This World in Review


after a hard month of collecting images of the map of this world i've created a video showing them in sequence, which in fact is not very good.

you can see it here:

however this is why i need your help

i want your suggestions for:
A. (most important) background music
B. anything!!!

you suggest it and i will think on it, and if it is worth merit i will do so.

plus if someone suggests a song that you like say so and i may feel more inclined to choose it.

coming next month:

conquer maps (in similar fasion to current system)


Nice, I like the idea. Too bad the rim tribes keep changing colors all the time which makes it harder to follow, but that´s not something you can do anything about. Anyway, keep up this good work!


slow it down, blow it up

and ADD DUBSTEP!!!! :D

edit:shambhala 2009 or somethin has a lot of samples where you can find what you like, my favorite is the remix of Slayer


Oh and as Javanshir said, slow it down a bit and then let the different images fade into each other, will look great :D


and use top tribes maps, rather than K dominance. Less text to get in the way ;)

EDIT:sorry for the double post but I'm excited, I was thinking about how W49 needs this early this morning :D
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nice, bhawb once said horde was like a plague but judging from that map, deceit fits that bill a little better you can see where we swept AR, then TAG, then XX, now horde ;D


^^ probably the wierdest music video i watched in a while.


In a while? Make that the weirdest video I watcher ever.


nice, bhawb once said horde was like a plague but judging from that map, deceit fits that bill a little better you can see where we swept AR, then TAG, then XX, now horde ;D

Horde is still standing.We shal longer than you think.A new wave of deceit bashers are coming.So bang on your chest some more but you first said a week then a month now two months.YAWN.....


Horde is still standing.We shal longer than you think.A new wave of deceit bashers are coming.So bang on your chest some more but you first said a week then a month now two months.YAWN.....

no one said a week mate, and if you notice you just keep recruiting players and keep loosing the points how long has passed and how many villages did you mess families lost i dont understand what your gloating about.


i'd personally love to see the post where i said a week or even a month. or even completely gone in 2 months. need to read a little closer as the state was

"You will be blocked into two little k's with in 2 months"


:lol:Alright, so IC decided to join the Pub's again, and his first statement of course is false :D lol

Deceit will easily take you down, just look what we did in a matter of hours to just one of your players. This is the beginning of the end, my dear friend. :lol: :icon_twisted:

See you on the other side my dears. :)