Boosting his ego through an alias...oh how clever
Huey, you have stated that you are only trying to prove that you are in ModWar. I ask you, "If you are trying to prove that you are in ModWar, wouldn't the best way to do that be to tell everyone which account?" I've checked the list of ModWar members and "HueyGunner" isn't on there. The reason your name isn't on the list is because ModWar wouldn't recruit a player with as little character as you.
I'm not trying to paint a picture of every ModWar member being a saint. Everyone on this world knows better. But, what I do know for a fact is that there have been players who have tried to "sell" themselves into ModWar by saying that they have a way of spying on an opposing tribe. These players were quickly told that their "type" was not desired to be in our tribe. So, if in fact, you are on a ModWar members account (which has yet to be proven) enjoy it for the next month. Just know that YOU are not a member of ModWar and never will be.
Again, have a blessed day!
What a great response Phil. Your response was about as worthless as IDS was.
What I find funny is the Modwar is telling everyone to ignore me but they can't control Phil and the original pure_og...right there bcruss/evocablepanic?
I think some people need to check the nukes they have sent out because a few people have sent their "cat op" nukes have been sent out instead of holding them. I think you might want to check Group 2 as particular sitter sent them out by accident.
Keep thinking that Dark is just sending fakes and you might be in for a surprise.
I must give a shout out to Panda as your denial of me in modwar is now proven wrong in the above statement. Nonni06 I am looking forward to seeing more of your sniping skills. I can do it but I am not as good as you. I do miss them from time to time.
I find it funny you talk about "selling". I think you are trying to "sell" modwar as this great tribe. I am really curious. What war has modwar won? Modwar got to their power by using diplomacy and merges. So you has to "sell" modwar in order to get people to buy into the entire philosophy. Nyuk has bought into it. If you beat Dos Nyuk will be next. Nyuk chose the path of least resistance. But that is not the story here for this reply.
I never really looked at the situation now that a few of the bigger IDS players joined KTA. Pretty interesting outlook on things.Just had a look at the map again after a week had passed: KTA seem to be strengthening their position in the North West.
If KTA and DOS X merge then we could have a third major tribe on par with NYUK and ModWar as far as solid territory shape is concerned. Each would control roughly between %25 to %30 of W42, maybe more, maybe less. For now DOS X still looks like a vulnerable croissant.
Having had a look at other four Worlds that have closed; one had 200 players remaining and the other was controlled %76 percent by a 1st ranked tribe. In both cases it triggered a "World Closing Announcement" by Morthy (the big TW boss).
The interesting thing is that one of the worlds had two tribes merge and that tipped it into closure, not sure which one. Now that the precedent has been set, either NYUK or ModWar or whomever down the line emerges as dominant is fully within their right to go to the admin and request for world closure countdown and winning premium points to be paid out to their members - the moment they control %75 of the World. By that stage player count will drop off as well which will make their case easier also.
So the end game could be 6 months or so away, unless some ground breaking events take place.
Huey, first of all, you did a good job in your response. It was put together quite well. I already feel like I'm making you a better person/troll. Now, it may take more time on my part, but I'm going to start working on your character. And speaking of character, judging by your last response, you completely missed my point. I will take the blame for that and try to be more clear this time around.
In my last response, I placed you in a "type" of person; a stereotype, if you will. That type of person could be a very good player at this game, but lack certain "qualities". These qualities go beyond any game that is played and, unfortunately, bleeds into real life situations. That is what I'm trying to make you realize. Realization is the first step towards fixing any problem.
Just because you're not perfect doesn't mean that you shouldn't strive to do so. So, please, don't beat yourself up over your shortcomings in character. There are certain steps you can take to counteract your yearnings to always do the wrong thing. I've already given you the first step of the process. If you are to respond in a negative way again, I will go to step two.
Now, I know that you're upset that no one likes you right now, but I haven't given up on you yet, Huey. Right now you're quite the garbage person, but there's hope for you.
For the section of the post where you were trying to tell us of your past account, I must digress to my first post. No one in ModWar cares who you are or who you have been in the past. I only care about who you can become. :icon_wink:
I wish you the best in having fun for the next month. Just try your best, when faced with a decision to do the right thing or be your old self, to make the right decision.
Just had a look at the map again after a week had passed: KTA seem to be strengthening their position in the North West.
If KTA and DOS X merge then we could have a third major tribe on par with NYUK and ModWar as far as solid territory shape is concerned. Each would control roughly between %25 to %30 of W42, maybe more, maybe less. For now DOS X still looks like a vulnerable croissant.
Having had a look at other four Worlds that have closed; one had 200 players remaining and the other was controlled %76 percent by a 1st ranked tribe. In both cases it triggered a "World Closing Announcement" by Morthy (the big TW boss).
The interesting thing is that one of the worlds had two tribes merge and that tipped it into closure, not sure which one. Now that the precedent has been set, either NYUK or ModWar or whomever down the line emerges as dominant is fully within their right to go to the admin and request for world closure countdown and winning premium points to be paid out to their members - the moment they control %75 of the World. By that stage player count will drop off as well which will make their case easier also.
So the end game could be 6 months or so away, unless some ground breaking events take place.
Benforth once again an amusing post. Sadly I must point out that your banter is quite boring but seems as the modwar chat room is eating it up. Your attempt at a funny is quite the attempt.
We can sit and compare the size of egos, stats, past worlds, and so on forever. I posted what I did because I disagreed with that modwar did. You don't attack friends when they are in another war. I do applaud the strategy of it but the way it was done showed the true lack of character of a great tribe. A tribe that was recruited not one that was formed out of war.
You take great pride in a tribe that recruited their place to #1. I am sure there is going to be a lot more hugging from modwar. Sadly, your own "Pearl Harbor" attack on Dos has come to a crawl. A war that has gone on for two weeks you have roughly a 290 village advantage in this war. I would call that pathetic by any standards.
I hope the op that is planned is a lot more successful than the previous one.
Revenge of the Nerds is a great movie.
Ok, well lets look at some facts.
Firstly, ModWar have a much larger front with Dos X, and only a small one with Nyuk, so it would of been a hell of a move to delcare on Nyuk. North is where we need to expand right now, so who else do we go through to get there?
As for "You take great pride in a tribe that recruited their place to #1", surely your not naive enough to think that tribes recruiting from the spoils of war is a bad thing? It's good practice to recruit the best, eat the rest.
And 2 weeks?
I think not mate.
P.S. You never said before, who is this 'dark' character you referred to from ModWar?
Benforth how many members in the modwar chat do you know that don't play inside of modwar? Do you really think I would hurt my friend by telling you who I am? I think we both know better than that. Character by your definition is very different. You see the difference between what happened on my world versus here is we never would have stabbed an ally in the back. We would have had the decency to end the relationship first. What you did you did it your way. I am not one to say how a world ends is good or bad. For your sake you better hope that modwar does beat Dos or this move will go down as the biggest mistake in the history of TW.
I have no need to sell myself into modwar. There are a few excellent talents in modwar, and there are some good talents in modwar. There is a lot of dead weight in modwar as well as some very unskilled players as well. I stated time and time again this is not the world I am from. I proved myself on my other world. It has been closed. I was a top ten player with over 24 million points. I got my points for winning the world and gave them to my friend. My TW time was over until he asked me to help.
I find it funny you talk about "selling". I think you are trying to "sell" modwar as this great tribe. I am really curious. What war has modwar won? Modwar got to their power by using diplomacy and merges. So you has to "sell" modwar in order to get people to buy into the entire philosophy. Nyuk has bought into it. If you beat Dos Nyuk will be next. Nyuk chose the path of least resistance. But that is not the story here for this reply.
You have a player who will do just about anything for a few nice words from a female. Let me drop another hint for you. This player is on the front line and is very unskilled. He is friends with bcruss. He bragged about how he is moving to modwar to be with her and that he played with her on a previous world.
Another word of advice in your search for me. Don't take your eye off of multiple suspects. I hear there is in Aussie that talks too much as well.
Speaking of bcruss, I would like to wish you a Happy Birthday in the few remaining hours of it.
Ben, feel free to try and discredit me all you want as that is your plan. The point is I was right about modwar attacking Dos X. I was right about IDS breaking up. As I said in my interview for the blog I have to throw out disinformation from time to time so I don't give myself away.
So has anyone seen a poolboy? I have a pool that needs cleaned before I go for a swim.
Chuck norris vs Jackie Chan, who wins........pffft Chuck norris just stood there and impaled Jackie Chans fist with his face :icon_twisted:
Yes everyone Hueys rambling have driven me mad, but my post is as relevant as any he/she/ has made :icon_rolleyes: