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Almurph, The One True King In The North

Side 1:
Tribes: Blue!
Side 2:
Tribes: NBD, NBDA
Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 116
Side 2: 38
Difference: 78
Blue! declares on NBD
Oh king of the north what are you going to do with the false king
Every tribe is sexy for you.
[/spoil]Devil king.ID Jan 03, 02:37
hey there,
here I am, tribeless.. I dunno where should to go..
my duke and councils on my ex tribe leaving me and some of my friend to [ally]NAM[/ally].
I tried to joining NAM too but they're not respond my mail, i mean, their duke, daddysmurf not respond my mail..
so, here im really alone...
Im really want to join you... cause your tribe is the only one I want to join..
Hilary Duff Jan 03, 02:49
Devil king.ID Jan 03, 02:56
anything to prove you im good enough to join your tribe?
but, if you want me to send nuke, i lost some of my nuke for recap my vills from NBD and fight NBD..
I just have mini nukes , and 1 half nuke..
cause my vills is 70%deff 30% offens , i dont have much offensive villas..
Devil king.ID Jan 03, 03:59
are you not interested on me cause im fail to understand your last instruction?
awww sorry
Hilary Duff Jan 03, 14:10
Do you want to merge into our account and play on ours?
Devil king.ID Jan 03, 14:11
aww, its not a good idea..
Hilary Duff Jan 03, 14:11
Devil king.ID Jan 03, 14:13
i want to play with my acc to the end of world..
at least, i want to show my friend I can survives till the end of world..
Devil king.ID Jan 03, 14:18
but i can think about it if you tell me what will i got if I merge with you
Hilary Duff Jan 03, 14:18
Well you have done well I am just thinking that the barb clusters are gone and we are all slowing dieing from starving, because NAM is moving in and I would like to see you in the world
Devil king.ID Jan 03, 14:19
so, why we not working together?
im good at deff and snipe
Hilary Duff Jan 03, 14:21
Because we will stop growing while they get bigger
Devil king.ID Jan 03, 14:24
maybe you can fight NAM if you work with NBD
that also a good idea
Hilary Duff Jan 03, 14:26
NBD stabbed us in the back, look there isnt much I can do you are going to have to do something like a merge to stay on the world
Devil king.ID Jan 03, 14:29
didnt you already have enough co play?
Devil king.ID Jan 03, 14:31
that also my reason, why i dont want to join NBD...
everyone hates NBD so much..
but if im tribeless, it will be more dangerous for me
Hilary Duff Jan 03, 14:42
We are losing a co play shortly so we have a spot open
Devil king.ID Jan 03, 14:44
ahh, im really want to play with my account and keep playing to the end of world
Hilary Duff Jan 03, 14:45
I understand But that will not happen the way you are going, NAM are pushing and you are a massive target seeing as you have no tribe, no protection :/ This is just friendly advice
Devil king.ID Jan 03, 14:47
you're right,
hmmm, its hard for me.
but, maybe I will join NBD soon..
to avoid being mass targeted as you said
Hilary Duff Jan 03, 14:50
Look co Playing isnt as bad as it seems, I wasnt too keen on it myself but once you get into it its pretty good, you dont have to worry about being on 24 7 and you can work with people people who are pretty awesome at the game and can learn from
Devil king.ID Jan 03, 14:52
i just think about,
what will i got if i being co played with you
Hilary Duff Jan 03, 14:54
We sort out a timeframe for you to play that suits you, if you have skype we can use that, we wilpl send your troops off nukes and dv to just hit random targets are work on putting the villages on the one account things like that
Devil king.ID Jan 03, 14:57
I have skype, this is my skype acc .. A_hisar
how if my time doesnt suits you?
Hilary Duff Jan 03, 15:00
We are pretty flexible, it shouldnt be a problem
Hilary Duff Jan 03, 15:00
what time do you play?
Devil king.ID Jan 03, 15:03
you can see my time on skype.. did you:?
Hilary Duff Jan 03, 15:04
Devil king.ID Jan 03, 15:05
Hilary Duff Jan 03, 15:05
Thats fine
Devil king.ID Jan 03, 15:09
im gonna sleep, talk about it later...
my co play will online soon.. but, dunno he will read the mail and give a response or not..
Hilary Duff Jan 03, 15:10
ok mate
Devil king.ID Jan 07, 06:31
i thought you'd appreciate this gem lol.
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