'Tis a Sad Day INCdeed


Blog Staff

Join Date: 2011,March 27th
Location: usa #40 Today, 05:44 Top
why know who is staying so you can do your war of 50 vs 3 ?

ahaha i dont think he likes us very much ;)
and i would love too if i new who was staying and who is not


We are staying ;)

Disa very nice words thank you.. The war of boredom would not of ended so quick if more of Under actually attacked 0.0

Too those in Under that made the war interesting for 'some' of Inc thank you again..


What a shame.

I haven't really been keeping tabs in the world since quit ages ago, but from what I can see history is repeating itself. I was hoping that this world would turn out different.

INC reminds me a tribe I was never part of in w13. I used to think they where the best back then, and they where I suppose. They had some great players.

Anyway, you gals and guys rock regardless of whether you delete or not.


Since only really know who Gabi and Matt are..they rock the most ;)
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Good work UNDER!Ive been with you guys since the beginning as RAM when we won all our bouts through fighting, not inactivity, I am pretty sure that if Inc hadn't of given up, then they would have won this war. Too much deadweight in UNDER i cannot deny. W44 was the first world I enjoyed playing and heres a few shout outs to the players that made it the funnest for me:

T Bone Steak:For being a sex addict (my sex addict) and loving me xD and leading UNDER to the very top, to win the war, even through the hard times when no one would launch On D4 Im certain T Bone did. T Bone has been making ops, and managing UNDER since it was founded last spring, alot of work
D4alicious:Mate, me and you have had our bouts, but when it comes down to it, you're a pretty awesome guy. I remember when you were fighting Storm in the beginning and I offered you some support even though I had just met you, Yeah I didn't like them way back in the days of HuGZ!
WoundedWand:You homosexual Canuck ;), you would have taken rank 1 and we all know it, I think even D4 can tip his hat to your experience and skill when it comes to this game, you and I coordinated well while you were in RAM
Gummer4england:Defended quite well against D4 when he was still around, the big guy quit on us though because of Storm constantly catting him (quite ammusing)
Last but not least
2step2:The account I am currently co-playing and hitting Boys...and D4 from ;P, its unreal how much of a fight Boys are putting up, theyre very stubborn

Thats all folks, I just wanted to say, once this world is over, I hope we can all get togeather on the newest world at that time, and make a monster tribe, a force to be reckoned with. We're all quite skilled to make it to the end, why let it end with w44? ;)



Anyone that goes for a W44 remake, you know where to find me, minus the church this world was killer.


I think the church on this world is making it much much more interesting,

Theres a few Inc members left :icon_biggrin:

So we are not ALL quitting and we are still fighting Under.. just under a different name as Under are still everyones enemy =P

Got too agree with on the dead weight bit :icon_rolleyes:

I will say this Boys will push you back mate there doing a pretty dam good job on that eastern side of the world and seem too be doing damage too Under :lol:

Same with one or two Rawkor members doing well on takes! but seems too go back and fourth..


Rank Name Conquered villages Lost villages Defeated opponents while attacking Defeated opponents while defending
1 Altered Boys 10 4 1.750.346 5.902.314
2 UNDER Construction 4 10 4.588.163 2.101.357

» Summary

I would not even call this is a war. This is 4 days before attack breaks, they can noble our inactives all they want. I am thinking about setting up a Boys front soon

Anyone that goes for a W44 remake, you know where to find me, minus the church this world was killer.

I am kinda in, not sure i would go for another world after this one tho


Would some booze and a Canadian Stanley Cup change your mind? :icon_wink:


Aren't all Canadians really? At least that's been my experience. ;D


Aren't all Canadians really? At least that's been my experience. ;D

Canadians do not party that hard, compared to some countries. I went to a club on Christmas day. Is that sad? :lol:


D!!! You TOTALLY should! :D I'd road trip to take ya out on the town. Bow Chica Bow Wow. Nothing too scandalous tho.... if I get arrested I'm afraid my weekend up there 6 years ago will catch up to me lol.