The One True King In The North


It's OK James; I've learned not to expect too much from most the numpties on this forum. They can't even come up with original tribe names; original banter is well out of their league.
paying homage has nothing to do with intelligence.

aaaand not to mention the irony of someone in a tribe named after a tv series complaining about lack of originality :icon_rolleyes:

Sinful Angel

Contributing Poster
Reaction score
I'm pretty sure the golden company isn't even in the TV show so you'd better get your facts straight.

Sinful Angel

Contributing Poster
Reaction score
From my google search I can't find them on the TV show and I don't remember them on the TV show.


[spoil] Aegon isn't in the show and he's a central part of the golden company plotline[/spoil]

ted the stoner

Side 1:
Tribes: Golden
Side 2:
Players: PrincessDaisy

Timeframe: Last week

Total conquers:

Side 1: 536
Side 2: 29
Difference: 507


Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 31
Side 2: 5
Difference: 26


Points value of total conquers:

Side 1: 3,445,467
Side 2: 276,649
Difference: 3,168,818


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 298,118
Side 2: 47,408
Difference: 250,710


It's just in; Blue are NAM's meatsheilds :( rip in peace blue, nothing but a wall to hide behind.


Amen to that. I want some top notch stuff and come on here to NAM just repeating the same thing in the hopes that the 20th time they say something it will become interesting or intelligent.

I mean come on guys let's have fights but at least make it interesting.

I wanted to quote some of your top notch posts to illustrate your point. But unfortunately I couldn't find any. Could you please direct me to them?


Lippa! Why are you not in Golden with the rest of the W2 circle!?! Will you be joining them soon?

Sinful Angel

Contributing Poster
Reaction score
I wanted to quote some of your top notch posts to illustrate your point. But unfortunately I couldn't find any. Could you please direct me to them?

See NAM, this is good banter. More like this and we'll be going well.


I'm flipinaflipinaflipinaaaaaa what's the update on this thread? Was the enemy CRUSHED yet?



aaaand not to mention the irony of someone in a tribe named after a tv series complaining about lack of originality :icon_rolleyes:

W2V and NAM will now be on every world, just like the overabundance of SPARTANS, VIKINGS, PHOENIX, and other such tripe... make sure you get a nice ASCII sword for your profile so you look super elite and pro.


W2V and NAM will now be on every world, just like the overabundance of SPARTANS, VIKINGS, PHOENIX, and other such tripe... make sure you get a nice ASCII sword for your profile so you look super elite and pro.

You are wrong, This will be the last of NAM(unless noobs use it) Only because it is last world for most of us etc etc we decided to go with NAM.


Well obviously then people are gonna copy, if they do copy the name it is because the impact NAM made on them :O im sure plenty of people that were rimmed by golden here will use that tribe name for future worlds as it may attract members.


Side 1:
Tribes: Golden
Side 2:
Tribes: NAM

Timeframe: Last week

Total conquers:

Side 1: 558
Side 2: 720
Difference: 162


Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 40
Side 2: 6
Difference: 34


Points value of total conquers:

Side 1: 3,641,115
Side 2: 6,159,104
Difference: 2,517,989


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 384,917
Side 2: 57,185
Difference: 327,732


Gettin rekt boys