseless

This is getting more and more exciting. Its like watching Days Of Our Life all over again. Pfft!


This reflects poorly on [DT], showing that the leadership is lacking confidence to feel the need to create a public drama like this. They have reavealed their insecurities for all to see, and have hurt the dignity of their tribe with this display. Those who have the most guilt spend much time pointing a finger at others.

We are lacking confidence? We are showing our insecurities?

We have 2 allies, KNT and I:A and many enemies. Wasnt long ago we decided to downgrade F.D and Fenix from allies to NAP (Fenix were completly removed from diplomacy and basically from that moment we have refused to entertain the idea of ever having diplomatic relations with Fenix again). Now we decided to drop the NAP with F.D, knowing full well that we might end straight up in a war fighting F.D, Fenix, NUKE, Myriad and FF against...[DT]. Yeah, we lack confidence.....and were insecure. Give me a break.

The evidence in the top post is their for all to see. F.D Dukes deleting in disgust, players leaving the tribe, where Iubi is now. Why would we lie? We didnt need an excuse to start war, it is a war game after all. I am curious who told nether to post this though :S
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wow this is very intresting to me......
well this could end messy too


Every tribe has conflicts with other tribes. What you are discussing here are routine matters that are normally handled through diplomatic channels.

Most people have the intelligence to recognize wrong-doing when facts are presented. But this persuasive essay is opinion and commentary of the most defensive nature. I point out your extensive use of inflamatory language that writers commonly use when the goal is to sensationalize and provoke emotional, rather than rational reactions in the reader(s).

If your goal was to warn readers about a malicious threat, that would be valid. All you had to do to to appear credible is state the facts and back it up with offers of evidence like in-game mails, reports, etc. For this type of matter, a factual report could have been written in one or two paragraphs instead of this long diatribe of complaints. If you offer no evidence, then this is nothing but gossip and an attempt to smear someone's good name.

You mentioned RedLance 15 times here, so one would conclude that your anxieties are specifically about him. Let me ask a question. Did you have the courage to confront RedLance with your complaints and talk it out man-to-man before going public with these scathing accusations?

RedLance is one of the most fearless persons I've ever met and he's not a people pleaser by any means. His goal is always to fulfill his duties and obligations that he undertakes and he is ruthless when someone gets in the way. People who don't share his same integrity find him intimitading.

This reflects poorly on [DT], showing that the leadership is lacking confidence to feel the need to create a public drama like this. They have reavealed their insecurities for all to see, and have hurt the dignity of their tribe with this display. Those who have the most guilt spend much time pointing a finger at others.

A pearl of wisdom from RedLance ealier this year:

"An intelligent person can meet their goals and needs without lying."

For more information on this topic:

This post was for our tribe members. We wanted them to know what was going on. Not one member of [DT] has doubted what we presented to them. They know we will not lie to them.

As far as Redlance, hmm. He is an inactive Duke who would allow Fenix to threaten war with F.D if they did not allow Fenix to take lubi and her many accounts in. It was a council member within Fenix who told F.D the only reason they had such a strong alliance was because of lubi. Fenix then mailed the entire tribe of F.D multiple times without permission.

What did Redlance do?

He went after the person who was trying to forge an alliance/merge with [DT]. You see Redlance in his younger days got spanked by [DT] and he doesn't like us very much. We all know that Fenix is trying to work with Myraid, Nuke and even RIPK. Redlance and Fenix are on the same page. But at the same time it divided many within F.D.

Those who could not put up with the way Fenix treated F.D or the backstabbing that Redlance did to Black either left the tribe or deleted.

Redlance wants to rule the world. Yet he keeps giving accounts and regions to Fenix. A very good master plan I have yet to figure out.

F.D has declared war. Let the fun begin.


Lance didn't create FD, and I wasn't there when he took power. I am not in FD havn't been for about 3 weeks now. Note that the post I made were not my words but the words of the DT council. Thier proof is not my proof, I had my reasons for leaving some were addressed in that post and some were not.

Thats all I care to address.

I was.

Dabelko and Mamuro were banned. I believe before that, Dabelko made RedLance co-duke.



I talk to Redlance on a regular basis, so definitely not inactive right now. Although I guess it depends on your definition of inactive.

Fenix and F.d had disagreements at times, but Fenix never did and never would have threatened war against F.D.

darrenammo, are you part of the DT council? Because you seem to be out of the loop.

It's not even clear if DT ever was allied or even at NAP status with Fenix. I do know that Fenix was under the impression that we DID have diplomatic relations during the Clorox war as did AHH. Both AHH and Fenix were told during the war with Clorox (probably around March, but I'd have to fact check that one) that DT would not give us an Alliance or a NAP.

And yeah, I think you need to do some simple math darrenammo. I love the quote about the many enemies and few allies, but DT + KNT + IA = about 55% of the world. But feel free to paint DT as the underdog anyways, I suppose especially with the fearsome Drk-k listed as an enemy.

Hey, speaking of them, I also loved how Drk-k got such an eloquent declaration of war, yet F.d got no public notice of being dropped from NAP status and then attacks beginning without any grace period. Really stand up actions.


We are lacking confidence? We are showing our insecurities?

We have 2 allies, KNT and I:A and many enemies. Wasnt long ago we decided to downgrade F.D and Fenix from allies to NAP (Fenix were completly removed from diplomacy and basically from that moment we have refused to entertain the idea of ever having diplomatic relations with Fenix again). Now we decided to drop the NAP with F.D, knowing full well that we might end straight up in a war fighting F.D, Fenix, NUKE, Myriad and FF against...[DT]. Yeah, we lack confidence.....and were insecure. Give me a break.

The evidence in the top post is their for all to see. F.D Dukes deleting in disgust, players leaving the tribe, where Iubi is now. Why would we lie? We didnt need an excuse to start war, it is a war game after all. I am curious who told nether to post this though :S

Not a single [DT] leader had the courage to make this post. I say it speaks volumes that you appointed a new member to handle a public relations matter that you feel is of epic proportions.

When ppl who have invested time into the game quit, it's never sudden and for only one reason. I assure you they have been contemplating quitting for awhile before they do this, usually due to rl issues. When they have one foot out the door and an unpleasant or time consuming problem comes up, this is enough to cause them to fold.

Why would you say it's a reflection on RedLance that several leaders/members left? Internal disputes happen and they can't always be resolved to everyone's satisfaction. It's just a plan fact of the game.

If anything, RedLance is in a more advantageous position since he now knows that they were not truly committed to his causes. He's essentially gotten rid of those who refused give him their unconditional loyalty. No leader needs members like this.


This post was for our tribe members. We wanted them to know what was going on. Not one member of [DT] has doubted what we presented to them. They know we will not lie to them.

As far as Redlance, hmm. He is an inactive Duke who would allow Fenix to threaten war with F.D if they did not allow Fenix to take lubi and her many accounts in. It was a council member within Fenix who told F.D the only reason they had such a strong alliance was because of lubi. Fenix then mailed the entire tribe of F.D multiple times without permission.

What did Redlance do?

He went after the person who was trying to forge an alliance/merge with [DT]. You see Redlance in his younger days got spanked by [DT] and he doesn't like us very much. We all know that Fenix is trying to work with Myraid, Nuke and even RIPK. Redlance and Fenix are on the same page. But at the same time it divided many within F.D.

Those who could not put up with the way Fenix treated F.D or the backstabbing that Redlance did to Black either left the tribe or deleted.

Redlance wants to rule the world. Yet he keeps giving accounts and regions to Fenix. A very good master plan I have yet to figure out.

F.D has declared war. Let the fun begin.

You're making broad generalizations without giving examples or offering evidence to back up your allegations. It's just more of the same rhetoric.