Dedicated Specifically to Charger :
oops war just proved that the hero squad are not heros but scared..
What was the reason for the war ? charger ? you care to remember ?
I have been seeing numerous occasions when you guys , some others spill shit about OOPS! , but do you ever have looked inside your own closet ?
OOPS!! was a compact tribe , with good guys , with good skills , and small in number .
OOPS!! was at its end when i contacted you ? do you remember ?
I was the first person to contact you and leed to sort out the mess of our tribe .
I did not do so to give you pleasure but i mailed , talked to leed ,coz i wanted to sustain OOPS!! till today as a tribe even after its founder left .
But what did you say ? you remember ??
I'll get back some facts up here then :
I asked for an NAP with KHAN , so that our friendship grew back again to what it was earlier .
You said NO one (Kesha/Flinny )trusted us , so we had to move into G.W and leave OOPS!.
2.I repeatedly said , my guys are good , but loyal to OOPS!! , if it gets disbanded, , they are unlikely to join KHANS side as KHAN was the reason for its stupid acts after our leader left and the dismissal of OOPS.
But what you said : Cant help , no one trusts you guys , so either join in G.W or " Change your name " : maybe that would help !
I said to trust me ! coz i was KHAN earlier , have some faith , i said i would get s123 , and hoeso and rest to stop on satawal , but only if you guys secured the NAP .
But you never established it , so why do you want us to stop , red is dead , no matter to what tribe he/she belongs in this god damn World35.
3.I again requested : but you guys stayed stubborn .
Now do you expect us to even talk to a tribe who not only wants us to their pets , but even fight for them on their terms >
Thats pure BS charger .
Why would i ? Why would WE ?
ou know very well ,the front we shared with both KHAN and !?! was the biggest .The side we chose would matter a lot , but you guys were always stubborn , arrogant always .
So i dint give a damn ! , i cut all ties with G.W , and let the guys join the tribe whose leader at least considers us as their fellow mate .
Now another thing i want to bring out to you guys : What was Krogith ? race ? or even soFt doing in OOPS!! after you guys merged into your enemy Base ?
We knew very well , these three were KHAN guys , but yet let them in .
They came in to manipulate the tribe and get them to your side .
You guys were successful but only to a certain limit , only could manipulate the ex-B.W .
The core of OOPS!! still remained strong .
Soft was sat by leedevel at that time , yet we never dismissed .Leed blasted on our forums before he left OOPS!! from soft's account !
Krogith was sent in into OOPS!! to brainwash some of our guys and break the tribe .
Not only him , race was also sent for that purposes .
Race quit after nothing went into his favor and left the tribe as AOE got the grip tight on us always .
Krogith stayed , dint comment on forums , but as a snake does , persuaded our members and cons-pirated to form G.W .
We knew something was flaming up , but dint knew KHAN had planned this for us .
Krogith was kicked from HEROSQUAD then , i gained full hatred for him ,not only me , everyone who loved OOPS!
And it took us 3 days to noble him out and force him to quit .
Krogith was sent to rim , this was quite recent though , but do you even know why this happened ?
Have you ever thought of it ?
Coz he betrayed us !!
He betrayed our team !!
Khan was the reason for the destruction of OOPS!!
yes you guys did gain the upper side of the coin by destroying OOPS!.
But yo lost a lot than what you gained .
Our core members still their , and you have lost a lot !!!
I think you should have thought more than thinking about what the others thought of us.
So dont blame all that BS on us .
You have dug your own graves , and its time for you guys to sleep in that .
You spoilt your relations of OOPS!! with KHAN !
You forced us to go for the path we are now .
You destoyed our , my tribe , and we would destroy yours !
Nothing personal here , but you played your games , let them be mind game or whatever !!
But OOPS! team still knows what you guys done , and would perish you guys to what you deserve!
Robin Unleashed