Think ur having a bad day


well this all started with me scouting a player i thought was inactive near me, launched my small nuke to kill his offense and went to work. When I got home from work i logged on and checked my reports to my surprise he had dodged my attack and countered killing one of my nukes

Quantity: 0 0 4520 0 0 1982 530 0 250 0 0 0
Losses: 0 0 4520 0 0 1982 530 0 250 0 0

So i nuked his village he just killed my nuke from look at these loses lol apparently he can defend with axes
The attacker has won
Losses: 0 0 3357 0 0 1222 215 0 165 0 0 0

Defender: matti25801
Village: Numb (646|811) K86

Quantity: 0 0 3544 0 0 2909 879 0 177 0 0 0
Losses: 0 0 3544 0 0 2909 879 0 177 0 0

then apparently he decided i wasn't worth his time and didn't log back on so i nuked his entire offense and nobled 2 of his villages one of which gave me an awesome report

Defender's troops in other villages

no. 006 (669|828) K86 5000 5000 0 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 0
1.007 (645|820) K86 0 0 0 4234 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Haul: 0/840
Change of Loyalty Loyalty loss from 19 to -15

Dont log on once a day and expect to last long in this game, cant wait to get a mail from him.
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LMAo... me thinks it is funny he dodged ye attack and killed ye nuke by back timing ye. LMAO. smart player. :)

And then ye think he defended with his axes... he has more then 1 villa... obviously he has a defensive villa and put his defense in to kill your other nuke...LMAo


no i cleared the village, there wasn't one defense unit in the village, lost
3357axes 1222LC 215MA and 165rams to kill his

3544axes 2909LC 879MA and 177rams


Then ye are a fool launching an attack from a village with nay church. LMAO

Again, ye need to get in a tribe and learn to play the game before some landluber takes all your unprotected villas from ye. :)


"Dont log on once a day and expect to last long in this game, cant wait to get a mail from him."

Dont have villas in church coverage and ye should expect to not last long in this game


Impossible. me put in sim ye troops ye lost against what ye kill with his wall at 20.... and you lose barely anything. me take you out of being covered by church.. and you lose ye butt. if you think that ye offensive nuke was killed by his offensive nuke playing defense ye a fool. :)


post ye report. LMAO.. no way ye lost a nuke on another nuke.. LMAO...IMPOSSIBLE..... unless ye not have church coverage. :)


Me shall say it again. If ye put ye losses in a sim against his nuke.... ye win and lose little. If you sim it with ye no church coverage you lose. Ye attack was not in church coverage. :)


Me shall say it again. If ye put ye losses in a sim against his nuke.... ye win and lose little. If you sim it with ye no church coverage you lose. Ye attack was not in church coverage. :)

nothing explains ye losses but ye not having church coverage. Me is a noob and can doctor a report. :) but ye losses are due to no church. :)


Me shall say it again. If ye put ye losses in a sim against his nuke.... ye win and lose little. If you sim it with ye no church coverage you lose. Ye attack was not in church coverage. :)

only other way was if it was a "fatal nuke" :lol:

if it was a full nuke, either you didn't have church coverage or you're doctoring reports


it was not a full nuke, but one of equal sized cleared a diffent offense village with under 400losses, you guys make me feel smart, teach me how to doctor reports then ill post reports of me clearing your village, didnt know you could doctor reports that are published in game


IF the wall was 20 in the other village you're comparing it to, and IF the troops in the village were the same and IF you sent a similar size attack force the only reason for the difference is that you didn't have church coverage. luck could have played a smaller factor in the difference, but luck will not swing an attack from losing 400 troops to make it lose 4000+

to continue to insist that the same size attack force took that big a difference in losses clearing a similar # of troops in a similar village makes you look like an idiot with absolutely 0 understanding of the game, or of basic math. there had to be other differences if you actually did have church coverage


Morale can make a big difference.Maybe that's what ye're leaving out of the equation?


moral was 100% in the attack he was claiming to lose more troops on


Go to your publicized reports and allow us to see the religion to prove that your troops were religious


does say on the report he posted a link to that his troops were religious


ill bet it was the 3kLC, and 800MA the other village only had a fraction of that, o well the player quit after all of his nukes were destroyed and i nobled 2 of his near max defense villages while they were out supporting i guess losses on a nuke is nothing compared to what i could have lost had he not quit. at least i dont have Horica raping me this world i dont think that guy sleeps
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