The Tribal Mentality.

  • Thread starter DeletedUser67788
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Over time we have all learned a lot of tips, tricks and tactics for TW. What do you think is the most important quality for a tribemate to have? Mega high activity? Amazing at timing nukes? Wrong!

The single best quality for any player, regardless of skill, is attitude. I wanted to touch on a few very important topics regarding attitude here. I truly believe that a lot of people don't really understand their place in a tribe and how they can be a good tribe member. Players continuously fail, and tribes constantly collapse and so often it is the attitude of a minority that causes so many issues.

Online Disinhibition Effect

I won't go into too much detail about the 'online disinhibition effect', because once you understand what it is then you will understand how it relates to TW.

If you want to read a wikipedia article on this, click this link.

In summary though, the 'online disinhibition effect' means that people have more spine online than they do in real life. People who are too weak to look you in the eye if you were standing in front of them can often be arrogant and aggressive idiots when they are sitting in the safety of their bedrooms.

Whenever your are communicating with someone in the tribe, before you click the shiny send button, you should ask yourself: 'Would I really say this to someone's face if they were standing next to me? Or am I just another annoying tryhard beating my chest to sound cool to my e-friends?.

Comparing Tribalwars to Employment

I draw a lot of comparisons between holding a job and Tribalwars. A lot of the qualities that would make you a good employee, is what would make you a good tribemate.

Now I am not saying here that TW should be a 9-5 job for anyone. I would never treat it like that, and encourage anyone who does to um... get a real job? What I am talking about, is simple qualities like being reliable and trustworthy will get you a long way. You need to be able to communicate efficiently and you are definitely going to have more success if you are a fun person who is easy to get along with.

In a workplace, if you don't know how to perform a task what do you do? Sit around and fake it so the people you work with think you know what you are doing? How long would you keep your job if you did that? If you want to know a better way to perform a task, you have to ask the questions. It is massively frustrating for me as a leader to find out that some people in my tribes don't know some of the simplest stuff. All because it never occurred to them to put their damn fingers to the keyboard and ask the question. Never assume you know it all. Always assume there is a better way of doing it, and you just gotta ask the right person.

Since a young age, most parents will bash politeness into us. Saying 'please' and 'thank you' is something expected of us and it is common courtesy. Why the hell do so many people not say it on TW?

If you are a leader, it is very important to recognise the type of people you are leading. The vast majority of TW players are young males (and the occasional hot milf). With testosterone raging you can understand why there seems to be a constant power struggle between people (even on the same team). Young males are typically ambitious, even moreso when playing a computer game. As a leader you need to recognise that people won't just follow you blindly 'coz u say so'. You need to justify yourself, you need to accept criticism and praise alike, and you need to delegate tasks to keep as many people happy as you can.

On the topic of praise, it is another thing people should use more of. Humans strive for praise. Simply telling someone they have done a good job when they have made some accomplishment isn't just a nice thing to do, it'll make them want to do it again, and again, and again... Praise between members of a tribe can have quite a significant effect. Do it!

Being useful

And so, my fellow tribemen: ask not what your tribe can do for you - ask what you can do for your tribe.

Whether you are a leader or a lowly grunt, one of the best things you can do for someone is ask the question "Can I help you?". Think about it, in those four words (and a question mark) you have demonstrated a willingness to participate, you showed you care about them enough to want to help, and you showed that you want to be useful.

Would you really rather sit around trying to noble a player one on one slowly, or would it be better to send a message to a few people nearby and see if they are ready to beat the crap out some poor targets spears and swords?

When people use the word 'active' they don't just mean logging in once or twice per day. To increase your chances of success you need to work with people closely, you need to be communicating with people constantly and you have to plot the demise of the threats that pose the most danger to you (as a player and as a tribe).

Leadership Lessons from Dancing Guy

Leadership is over glorified. The true power in guiding a tribe lies in other positions.
Don't believe me? Watch this.

I was linked to this video a long time ago, and I went to rediscover it in order to post it here.

There always seems to be a gap between leadership and membership of a tribe. People really fail to recognise the influence they have on the players surrounding them. When someone whines incessantly towards a leader about decisions being made, it can start to create a rift that can potentially tear any group of people (a tribe being one such example) apart.

There is not much more I can say on this that doesn't get covered in the video. Watch it and you will see how it applies to any social group, including your tribe.

Tribe > Self


^^ Don't forget the name of this game when you are playing. It is about a collection of players forming a tribe, and it is about those tribes going to war.

The more effort everyone in a tribe puts in, the more chance you have for success. Don't fall into the trap of sitting back and complaining about how things are. Get active and make things happen. Put the tribe ahead of yourself.


I have played TW for quite a while now. I've been in some awesome tribes, and I have seen some amazing tribes fail horribly for the most pathetic reasons. I have played with some of the best TW players around, and for a lot of them I have to say I have no desire to play alongside them again. With their confidence and skill seems to come arrogance and selfishness to the point where they just aren't worth having in a tribe (even if they are in the top 20).

The most memorable players are the ones who will lose their last axeman for you, just so you can take a village. They are the ones who will sit your account and snipe 10 trains while you sleep. They won't be a whiny bitch when you make a mistake and noble one of their claims. The question is, what sort of tribemate are you?

Written by Hazad.
(with one un-credited quote stolen from Xplicid)
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Nice post, I agree with most of the things you said. :)

But it also makes me think... What kind of tribemate am I? :icon_redface:


I like it haz :) once again good thought keep it up :)


I was high up in the ranks of a tribe once. I was high up but I didnt have total control of the tribe. Anway one of our top players, I will not name him in the forum. Thought he should send all the leaders and members of the head council this message.

Hey Look I don't care whats going on with you Dudes...I can leave if I don't like it...and I can just start over in another "K" no problem...but when I joined you're tribe i thought you had a handle on your direction and orginazation and leadership and ability to get this tribe in unity acting as one in a possitive direction...YOU GUYS ARE LOST!!!!...We are recruiting in "4" "K"'s !!!! we are recruiting villages at 100 or 200 points when our average points are 680???!!!
we have allis with "7" tribes!!! non aggresion with "3" and no one at war!!!!and the "Forum is a joke ! we have "16" differant topics with who the hell knows how many sub. topics!!!!!! It takes me an hour a day just to read it to keep currant!!!And peaple are leaving as soon as they join after taking one look at this mess!!!!!!!!!But you know what ...don't take my word for it ...just take a look for your self!!!!

he made some great points, and he was right things were being done wrong, but the way he said it led to him being kicked from the tribe with immediate effect. A perfect of example where a bit of courtesy would have been a miss.


As always, well said Haz.
One of the reasons even if you fall to one village, I'm refusing to boot you from my tribe :p~

Though he may have said things the wrong way, should he have been kicked from the tribe?

Just reading over Haz's thread, and putting it to practice in that single post, I see a passionate, caring person, who wants to succeed at this game, but needs a bit of direction. He has a clear potential, because he cearly knows what he wants, and that he wants to be a part of a group that will succeed with him.

On the flip side, I see a leadership who's just removed a potentially good player, who would help them achieve goals, because they didn't care enough to put in a little effort with him, and smooth over the rough edges, removing someone who made criticisms against how things are run. Shouldn't a tribemate have a voice? shouldn't a tribemate be able to put it to their leaders bluntly?

The reality is, the same post goes for both a tribemate, and a leader, as a leader is just another tribemate, albeit one who generally puts in more effort into the big picture, than the small one. So leaders should also reflect on Haz's post here, because it'll go a long way in helping you lead a tribe with respect, and in making the members of your tribe, respectable, well prepared tribe members.
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Some interesting points I need to think on. Thank you

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As always, well said Haz.
One of the reasons even if you fall to one village, I'm refusing to boot you from my tribe :p~

Once someone has fought for the tribe, so long as they don't betray the trust of the tribe, they are welcome to stay as long as they wish, and they are going to be the ones who get accounts passed to them when others 'retire'.

3dd1e @ The guy was frustrated, and everything he said was valid. If he posted it on the forums, I'd have booted him also however, for undermining the leadership, as useless as they apparently were... That said, if it were via mail, the guy could stay, (unless he circ'ed it). Everyone has a right to voice their opinions.

Hazad @ Definately something alot of people need to think about, and to be honest, your... guide?... basically outlines exactly the kind of people I look for.


*nods in vague agreement*

One thing I think you have forgotten though. With good attitude and activity, generally the finer tuning of the game (skill etc.) generally falls into place by itself. Thats why I stopped specifically looking for skilled players long ago...


This was a good post Hazad, and I find myself agreeing with most of the points. Those are the type of people that as a leader, you really want in a tribe.


Clear communication, teamwork, positivity, preparation, courteousness.

These all go a long way in making for the best tribemates - both in terms of winning & also for enjoyment & personal satisfaction.
This is a community & having folks to laugh with (even when your 4th noble only drops the loyalty by 20) is another good quality that the best tribes seem to have.

Nobody can possibly win this game alone & any "elites" who behave as though they can are sadly mistaken.

As has often been said in sports
"A champion team will beat a team of champions"
So the tribe that can work together & share the load with the kind of players you are talking about will often defeat tribes with selfish players but superior technical skills.


One other essential quality of the perfect tribemate:
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Here I thought it was his height.

Joking aside, a well-written piece and I liked the reference to the online disinhibition effect. At least I like to think it is that and not their upbringing that is responsible for the regularly impolite mails/posts some players are responsible for.

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Here I thought it was his height.

Joking aside, a well-written piece and I liked the reference to the online disinhibition effect. At least I like to think it is that and not their upbringing that is responsible for the regularly impolite mails/posts some players are responsible for.

No, its still an ubringing issue. People are online, who they don't have the courage to be in real life. Which is to say, if someone is polite in real life, they will be polite on the internet. Consider their internet behaviour (when negative), an emphasized version of who they are. However, when polite, consider it an (can't think of the opposite of emphasized), version of who they are.

In life people maybe spineless, but, on the internet, they are free to be who they are on the inside, not who they show the world through their cower.


Thanks for the positive feedback dudes and dudettes.

Feel free to post this into your respective tribal forums, spread the word from the Book of Hazad.


They won't be a whiny bitch when you make a mistake and noble one of their claims.

god theres nothing worse than someone who makes a big deal out of nobling someone elses claim. seriously get over it, in the time you spent moaning you could have nobled 2 other villages.

good read hazad


Feel free to post this into your respective tribal forums, spread the word from the Book of Hazad.
Done! Even named the topic 'The Book of Hazad - an excerpt'.

No, its still an ubringing issue. People are online, who they don't have the courage to be in real life. Which is to say, if someone is polite in real life, they will be polite on the internet. Consider their internet behaviour (when negative), an emphasized version of who they are. However, when polite, consider it an (can't think of the opposite of emphasized), version of who they are.

In life people maybe spineless, but, on the internet, they are free to be who they are on the inside, not who they show the world through their cower.
I believe this to be true in many instances. I also live in hope that it is not always the case and that some are subconsciously trying to find their voice and will learn to moderate it in time.


Hate to take a dump on anyones parade but this is pretty obvious stuff to me. Would have to dig way deeper into the subject to get anything new and meaningful out about it.


Hate to take a dump on anyones parade but this is pretty obvious stuff to me. Would have to dig way deeper into the subject to get anything new and meaningful out about it.

And yet sadly, the large majority of people don't even consider these things when they are playing.
There will always be more to learn on a topic, but to scratch the deepest depths of this one, you'd need a 5000 word essay, which.. well no one would read, except maybe you!


This will be added to my library tomorrow when I have the time.
Should it go in the intermediate or the beginner section?