The true Mongol story (long)


PS Edward i ll keep ignoring you as the only thing you do is twist,manipulate and refuse to understand what i say(you prefer make me look fool then see what i say and thats not deserve even my respect to answer to you).

oooh. there it is...

I tell you the things you don't like so you block me out. Because i can think and make decisions on my own, you ignore me because in the tribe you run, having an opinion is an alien concept.

Yes, when inwar fall, titans, khan and BaseET will fight. this is a game after all. The aim is too achieve world domination not to achieve world peace. we will fight and players will go where they feel loyal too. Myself included. When BaseET and Khan fight each other again, i feel i have an tough decision and i will make my decision when it comes around.


Dedicated Specifically to Charger :

oops war just proved that the hero squad are not heros but scared..

What was the reason for the war ? charger ? you care to remember ?
I have been seeing numerous occasions when you guys , some others spill shit about OOPS! , but do you ever have looked inside your own closet ?

OOPS!! was a compact tribe , with good guys , with good skills , and small in number .

OOPS!! was at its end when i contacted you ? do you remember ?
I was the first person to contact you and leed to sort out the mess of our tribe .

I did not do so to give you pleasure but i mailed , talked to leed ,coz i wanted to sustain OOPS!! till today as a tribe even after its founder left .
But what did you say ? you remember ??
I'll get back some facts up here then :

I asked for an NAP with KHAN , so that our friendship grew back again to what it was earlier .
You said NO one (Kesha/Flinny )trusted us , so we had to move into G.W and leave OOPS!.

2.I repeatedly said , my guys are good , but loyal to OOPS!! , if it gets disbanded, , they are unlikely to join KHANS side as KHAN was the reason for its stupid acts after our leader left and the dismissal of OOPS.
But what you said : Cant help , no one trusts you guys , so either join in G.W or " Change your name " : maybe that would help !
I said to trust me ! coz i was KHAN earlier , have some faith , i said i would get s123 , and hoeso and rest to stop on satawal , but only if you guys secured the NAP .
But you never established it , so why do you want us to stop , red is dead , no matter to what tribe he/she belongs in this god damn World35.

3.I again requested : but you guys stayed stubborn .

Now do you expect us to even talk to a tribe who not only wants us to their pets , but even fight for them on their terms >
Thats pure BS charger .
Why would i ? Why would WE ?

ou know very well ,the front we shared with both KHAN and !?! was the biggest .The side we chose would matter a lot , but you guys were always stubborn , arrogant always .
So i dint give a damn ! , i cut all ties with G.W , and let the guys join the tribe whose leader at least considers us as their fellow mate .

Now another thing i want to bring out to you guys : What was Krogith ? race ? or even soFt doing in OOPS!! after you guys merged into your enemy Base ?
We knew very well , these three were KHAN guys , but yet let them in .
They came in to manipulate the tribe and get them to your side .
You guys were successful but only to a certain limit , only could manipulate the ex-B.W .
The core of OOPS!! still remained strong .

Soft was sat by leedevel at that time , yet we never dismissed .Leed blasted on our forums before he left OOPS!! from soft's account !
Krogith was sent in into OOPS!! to brainwash some of our guys and break the tribe .
Not only him , race was also sent for that purposes .

Race quit after nothing went into his favor and left the tribe as AOE got the grip tight on us always .
Krogith stayed , dint comment on forums , but as a snake does , persuaded our members and cons-pirated to form G.W .
We knew something was flaming up , but dint knew KHAN had planned this for us .

Krogith was kicked from HEROSQUAD then , i gained full hatred for him ,not only me , everyone who loved OOPS!
And it took us 3 days to noble him out and force him to quit .
Krogith was sent to rim , this was quite recent though , but do you even know why this happened ?
Have you ever thought of it ?

Coz he betrayed us !!
He betrayed our team !!
Khan was the reason for the destruction of OOPS!!
yes you guys did gain the upper side of the coin by destroying OOPS!.
But yo lost a lot than what you gained .
Our core members still their , and you have lost a lot !!!
I think you should have thought more than thinking about what the others thought of us.

So dont blame all that BS on us .
You have dug your own graves , and its time for you guys to sleep in that .
You spoilt your relations of OOPS!! with KHAN !
You forced us to go for the path we are now .

You destoyed our , my tribe , and we would destroy yours !
Nothing personal here , but you played your games , let them be mind game or whatever !!
But OOPS! team still knows what you guys done , and would perish you guys to what you deserve!

Robin Unleashed


Glad I made you login with you original Forum account.. it was inactive for 2 months ;)

Well... If you don't like the job i did i don't care. You cared nothing about any tribe not even your own.

Humm I do fully commit to my tribes... the sad part is that I commit so much that RL takes a hit after some time... When your wife is really sick and you have a new born child, some have less time to spend to this game... Its a question of priority I would say?!

To answer Leedeval, I did lead 1 year into W18 G.Khan being 30-32 members versus 300-400 players. Watch the stats versus TWA and RCK families which had 4 tribes into top 10 and enjoy the positive ennoblement of G.Khan over them being 10 times smaller. Anyway..

And I am guilty for leaving this tribe, I do take the responsability for it

You chose to stay gone and let martin play more than you.

Humm Martin Longbow never even played W35 1 single second! lol I just took our co-player account from W30 over to W35 but he never logged into it as he was busy W1

You chose to leave w35 but yet you didn' jumped on externals and grabbed vacant account and created accounts.

Did I?? I never even had 1 single account ion forum not being EstoyLoco. Even playing under Estoy Martin, or Beyond Divinity, or Kind Red, I only ever wrote on forum under EstoyLoco. Beyond Divity was my other alias and try to find the account in membership of TW forums!! lol You are talking way, but waaaay over your head now!

Speaking of... I was sadden to hear rumors you were playing by proxy an account in Aetost's family... hope that info is wrong... When I asked around if you were still around as your Forum account was inactive for so long I also heard you had 2-3 other account on forum... anyway that's not an important matter even if true, just wanting to point out some "rumors"

I love how you, farooq. killax just keeps coming back to a world that you care nothing about to keep leaving it. Well i do know why you all are doing it because unlike all the other worlds you are just upset that Gkhan is still here and so am i.

Charger, if you were honest you would agree how respectful I was toward you and especially toward your person and what you were living in RL being sick and all. I just don't respect the (and for no reason) hate you generated toward me.

G.khan in alot of ways is gone and you kick started that more than once especially with your little team plot to remove me and destroy Gkhan..don't worry it worked well

The only people that is still left in Gkhan is the ones that is loyal to it.. not you. not me but a value in something they believe in with their middle fingers in the air telling the people who can't stand us to go themselves give us the compass we will hit the rim.

I never did put to work the plans to fight G.Khan, as I was too proud of G.Khan standing still. It was not the same G.Khan.. we might have been worse if me and foggy stud around... but although I do respect G.Khan for how it stayed around despite the bad decisions, it did good. and I do respect all its members.

I don't care if i hit the rim as soon as aetost gets done softening me up with sit acct's i am sure with by then he will have no trouble rimming me personally... fine. All he will hear from me is good game.. i won't cry and don't care cause it is a game. Unlike some people believe this is not real life it is a war game everyone has to be rimmed at some time or be bored as hell playing sim city and quit.

This is the only things i care about:.

1. I came here with a friend and refused to join Gkhan without my friend you took us both in that was your choice.
2. I made friends with navid the great one of the greatest people i have ever played with i love that boy like a son
3. I made friends with Leedeval another one of the greatest players i have ever met and possibly the best friend i have in real life ever..
4. I became duke of a tribe i loved and still serve to this day
5. I met other friends who i facebook, talk to by phone and emails. i never dreamed of making so many friends it is pointless to list them all cause i find it amazing i never dreamed of this
6. I've lasted longer than what 45,000 other people?... wow nice..

You are just coming on here to trash me?!?! LMAO. Do it I don't care . I am not bringing the hard words i said, mails i got from your previous world friends (cough) or feelings of the tribe towards you to externals

The only bad feeling the tribe could have toward me if due to your words about me to them. Along the time I was there, everything was really great, tribe was running also nicely and community of W35 did like me and respected me.

Its funny how I do have the strong respect from Aetost, Farooq and some other influent players in W35 even though I have been gone for so long... anyway its not a popularity contest.

The purpose of my post was not to flame you although it seemed that way, my purpose was FAR from flaming G.Khan which I love. As I do know you had hard words on me, I decided it was time to clarify things a little. By respect for G.Khan, I did not do it 6 or 3 months ago as I didn't wanna bring negative vibe to G.Khan out of the game

As you trash me you trash Gkhan as well by doing so and even you as i was your choice. (did you make a bad choice?)

You were still the best choice, you did LOVE G.Khan and did and tried to do always the best for G.Khan. I do believe that. Although I believe you were stubborn on some decisions, but whatever its a game! Although I really felt backstabbed by your attitude toward me once I left. I never felt any gratitude for what I tried to build in G.Khan and for letting you lead it. My grudge is toward that but in no way toward what happened to G.Khan.

I'm sorry if you hate the fact we was doing well without you..I'm sorry if you dislike me I have had 30 kids in my home i've got plenty of kleenex if you need to cry..So.. say what you will your a child and immature.

Save your propaganda most of the world is scared of the size of aetost family tribe to attack them and he stays in all tribes and players mailboxes enough to wear people down to not care enough to attack or run to him which is fine it is part of the game.

I've made my friends and i hate this world. My friends is all that keeps me in this world literally.. i love them to death. Although as long as i have an account and troops i will put up some kind of fight. I will never say i am leaving this world and come back. I will never beg or cry. I will fight with the time i have available never putting my family again second to a game

The joke war and the baseet war produced 2 things i never seen coming kesha and binn 2 more people I find myself having respect fr and 1 a very good relationship

oops war just proved that the hero squad are not heros but scared..

I stopped caring about w35 because 1 person has friends in twstaff and it seriously tilted this world and the balance of it and that 1 person was allowed to cheat and get away with it. I survive because of my friends caring so for them is the only reason i fight so you don't have to beat me down if you are so hurt that we are still here and need some kind of satisfaction just mail me i'll give you directions to my house i'll spend five minutes of my day giving you a hug..

I joined Gkhan to serve Gkhan to the best of my ability.
I still love Gkhan and will till i leave this world.
I have no regrets for joining Gkhan or regret any choices i have made.
I have learned alot through Gkhan and its members.
I never kept Gkhan #1 for a year or lead it to any victory I justshowed them the red dot and they took care of it. Real life and founding betrayal destroyed Gkhann

Think that covers it .. possibly to much.. have fun with externals.. Im off of it. you want to talk you can mail me in game with one of your accounts just like you did 10 times before

As a final say, I did and do respect you more than you respect me Charger... and it is probably what pisses me off.. I do not see (other than quitting for RL problems) anything I could've done before this mail to create that lack of respect.

I am sadden when you say I didn't care about G.Khan, as many of the things I decided after I left was in favor or G.Khan. Posting about G.Khan history is to remember how great the tribe is in its dept.

The only thing I would've dreamed when time was allowing me to comeback was to comeback in G.Khan. The only reason I went on and created new tribes in new worlds was cauz I couldn't comeback in G.Khan in W35. Your members were sending me ressources but telling me : Chargers hates you so I wouldn't try to get in. His ego went too big and so on... And you were really cold in your mails to me in game when I did log to message you here and there.

Ask Navid.. I did try to find inactive accounts and even asked you to find one in G.Khan... You never cameback to me although you do know many inactive accounts were around.

I do respect and deeply love G.Khan and despite Aetost's tribe I do believe G.Khan is and will be the best tribe W35 have seen.

You think I don't care about G.Khan? Why do you think I hang around here? why do you think I named W35 tribe the same as W18? Anyone knowing me well will know I cherish G.khan, but they will know I even cherish more the players who made G.Khan what it is...

I will never name another tribe G.Khan if I play again... never, in respect to the players in who played and made G.Khan what it is in W35.

I won't compete about who likes G.Khan and its members more than the other... you'll say because I left I don't like it as much as you I guess? Anyway I do believe we both did the best for it, and choosing you to run G.Khan was not a mistake but the best decision I could take. Hope you would've kept the same respect

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G.khan are 3 parameters of a tribe.
1.G.khan held No1 cause of Estoy and what they had achieved in that time. The downfall of g.khan happened after the new Leader(charger) had the tribe long enough to show his leadership skills(he had none actually). Its like a soccer team who chages coach, if the previous was a good one the team will have a good year with ANY new coach, but if the new coach is bad the next year and the rest will be a disaster.That happened to G.khan as well.

I will have to go against you on this one sorry Aetost. Charger has great leadership skill and is really commited. I did my mistakes as a leader and he did his. We all learn throught em.. Charger kept the tribe well and was surely a better op organisor than me. Every leader has a different style of play or different strengh and weakeness.


I will have to go against you on this one sorry Aetost. Charger has great leadership skill and is really commited. I did my mistakes as a leader and he did his. We all learn throught em.. Charger kept the tribe well and was surely a better op organisor than me. Every leader has a different style of play or different strengh and weakeness.

Ill have to dispute you on that one Estoy.

G.Khan hasn't had a single successful op since they rimmed Grazor around a year ago- and I would know as I was part of G.Khan well after you had left it. They've tried countless times to rim players in !?! and BaseEt too when they were enemies but it has ended up very embarrassingly for them if I may say so myself...

So unless you are bad enough to not do a single op in over a year and claim to "keep the tribe running" like Charger has when basically the tribe was running pretty much on its own with players doing their own thing and with little to no coordination-which is the reason of why many quit and tribes like F-6 and MAGI have lasted as long as they have, I do not get how he is a better organiser, unless you are a noob ofcourse =P. I donot say that Charger may not have been a good war planner back then, for all the indications are that he was, but since taking over, he has claimed to be "too busy" on more than one occassion to plan ops- and that is not leadership material :)

Also Charger has often propagated Aetost as a dictator for some weird reason- although I'm yet to see a truly democratic tribe do well in TW considering my considerable TW experience. This is the same guy who often told his members that we should keep our opinions to ourselves for "he had run the top tribe for many months after taking over a weak leadership and unless G.Khan had a severe fail, he would continue to do things his way." I wonder if he is listening to some of his members now and is considering giving over that ducal position to someone more capable, active and a better war organiser for all indications are, G.Khan won't be lasting long the way they are at the moment.
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i dont play this world anymore but any world i play...every good tribe on any world... i always say to myself ..they ant no G.Khan....that tribe is what i think about when i think about supreme domination.... i still play this game currently w46 and i have yet met any tribe on any world take a world by fear and shear aggressiveness that i seen on this world...yall are the reason i still play this game triing to find my own G.khan in a another world...i have been sadly disappointed:(....P.S i knew G.khan was done for when they recruited members from the Northern empire.......i mean MAGI THE GREAT:)...wouldnt even accept those guys


Charger is a good leader,and G.khan was always a good tribe and whatever most said but standing till now is very good,seriously they are no longer the big power they were and they have less menbers and many other problems most leaders would just click on disband and quit the world and delete he's account,but charger didn't so give him credit and respect him.
As for !?! family and Aetost success,i would congrat aetost for he's big success,he did a good job,he used G.khan and Noobs power to stop them,Noobs after their big success against Cookie get self confident and they declared on time and !?! and never did enought effort to wipe any of them.
They recruit Vicarious member and never did anything to help them that why most of them just get nobled or join !?! family....with this failure many quit or go inactive....even if the tribe was disbanded but !?! were gaining territory and were pushing down the noobs,and after they disband every one join a different side,and none of them try to restaure the noobs and that just proove my point.
G.khan focus on the other part of the world on HOTA and JOKE....and never did a good effort on !?! family and then declared on Base family......
After noobs and G.khan success every tribe were scared from them,aetost used this to merge many tribes into him,and after Noobs failure,he get all the south under he's cause and success as we see today......
And today the world is divided on two sides,and even with that no one is putting good effort,it very embarrassing to see the stats and the two sides share a huge front,i hope this world change and real battle start here as he was very interesting at some point.
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Charger, you certainly remember me, I Fully disagree with you, i was first member of G.Khan in W18, on that world, there were 4 leaders of G.Khan, All the other leaders left/went inactive, and Estoy was left alone. He did a remarkable job leading G.Khan alone, i saw everything. On W18 we fought for months against huge family tribes, like estoy said we were winning in ennoblements. But they were just too many, they were 6 family tribes of 100 members, whilst we were 30ish.
Charger, you did well on W35 leading G.Khan , but Estoy did better and will always do better, most of the times i disagreed with your decisions, because i didnt remind me of G.Khan on W18 . And i truly miss that tribe. Estoy will always be a great leader.

Bravo Estoy.



Charger, you certainly remember me, I Fully disagree with you, i was first member of G.Khan in W18, on that world, there were 4 leaders of G.Khan, All the other leaders left/went inactive, and Estoy was left alone. He did a remarkable job leading G.Khan alone, i saw everything. On W18 we fought for months against huge family tribes, like estoy said we were winning in ennoblements. But they were just too many, they were 6 family tribes of 100 members, whilst we were 30ish.
Charger, you did well on W35 leading G.Khan , but Estoy did better and will always do better, most of the times i disagreed with your decisions, because i didnt remind me of G.Khan on W18 . And i truly miss that tribe. Estoy will always be a great leader.

Bravo Estoy.


You do know this is W35 and not W18, right?


This isnt W18 though and thats a biased opinion since you were never lead by charger as far as I know?

So how can you say he was a bad leader? (Or not as good as estoy?)


This isnt W18 though and thats a biased opinion since you were never lead by charger as far as I know?

So how can you say he was a bad leader? (Or not as good as estoy?)

He was led by Charger for a fair few months before he quit. Get your facts straight before you post.


you were never lead by charger as far as I know?

Get your facts straight before you post.

hmm maybe learn to read first, he made a point and asked a question at the same time hence the ?


you were never lead by charger as far as I know?

Get your facts straight before you post.

hmm maybe learn to read first, he made a point and asked a question at the same time hence the ?

Lol, are you stalking me sweetheart? :icon_redface: I may have hurt your ego on the other thread but I'm not a fan of being stalked you know particularly by you someone who needs to pep himself up on an internet game....

Either way, the general persona given by both Johan and Hawthorn is that Beastie didnot play W35/was not led by Charger. He did play W35 and was indeed led by Charger for quite some time before RL came in his way..


Ugh. Farooq...I respect you but please please PLEASE dont start becoming "one of them" arguing with others over the stupidest thing...Your not in APOC or !?! ~(as far as I know) so Why are you bothered?


Ugh. Farooq...I respect you but please please PLEASE dont start becoming "one of them" arguing with others over the stupidest thing...Your not in APOC or !?! ~(as far as I know) so Why are you bothered?

Maybe because he was in G.Khan..?

And this is a thread about Khan :icon_confused:


And lee hawthorn placed a ? and a state ment saying i dont think you have been but maybe you have. And i believe it was aimed at beastfighter not farooq, yet he felt it ok to reply, with a disparaging remark.

And farooq hurt my ego, what when it was you who failed? ye bruised my ego. Anyway that thread is that not this.


In case you didnt notice farooqy Lee is the best flamer in the world and if you beat him hat off...but thats a big IF.


Yes. But when he was in G.K...didnt he then betray them?

Uhm no I didnt lol, I left Khan for Noobs on Chargers orders. It didnt work out well for either of us but meh, its a rat eat rat world at the end of the day. The founder of Khan who was coincidentially with me in NOOBS doesnt think I betrayed it anyway and personally I dont care what people, especially the World 35 posters think.

As far as arguing here is concerned, I normally tend to limit my posts on worlds which I dont play, my last post here before today was congratulating marc on his blog and if Im to read the forums here correctly, there's been daily flaming here of the same old stale things which existed months no Im not like your APOC buddies who feel the need to comment/flame on everything possible on the externals.

And this thread was made by someone who's quit this world as well, we are still allowed to comment whenever we feel the wish...they're called the publics/externals for a reason you know :icon_wink:

Oh and posting here is easy, but I'd advise you to actually do something IG before I or for that matter, most of the world takes you seriously.


P.S. I wont be replying here, as you seem to get upset with it and I'm a wonderfully nice guy. :icon_redface:


My friends in APOC :L I have one friend in APOC...Johan quit...Forbes is in (-:) and lee isnt really a friend just someone i respect...

To the p.s part...Upset? No. Angry? A little. I'm sure I said I respected you...yes? So I already think your a nice guy...