They had been warned!!


well remember mate that they are only 120 members, tbh for a normal world with a bigger tribe limit (usually 100) that isnt too much ;)


To be honest we expected something like this would happen ....... but we are suprised that it happened before and not after our next op.

Well ..... do not see how you can fight someone that is waving a white flag and does not want to fight. I will get in contact with you oakroy69 regarding the terms of this.

On a side note ....... I want publicy to announce that K58 and K59 are now DRINK! territories. Whoever will try to take advantage of the situation either by recruiting or nobling in those ks will replace MoD in our enemy list. And I suggest this time my warning should be taken seriously. MoD didn't took it seriously and look what happened to them.


We got mod in our area. I am guessing we are free to clean them up


lol they are in k68 and k88. I think we should be alright. I will skype afios just to make sure though.


If I recall correctly they surrendered to DRINK! .... not to MTS. So the answer is quite simple ......... NO ........ MTS can not attack MoD's K68 or K88 or Kwhatever villages.

I already explained that whoever will try to take advantage of the situation will be added in DRINK!'s "next to noble" list.


Afios I am kidding. I know you guys fought for it.

this was the best back step retreat i have seen for long time :lol: .

when you first ask you not kidding you really thinking about taking these villages,the only reason you dont its because you shit scared of Drink! fam (and with reason i think you should be)


Lol Aussie it would be more respect. Considering I came down to k78 from beer! Plus afios is a good guy.


this was the best back step retreat i have seen for long time :lol: .

when you first ask you not kidding you really thinking about taking these villages,the only reason you dont its because you shit scared of Drink! fam (and with reason i think you should be)

I agree with preist on this. Just because he said he was kidding doesn't mean he is scared of drink at all. I talk crap to lots of the DRINK F members and i even attack 3-4 of them. Even still i have a great time chatting with them in mail. Fear has nothing to do with it. Although, i am sitting a few accounts under drink attack and i find there tactic soooo pathetic. Mass attack to get rid of defenses, then send nobles? (dodge all the incommings untill you can see the nobles comming and you will fend it off easy) There attack strategy has a hole in simply won't work against a player who knows and can aply the word "dodge".


You do realize that those attacks are singled out and not part of our ops?
Patience, your time will come as your name is in our "to do book" and you'll have plenty of opportunities to prove your skills and worth


Obviously they are not ops....actually the attacks are insulting they are so small. I wonder will you ever actually attack a player with any skill or will you continue to just attack players who are new to the game?

After all you have said for soooooo long that you will attack me and bla bla bla and yet even when i provoke you by TAKING YOUR VILLAGES i still receive no attacks. I think your scared.


Actually i don't really believe any real attacks will come but i can always hope.

We should start a nero vs drink topic at this point. ROFL. :icon_biggrin:


Actually i don't really believe any real attacks will come but i can always hope.

We should start a nero vs drink topic at this point. ROFL. :icon_biggrin:

You remind me of metallica229... He got owned, so will you.


gam did you see metallica in w42? he is there now making terrible threads again


@ NeroB

Even the most experienced player in the whole of tw history will get pawned when a tribe of over 70 mill makes an op exclusively for him . Also you have around the 700k mark and drink on its own has 70 mill , 10 nukes should be more than enough to clear each village , im guessing your somehow switching troops between accounts your sitting and sending their troops to your villages.

your deffence and the deffence of the accounts you sit will run out quicker than our nukes so rookie be afraid be very afraid that one day we will come .