'Tis a Sad Day INCdeed


LOLOLOL!!! My guys??? Honey you know all my guys are 14-18. Im getting a complex I might be pedo >< hahahahaha! As far as I know everyone is doing ok tho. Tearing it up on other worlds. Poor SoG got stuck with me on one world lol! Tho I'm keepin pace rather well I think ;)

And I call bs to your claim. Takes more than just a pretty face to be a beautiful man.

And sorry Lambezz sorry I have no clue what ya look like. If ur a cutie than congrats to you.


LOLOLOL!!! My guys??? Honey you know all my guys are 14-18. Im getting a complex I might be pedo >< hahahahaha! As far as I know everyone is doing ok tho. Tearing it up on other worlds. Poor SoG got stuck with me on one world lol! Tho I'm keepin pace rather well I think ;)

Really? An old player from way back in the storm days wanted to know if anyone was playing on other worlds!


LOLOLOL!!! My guys???

No... "You guys" as in "You good people" (who quit).

And I call bs to your claim. Takes more than just a pretty face to be a beautiful man. I agree it needs lots more. :)

And sorry Lambezz sorry I have no clue what ya look like. If ur a cutie than congrats to you.

I never did claim that all one needs is a pretty face to be beautiful. :) All I said that there were some cute ones still playing. ;-)

Lambezz is a very handsome, young man. :)


I regretfully beg to differ. But tis a matter of opinion. ;) Anywho. lol. Ill forward you some reports of fun-ness soon (hahahahahahahahaha!!!!)