Thinners of the Herd vs Art of Mass Recruitment


I'm back after a long long time away from the game. Are all war declarations nowadays this lazy and boring? Not so much a declaration as it is a propaganda piece bashing Kapo. Not even good at that. I remember when declarations were witty, smart, and in most cases really funny. This?... this is just...

Got to agree with you here, as PnP's go this is... just ... awful.

you all need to be nice to each much hate going on

Totally agree, we may all be enemies here, but we could at least be civil. - who knows, you may end up in other worlds in the same tribes and actually being good friends.


Got to agree with you here, as PnP's go this is... just ... awful.

Totally agree, we may all be enemies here, but we could at least be civil. - who knows, you may end up in other worlds in the same tribes and actually being good friends.

man you are so right! it happens all the time in most cases...your enemy today maybe your best friend tomorrow..this game is funny like that.


AoW academy disbanded as of current. Keep trying to recruit into that main tribe, Kapo.


Sorry Kapo. It's not personal and you seem ok to me. But I'm pretty anti-PTG/BAN/everyone else with them so it has to be done. Hope you understand.

Kapo Jun 03, 14:59
Sup , why u got kicked?

xblotterx Jun 03, 15:00
because kain is whiny little female dog. I had a problem with someone in BAN naming their villages Al-Qaeda and suicide bomber. I voiced my opinion and got dismissed for it.

Kapo Jun 03, 15:02
Lol , come help me out with AOW creating some OPs if ur experienced , i have some exams and really dont have much time to do that

xblotterx Jun 03, 15:03
AOW is nowhere near me. Plus if you did have me jangy would throw a fit.

Kapo Jun 03, 15:04
I know its nowhere near u lol , just for some action and i can sort things out with jangy

xblotterx Jun 03, 15:06
No thanks. PTG/BAN is going to be on the wrong end of this war. I don't want to be allied with either of them in any way.

Kapo Jun 03, 15:07
Ok mate
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Kapo Internal's were , lame claim

Good luck RAGE against mass recruiting tribe Art of War , rename it kapo to Art of Recruitment.


Haters Gonna Hate dudes , keep talking shit and calling me an idiot , i dont remember offending you guys once , did i?
Anyways this is just a game , and you guys show how low you are

@Dreaded , You should be the one not talking about recruitment , as you recruited almost 2 tribes (Seals and tgw) in our area , And those guys are doing the war for you. Keep threating our members to leave the tribe like black flags did , i dont really care dude.


Black Flags is a wind up toy as far as TW is concerned. 1 twist will have him banging about nonsense on loop for hours.


Dont none of you respawn in my area..if you do you screwed!...ALL OF YA!:icon_twisted: UNLESS YOU KNOW IF YOUR FRIENDLY THEN WE CAN ROCK TOGETHER! Crap caps..sorry:icon_eek:

Mr. Cringer Pants

i dont really care dude.
