'Tis a Sad Day INCdeed


Seems my co uses my forum access more than moi!!!

Original Cams here, not the most talkative player around but i read the forums of course..... if only to read the insults that occasionally come my way .... lol......

thanks to the genuine players out there that gave us in INC a real fight , i was lucky to play with a tribe of such talented players, and yes for those of you that think it was a 2 or 3 man tribe .... we all played a part . supported like you guys didnt , took part in the ops constantly and each won our personal wars.....

But i have to say for all that the tribe who stays the distance wins and i congratulate you all.

Ps to T bone.... you say i never did much, i beg to differ as my ODA pound for pound is better than yours ...... I took on players twice my size early doors , including LG and Pat at the same time way back ..... not forgetting Diego who was as skilled as any player i saw in this world.... as for czavee new and old , even with your sitting lol, you didnt put up much of a fight!


D!!! You TOTALLY should! :D I'd road trip to take ya out on the town. Bow Chica Bow Wow. Nothing too scandalous tho.... if I get arrested I'm afraid my weekend up there 6 years ago will catch up to me lol.

Oh yeah Z. Wouldn't that just be the greatest, party every weekend. ;-)
Might be heading to the motherland though, or even staying here at home. Nothing is for sure at this time. :)
But it would be awesome. LoL... :)

My heart is breaking by seeing certain people leave this world. :-(


But i have to say for all that the tribe who stays the distance wins and i congratulate you all.

Ps to T bone.... you say i never did much, i beg to differ as my ODA pound for pound is better than yours ...... I took on players twice my size early doors , including LG and Pat at the same time way back ..... not forgetting Diego who was as skilled as any player i saw in this world.... as for czavee new and old , even with your sitting lol, you didnt put up much of a fight!

I actually never knew you existed until INC players deleted tbf, I guess I didn't pay that much attention or you were just too silent to be noticed. I'm sure you played your part in the war very well though and Well done for still being around and not giving up yet!


I actually never knew you existed until INC players deleted tbf, I guess I didn't pay that much attention or you were just too silent to be noticed. I'm sure you played your part in the war very well though and Well done for still being around and not giving up yet!

Cams is way up north. He did play his part, but was silent and just up north in the rim


I actually never knew you existed until INC players deleted tbf, I guess I didn't pay that much attention or you were just too silent to be noticed. I'm sure you played your part in the war very well though and Well done for still being around and not giving up yet!

Thanks...... i did see from lifted items from UNDER forums czavee frantically calling for help and for tribies to hit me to slow me up, well 3 players did in total, and not with very much, lol, i guess UNDER support forums were not read that much :)


Cambs do not be so horrible lol..

Remember its the select few in Under that are the solid ground in there ;) the others are just there for the ride XD

How much more % is even needed for Under too win the world??...

Its great too be silent.. not that many people to talk too now so many people have left so anyone wanna chat drop a mail please gets kinda lonely on the rims ha


psh :/ No wonder you've been talking to me. Just boredom :p


Too many freaking barbs, i am down with this world!

In the true Under fashion ;) haha

Unless you mean your quitting XD Then even more barbs!! i think there must be a bunch of accounts in Under that have not been played in weeks!! going too turn barb after there premiums run out.. haha...


I've been wondering what would happen if the majority of players went barb and a select few won a world with little actual dominance.


Oooo well there goes one of Unders better players lol..

Anymore of the top players leaving ;) be funny if Under did not Win the world because most there tribe went barb that would make it interesting lol!!

Edit: i basically said what armyofloners said ha


Well if that did happen I reckon even more people would quit coz nobling barbs is not very fun and some random person on the rim thats now 100k points will win haha 0.0

I have nobled barbs for the last two days and an inactive czavee account for ages and im bored s****l*** -.- but have to soldier on maybe one of the under members may just attack us i mean we are surrounded 0.0 lol even one attack would put some fire in me =P


Another ~1300 Barbs coming your way.
Enjoy your game, people.


Well if Pat has hit the delete button he could of at least pre-warned me 0.0!!! lol.. :lol:


Deletion is not even complete and Marynola is already attacking.
I deleted months ago and just before it came into effect I noticed someone from TW Stats attacking me and I came back online on terrible weather day and whacked the crap out of that player for 36 hours and eventually forced him to quit TW.

Just thinking that there are over 1300 villages that will go barb sometime soon, and there are already 3 other major accounts that deleted recently. Can't everyone just wait a few days and not make me want to come back just to hit someone that has no patience?

Geezus.....the world is nearly dead. Not many real players left. Believe me, there will be enough barbs for anyone still active where they can sit there and peck away for countless hours for weeks and weeks to take them.

In short time a very interesting stat will come up and I will post here the hilarious result.


lol I said two things in forum 2 weeks ago
1) do not attack Pat
2) if you have to more important do not underestimate him

I always thought I would have been the one to have to attack you sooner or later if we wont recruit you, but I'm still 1K distant to do anything relevant!


Yep have too agree TPS never underestimate Pat lol.

Just too bad now i am completely alone ='(

Another good player gone :(...