and what i did in AF was really selfish mate
( joking )
Selfish - concerned chiefly or only with yourself and your advantage to the exclusion of others;The word selfish is an adjective and is used to describe people who are self- centred and self serving;
Selfish Meaning and Definition. (a.) Caring supremely or unduly for one's self; regarding one's own comfort, advantage, etc.
My hat's off to all my friends in TBP (both of them) LOL
Side 1:
Tribes: TBP -TBP- T.B.P!
Side 2:
Tribes: AF
Timeframe: Last month
Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 846
Side 2: 388
Difference: 458
Don't be an ass.
When the tribe is no longer a tribe and unwilling to work together, why the hell should a player like death knight stay? I didn't. Thats not called being selfish, thats called being clever and not staying to help players that refuse to help you, or themselves.
As for what sithz said about me ......
I was duke, so what? I say what I think. What I saw while I was duke was a bunch of players unwilling to help each other because they each had their own agenda. They were unwilling to listen to me because they were busy with their own little things.
Thats not a tribe, thats a few players under the same banner for protection.
Bloody hell this is a shame. I remember you as the plucky but loyal up-and-coming in one of the sister tribes. Now you've abandoned the tribe after rising to duke? I think there are some points after which you can't turn your back on a tribe, and yours is definitely one of them.
Sad to see the tribe in such bad shape. Hope whoever is left at the helm can give it a last hurrah worthy of its youthful agression.