The Push King


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Before we get into the bread and butter of this special, I'd like to thank the support team for their efforts this world to limit pushing.

Let's observe one of the worst hidden cases of pushing this world so far.



Luckily support noticed and came knocking with the banhammer



Took 2 weeks, but we got there in the end!
Quite unfortunate to see this is only punishable with a -33% villages, would like to see heavier punishments on those who intentionally break the rules.

After noticing this I wondered if Clowns happened to pick up more rulebreakers this world and my eye fell upon Lite User, and instantly realized he was the one to look into because he always does some shady stuff. So let's see if the pattern is confirmed once more on this world (spoiler: of course it is)

Growing awfully slow and only being 62k points, you wouldn't expect him to be the push king on 125 but let's take a closer look at his caps.


When a player has captured 8 villages on a world of which half belong to players in a tribe the guy was in himself, it doesn't bode very well.
Let's take a look at these 4 sus caps.



Okay this is very suspicious...
But there is more...



So they're in the same tribe together on W121 that is being duked by Lite User and Nodagi was one of the first members to join his tribe...
But there is more...



So this close friend lost his village to Lite User without gaining any ODD, he also restarted 1 field away from Lite User?
This has to be one of the most hilarious cases of pushing I have ever seen.



Oh, another Vamp member losing his village to Lite User without gaining ODD, unexpected.



Wait, a Vamp member losing a village to Lite User and getting ODD, impossible.
We must investigate.

Let's compare when Babywhale gained this ODD and if Lite User gained ODA on the same day.


Luckily we see that Babywhale gained his ODD on the first of March, but Lite User did not gain any ODA that day.
So we can still conclude this is also a push account, still being grown to this day actually.


He is also another member of Lite User's tribe on W121 so we kinda saw that one coming.




So another member of Lite User's tribe on W121 losing a village to him on 125 without gaining ODD

I think after seeing the evidence posted here we can all conclude Lite User is a dirty pusher.
All left to wonder is how much more of his push tribe called Vamp he will be able to noble before he inevitably catches a ban.

@JawJaw let me know if you need more detectives to join the mod team to help catch more bad guys.

If there are contenders for the Push King Crown I need to look into next, please do let me know in the comments.

Tueur De Roi

Non-stop Poster
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Okey so you can in theory get 10 ppl pushing for you, you get 33% punishment and still ends up getting a huge boost in your growth. Add in that this happens 2 weeks after nobling these vills and you got a snowball going

10/10 new pushing rule boys

Players caught pushing need to have their villages barbed and themselves removed/banned from the world. Literally the only way to punish them. Anything less is just rewarding bad behavior. Even if you reduce all of their villages to just 1 they still have all the coins from the minting they did so they can just barble/internal back really only losing a couple weeks of growth.

Tueur De Roi

Non-stop Poster
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They changed how punishments work and now it removes coins aswell. Been this since late 2020 if im not wrong
Oh I didnt know that, thats good! Still 33% reduction is just a slap on the wrist, the punishment should be severe enough that it removes any hope of competing in the world.