*TLA*'s Declaration on Treason

lords of the emos

/Gets popcorn

I do kinda agree with blood on the planning against yourself thing btw.

Political parties, the military, almost every official government body will have people who's sole job it is to make plans showing weaknesses, companies hire hackers to try and attack their sites so that they can then block the methods used, the military hires people to suggest ways in which they themselves could be beaten, so that they can make plans to prevent that happening should the event ever occur.


And yet you still keep posting. You must really hate yourself....

Glad someone said it. :lol:

/Gets popcorn

I do kinda agree with blood on the planning against yourself thing btw.

Political parties, the military, almost every official government body will have people who's sole job it is to make plans showing weaknesses, companies hire hackers to try and attack their sites so that they can then block the methods used, the military hires people to suggest ways in which they themselves could be beaten, so that they can make plans to prevent that happening should the event ever occur.

Very true Eric but I guess the real question is, did Sean ever share these weaknesses to strengthen TLA? From what I've read it doesn't sound like it so he wasn't doing it to improve the tribe but rather to be in position to betray TLA. To me that's a lot worse then what the despicable and horrid ex-NSA members did. All we did was disagree with you, (and perhaps we didn't like many within the tribe) yet we were 100% loyal to Sam, and TLA until it turned on us.


I agree into looking into ones own weaknesses to see where the enemy may possibly attack so that you tighten up any holes in your defense that may need it as much as possible, but that is entirely different to making a full attack plan on how to take down your own country / tribe. Maybe we are just arguing over the wording then, as a consideration of weaknesses and where the enemy may be most effective to me does not mean a full attack plan. From what you havce told me before, you have a detailed attack plan which involved a number of people from within TLA joining you against TLA.

Not wanting to start a flame fest, but that does not take much skill. I could write up a plan to take down TLA if I had my pick of who I would bring with me. I won't, as I love TLA, and all members in TLA are TLA. But yes, take a large account from all sides and close to the weakest areas (barbed out areas and areas where there are more inactive accounts), then with a big surprise, bring them all away, and have a coordinated attack against a combination of the weakest and strongest players. Is that about the jist of your plans? Wow, I could have saved you an entire year of planning if it were.

If it is not, I would be very interested to understand your plans, not that it means anything anymore, but just to see how creative and effective it may have been, so now that there is no chance your plans will be put into use by you, or anyone you passed this "knowledge" on to, can you fill me in?


Glad someone said it. :lol:

Very true Eric but I guess the real question is, did Sean ever share these weaknesses to strengthen TLA? From what I've read it doesn't sound like it so he wasn't doing it to improve the tribe but rather to be in position to betray TLA. To me that's a lot worse then what the despicable and horrid ex-NSA members did. All we did was disagree with you, (and perhaps we didn't like many within the tribe) yet we were 100% loyal to Sam, and TLA until it turned on us.

I think this is a bit off topic, the NSA debacle is a thing of the past and I do think we need to move on from it. I have made many friends over the years with members who used to be in NSA and I do hope I can continue amicably with them. I have never been anti-NSA personally, as I know Sam was not as well. There were a number of people who were anti-NSA, and a number of people within NSA being particularly difficult to those loyal to TLA at the time. The relationship truely broke down when TLA went into chaos over Sam's departure and then NN sealed the deal. I may be missing the timeline a little, but this is essentially how it goes in my memory.

How are you anyways Irake? Long time.


First I like to say you have been wrong on everything you ever posted Kris way before I left TLA you have always been at me but what have you done?

No, I really haven't been wrong on everything Sean... I have been right on a lot of occassions actually... I admit I have been wrong in the past and when it has been proven for me to be wrong I have apologised. You have a biased view on whether I am right because I have stood up to you on these forums, if Bert was around I'm sure even he would tell you I have been right against him.

Before you left TLA I said what I thought, just like I do now... If people don't like it, tough. It's only a game people shouldn't take things to heart, I'm actually a very nice person in RL. On here, I can be whoever I want to be because nobody here knows me personally.

As for what have I done? I've managed to not forget my password ever, or the email I use to TW.. I've also been a reason behind a certain diplomatic choice of one of the major powers in the past and I didn't even know until I was told, now clearly I have to be doing something right for that to occur?

Now I left the day I left TLA so did not have time since the military does not tell you when you are leaving and where you are going. Next I only told two people John and logboss and I was not going to tell them after I left TLA so that was a stupid answer of yours. Last item you are wrong since it did matter since I never got the e-mail and I tried over ten times. Please start thinking Kris since I hate stupid questions or answers,take some time and check it out yourself before you post here just thank John and the others who let you in TLA that they could do the thinking for you.

1. Even while you were in TLA me and you hardly ever had conversations, if you don't know when you're going places how am I meant to have known? Until now, I didn't even know when you left for your mission.

2. Again, we hardly spoke so how am I meant to know who it was you had previously trusted your password with? I didn't know till reading your post who it was, now I do, I see why you didn't and can sleep happily at night knowing 1 more thing about the almighty Sean.

3. How exactly was ~I wrong about www. not being in an email? That is a fact, not a single one of mine has that in the address. I never said you didn't try, I merely said something that was true (oh looki I wasn't wrong)

4. I do think before I post, everything I have put on these forums as been thought of before being posted.

5. You hate stupid questions and answers. I ask sincere questions I didn't know the answer to as well as questions only you could inform me of the answeer to, how are they stuipid?

6. Why do I need to thank John for thinking for me? I do plenty of that on my own.

7. As for people letting me in TLA, if they don't want me, they can mail me IG and I will leave... But not once has a member of TLA ever come to me to complain about what I do/say or argue with me.


I think this is a bit off topic, the NSA debacle is a thing of the past and I do think we need to move on from it. I have made many friends over the years with members who used to be in NSA and I do hope I can continue amicably with them. I have never been anti-NSA personally, as I know Sam was not as well. There were a number of people who were anti-NSA, and a number of people within NSA being particularly difficult to those loyal to TLA at the time. The relationship truely broke down when TLA went into chaos over Sam's departure and then NN sealed the deal. I may be missing the timeline a little, but this is essentially how it goes in my memory.

How are you anyways Irake? Long time.

Sorry John, that was only directed towards Sean due to all the crap he's talked concerning ex-NSA members in the past. You and Sam were both great leaders and I would have gladly continued following you if things had gone differently. In fairness though I don't believe only those on the NSA side were the instigators that created the rift though I don't deny some didn't help matters any.

I'm doing good, thank you for asking. Just waiting to wrap up w53 so I can take a few months off from tw and recharge. How've you been?


I have been well, and I know what you mean that the end coming soon is as much a concern with what I will fill my time with as it is a relief.

Yes, TLA loyalists were also to blame for the tensions building. Every argument has 2 sides, and often both parties have some form of guilt in the matter, I completely agree. I just wanted to point out that it was just the few on both sides that spoiled it for the whole group, not a whole group of people unwilling to work together. :)

Onto the Grind "war", has been a very quick anhilation, getting down to the rim now on a number of areas, seems Grind has now become a rim tribe :) I could request another vote for end game to end in 2 or 3 months, but to be honest, I don't think that will actually speed up the end game, at the rate we have been progressing, it would seem we should finish in 3 months if no further accounts go barb, less if the pressure is increased or more player villages in Grind go barb than in TLA (we have had a couple accounts go barb as well, as this war has bored some into inactivity).


And yet you still keep posting. You must really hate yourself....
I have never posted anything that was stupid so Dallock please inform where I did or are you just trying to get a rise form me.

Sorry John, that was only directed towards Sean due to all the crap he's talked concerning ex-NSA members in the past. You and Sam were both great leaders and I would have gladly continued following you if things had gone differently. In fairness though I don't believe only those on the NSA side were the instigators that created the rift though I don't deny some didn't help matters any.
I took the side of NSA back then and even helped using the left overs to merge us against NN and if you asked Dallock and Sweenster you will see I only spoken words when you guys put me through what you did and not before I tried to fix the situations I done many times in the past and ask Slayer the reason I was never informed of NN beforehand was because of my loyalty to Sam, friends and TLA which included you guys.

No, I really haven't been wrong on everything Sean... I have been right on a lot of occassions actually... I admit I have been wrong in the past and when it has been proven for me to be wrong I have apologised. You have a biased view on whether I am right because I have stood up to you on these forums, if Bert was around I'm sure even he would tell you I have been right against him.

Before you left TLA I said what I thought, just like I do now... If people don't like it, tough. It's only a game people shouldn't take things to heart, I'm actually a very nice person in RL. On here, I can be whoever I want to be because nobody here knows me personally.

As for what have I done? I've managed to not forget my password ever, or the email I use to TW.. I've also been a reason behind a certain diplomatic choice of one of the major powers in the past and I didn't even know until I was told, now clearly I have to be doing something right for that to occur?
Everything you have posted dealing with me you have or do you wish for me to go back to every post either ig or in the forums and prove each one wrong since if I do what will you do in return?

1. Even while you were in TLA me and you hardly ever had conversations, if you don't know when you're going places how am I meant to have known? Until now, I didn't even know when you left for your mission.

2. Again, we hardly spoke so how am I meant to know who it was you had previously trusted your password with? I didn't know till reading your post who it was, now I do, I see why you didn't and can sleep happily at night knowing 1 more thing about the almighty Sean.

3. How exactly was ~I wrong about www. not being in an email? That is a fact, not a single one of mine has that in the address. I never said you didn't try, I merely said something that was true (oh looki I wasn't wrong)

4. I do think before I post, everything I have put on these forums as been thought of before being posted.

5. You hate stupid questions and answers. I ask sincere questions I didn't know the answer to as well as questions only you could inform me of the answeer to, how are they stuipid?

6. Why do I need to thank John for thinking for me? I do plenty of that on my own.

7. As for people letting me in TLA, if they don't want me, they can mail me IG and I will leave... But not once has a member of TLA ever come to me to complain about what I do/say or argue with me.
1. This is true we have not unless it was against me in how I dealt with something like with scott or others since I am right about clusters as I have been right about the www. part

2. well you know I left TLA so you must have thought it had to be TLA members so if you thought about it for one moment you would figure that out.

3. Well not one of my went through so you tell me you are right yet in my case the many times I asked it never went through, so we both can not be right and I have tried and proved what you say is wrong.

4 and 5. Now any questions you asked might be sincere but does not mean they are stupid or intelligent since I asked my 13 old niece what she thought when I asked her about my password and she said well didn't you leave the tribe with your friends and had no one to trust with the password so either my niece is intelligent or ... exactly

6. Well the reason you need to thank John is because he and the leadership helps with the planning so you do not have to think hard yourself.

7. I never said that TLA did not want you since you are an active member whose heart is in the right spot just you need to think more is all I asked.

Very true Eric but I guess the real question is, did Sean ever share these weaknesses to strengthen TLA? From what I've read it doesn't sound like it so he wasn't doing it to improve the tribe but rather to be in position to betray TLA.
Now I have told John, Jess and many others and they kept saying well people should not be told where to go since that would take the fun out of it yet I shown them the folly of their ways when almost everyone except me who attacked in k64 I forget his name off hand but he retook every time even slayer was impressed and I explained in detail why they should do what I said even tried to bring Scott under my wing instead of hinder me. This is just one instance, I have for the years I have been playing even when Sam was around explain the best methods yet some was put into place other was ignored yet I proved to him as well that I was right. I been trying to keep TLA strong and at the best I can that is why I planned almost all the early OPS and explained why to Sam. so the answer is yes I did share this with the leadership for the entire time in TLA until I was bluntly told that I was wrong yet I showed them on this world I was right yet they still will not admit it.

I never intended to betray TLA and still til this day I only wanted the best for everyone even if I had to be blunt or do something I hated but all members in TLA which included you guys at one time should be treated equally. I only said something negative about someone when they do something that is stupid or that makes TLA weak.

Political parties, the military, almost every official government body will have people who's sole job it is to make plans showing weaknesses, companies hire hackers to try and attack their sites so that they can then block the methods used, the military hires people to suggest ways in which they themselves could be beaten, so that they can make plans to prevent that happening should the event ever occur.
You are exactly right Eric, John I would have shared every detail with you like I did with Sam but when I went into a little and you disagreed why continue so I started keeping the information to myself since I was gang up upon and ridiculed on certain areas.

Oh I know it was WFA aka Jess but the way she goes after me after I proved her wrong about clusters and Scott saying I am twisting her words since I am right and I am sorry since I think that we should do the best in every area and not pick and choose which ones we like since that gives TLA weaknesses.So it is she is not the person I used to know back in her DSL days.

Every argument has 2 sides, and often both parties have some form of guilt in the matter, I completely agree.
Yes my guilt was that I wanted every one to be treated equally and when I saw members getting upset I took action first trying to calm matters which you and others have also helped in some degree and then made the tough call with an ultimatum either this or else. If things were dealt with differently by the leadership I would have not have to leave the tribe and change my password so would be with you guys still but seems that many in TLA do not wish me in it which is fine. I know I helped greatly more then most of the members currently in getting TLA into the position they are today and yes slayer John and others have helped too more in certain areas less in some.
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Now after I been questioned about everything and made sure I stood trial with TLA, all I see is Dallock taking cheap shots and the rest of TLA who did not like what I did be proven wrong but what does it matter things will not change or will they ever*sighs*. I am still waiting for one person in TLA to actually say Sean why did you do this and me not having an intelligent thought out response that helped TLA. Even when I left I hoped that John and others step back and say wooh I actually did wrong and will never do that again since in my mind you guys who have not change for the better after I left certain victory are the true ones of treason of what my true Duke Sam had visioned TLA should be since if I was wrong then why did Sam leave once again?
Since may I question every one of you in TLA's leadership like mikey why did you treat people the way you did, did you actually think that motivates people?

John why did you let others in your tribe get away with it with a light talking to and if I did not push matters mikey would be still in TLA's leadership?

Jess why is it that even though you say that others should not be told what to do even though it is more strategically sound like not having mixed villages or who and where to attack which the leadership does tell people to do, so only in your mind it has to be okay and accepted or are we suppose to look at what is the best for the tribe?

Christine is it okay to put down the leadership in saying that they failed and only you and Dallock never failed not be treason since you questioned me about the same thing?
Since you really tried every angle even trying to say I was a racist which if Jess did not stand up for me you would have been still at my throat about it.

Rollo you used to say that you would stand up for all even the little guy in the tribe yet you went against me when I had proof of many others being treated poorly the ones who helped make TLA great, so what happen did you give in finally?

I would start with these questions first and yes you guys might have won this world but if not for me, slayer, John, Sam and many others in the tribe you would have never gotten this far now would you? Or just take me out of the picture and see what would have happen in early game since I rarely asked for support(never in the first year) defeated every opponent I put the effort in planned most of the OPS which every one was very successful. I started totally outnumbered yet I always prevailed not once but every time.

Yes since I can not get my password so could never use the name bloodfest ever again I would love to fight any of you 1vs1(no sitters or co players) on any world and lets see who is the victor every time. Since I would bet a year PP if I was allowed to,to say I would win every time. Well I will only respond a couple more times then I am truly done with this world since my words have mostly fallen on the blind eyes on most of you.


Everything you have posted dealing with me you have or do you wish for me to go back to every post either ig or in the forums and prove each one wrong since if I do what will you do in return?

Please do. And with each instance provide solid proof of how I was wrong, not just you saying something contrary to it. What will I do in return? If I can I will show you how I was right in as many of the situations as I can... Or I will happily apologise to you for being wrong and only post against you when I can prove my side... How does that sound?

1. This is true we have not unless it was against me in how I dealt with something like with scott or others since I am right about clusters as I have been right about the www. part

2. well you know I left TLA so you must have thought it had to be TLA members so if you thought about it for one moment you would figure that out.

3. Well not one of my went through so you tell me you are right yet in my case the many times I asked it never went through, so we both can not be right and I have tried and proved what you say is wrong.

4 and 5. Now any questions you asked might be sincere but does not mean they are stupid or intelligent since I asked my 13 old niece what she thought when I asked her about my password and she said well didn't you leave the tribe with your friends and had no one to trust with the password so either my niece is intelligent or ... exactly

6. Well the reason you need to thank John is because he and the leadership helps with the planning so you do not have to think hard yourself.

7. I never said that TLA did not want you since you are an active member whose heart is in the right spot just you need to think more is all I asked.

1. I haven't always been against you, only when I felt you were being out of order... In fact I'm fairly sure there were times when we agree... We've had some nice conversations on skype before. I'm not 'against' you Sean, I'm against the decision you made to try and break TLA apart.

2. Obviously it would be a TLA member, but I recall that Simon, Jess and Slayer sat your account more often than anyone else, I assumed you would have trusted passwords with those who you were going to try and split off from TLA (like Simon eventually did)

3. How many of your emails (that you can remember) have www. in them and be honest. I'll happily mail you all of the ones I can remember of mine and we'll see how many of them have the www. in them. That is what I said you were wrong about, it's true in my case, you may have included www. in yours, I don't know.

4 and 5. But you did have people you could trust, or did your attack plan include you taking on TLA on your own? Oh wait I recall you posting somethign to do with the plan before, somewhere (possibly IG when you were co-playing maks) and it included a few TLA members leaving and attacking those around them, as well as Grind members supporting each of them and you... So clearly you did have people you can trust. So either I'm intelligent or... J/K, seriously though, surely there was 1 person who wasn't John or Logboss you can trust?

6. Actually I have had a part in the selection of targets in the last couple of ops. So I guess I need to thank myself *thanks Kris*

7. I apologise, I obviously took it to mean something different.
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Now after I been questioned about everything and made sure I stood trial with TLA, all I see is Dallock taking cheap shots and the rest of TLA who did not like what I did be proven wrong but what does it matter things will not change or will they ever*sighs*. I am still waiting for one person in TLA to actually say Sean why did you do this and me not having an intelligent thought out response that helped TLA. Even when I left I hoped that John and others step back and say wooh I actually did wrong and will never do that again since in my mind you guys who have not change for the better after I left certain victory are the true ones of treason of what my true Duke Sam had visioned TLA should be since if I was wrong then why did Sam leave once again?
Since may I question every one of you in TLA's leadership like mikey why did you treat people the way you did, did you actually think that motivates people?

John why did you let others in your tribe get away with it with a light talking to and if I did not push matters mikey would be still in TLA's leadership?

Jess why is it that even though you say that others should not be told what to do even though it is more strategically sound like not having mixed villages or who and where to attack which the leadership does tell people to do, so only in your mind it has to be okay and accepted or are we suppose to look at what is the best for the tribe?

Christine is it okay to put down the leadership in saying that they failed and only you and Dallock never failed not be treason since you questioned me about the same thing?
Since you really tried every angle even trying to say I was a racist which if Jess did not stand up for me you would have been still at my throat about it.

Rollo you used to say that you would stand up for all even the little guy in the tribe yet you went against me when I had proof of many others being treated poorly the ones who helped make TLA great, so what happen did you give in finally?

I would start with these questions first and yes you guys might have won this world but if not for me, slayer, John, Sam and many others in the tribe you would have never gotten this far now would you? Or just take me out of the picture and see what would have happen in early game since I rarely asked for support(never in the first year) defeated every opponent I put the effort in planned most of the OPS which every one was very successful. I started totally outnumbered yet I always prevailed not once but every time.

Yes since I can not get my password so could never use the name bloodfest ever again I would love to fight any of you 1vs1(no sitters or co players) on any world and lets see who is the victor every time. Since I would bet a year PP if I was allowed to,to say I would win every time. Well I will only respond a couple more times then I am truly done with this world since my words have mostly fallen on the blind eyes on most of you.

Well best of luck in real life Sean and your OPS you do.

Whatever you say now doesnt really matter as your account is gone.Why not get an account from Grind and let us know when you have got it?


I have never posted anything that was stupid so Dallock please inform where I did or are you just trying to get a rise form me.

Sean, the issue with cheap shots is the person you make them against has to provide you with the ammo. And you provide so much of it with your ramblings, and conspiracy theories, and inability to listen to anyone else's opinion but your own, that that frankly is all you deserve.

All I really see is a person who claims to be a very important man in the military, an advisor i seem to remember you once saying, who cannot remember a simple password, and is not able to correspond sufficiently with TW staff to gain their help.

I am sorry but with all you have done to TLA, actually i correct myself on that, tried to do, a tribe you claim to be faithful to, and to a leader you say you respect, is try to undermine it. You lost the respect of most people who thought anything of you with your actions so I cannot see the point of you presence here anymore.

The issues in the tribe were minor, with a few people who were your favourites. All that John ever did was stand up for the tribe as a whole and worked out a way forward where the lowest number of people got upset.

Good life to you Sean



Rollo you used to say that you would stand up for all even the little guy in the tribe yet you went against me when I had proof of many others being treated poorly the ones who helped make TLA great, so what happen did you give in finally?

I have stood up for the little guy on many occasions, tla as a tribe would not have even existed if it had not been for myself and yessstim refuseing to be part of the then super merge between tla,emp,rappax and lod as we would be abadoning the smaller members, the difference in your situation tho is you were not a small player mistreated you were a big playing throwing a tantrum as you did not like others moveing in to what you percived as your area, i am just as territoral as you and yes it can be annoying but frankly when what you percive as your area is frontline and your not exactly moveing thru it very fast why should others have to aviod you, theres a perfectly good claim system so you could reserve an area you were working on but u were just being gready and trying claim everything as yours

For your postion on the fl your war caps were poor
You always had an excusse when there was something happening as to why u needed to dissapear
When you were attacked you let others do all your defending as you would always have a mission
and yet you expected k64 to just be left to you and when others made more ground than you you did not like that and threw a tantrum and quit tla to attack the ppl who were tacking what you percived as yours
And now even tho u have lost your account is gone you feal the need to come on the forums diging up the past

so plz do everybody a favour and take your greedy self centered opinions turn them sideways and get them outta here
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I have stood up for the little guy on many occasions, tla as a tribe would not have even existed if it had not been for myself and yessstim refuseing to be part of the then super merge between tla,emp,rappax and lod as we would be abadoning the smaller members, the difference in your situation tho is you were not a small player mistreated you were a big playing throwing a tantrum as you did not like others moveing in to what you percived as your area, i am just as territoral as you and yes it can be annoying but frankly when what you percive as your area is frontline and your not exactly moveing thru it very fast why should others have to aviod you, theres a perfectly good claim system so you could reserve an area you were working on but u were just being gready and trying claim everything as yours

For your postion on the fl your war caps were poor
You always had an excusse when there was something happening as to why u needed to dissapear
When you were attacked you let others do all your defending as you would always have a mission
and yet you expected k64 to just be left to you and when others made more ground than you you did not like that and threw a tantrum and quit tla to attack the ppl who were tacking what you percived as yours

And now even tho u have lost your account is gone you feal the need to come on the forums diging up the past

so plz do everybody a favour and take your greedy self centered opinions turn them sideways and get them outta here

Bold part one: Holy shit I thought I was the last remaining player who had knowledge of that whole plan! Considering it was my and MR R. idea.

Bold part two: Sean he makes a solid point. Most often when your account came under heavy attack you disappeared rather abruptly. Maybe you can't defend cuz all your ODD did come while sat. Not everyone can defend or has the time to. Not that it matters. But it sure looked bad when everyone defended you when you had heavy incomings and you claimed to side for hte little guy but we watch scottyrhody and others get trampled on by your "clusters" which only succeeded off the back of others mass nuking for ops then you jumping in late doing easy mop up instead of being a team player and claiming all success as your own.

Now for my personal fav topic that has come up! NSA! Wooohooo! FOR ALL WHO STOOD AGAINST THEM! SLAYER BEING THE WORST......Or maybe not.
Come Irake lets take a trip down memory lane shall we? TDP,TDPII,TDPIII are all in the south. Spank doesnt like them. Fusion doesn't like them and Sam aka Damage has set his eyes on moving into there lands. O yes your savior Sam had plans to conquer TDP. Now me the horrible enemy of NSA/TDP....my story is simple. I wanted to take shots at the big fish, DSL, SPANK, NME, REM, KingRoch and his crew. It was under my constant pushing and pulling and negotiating that TDP even became TLA's ally. It was me who pushed the council to vote in favor of the alliance even tho Sam himself didn't want it.

Skip ahead some time. Rank 1 GRIND v Rank 5 NSA and Rank 6 NSAII........Rank 2 DSL and Rank 4 NME and Rank 8 Tunit v Rank 3 TLA.F.
Odds almost complete identical except NME and DSL were far superior in their skills to GRIND. Some how TLA manages to move the fronts forward, and stacks exor, woods, silent, panther, and others, NSA under heavy attack? O wait TLA sitters none stop for them. Me among them.

Skip ahead. NSA cant do jack all cuz they never learned to attack and just turtled till they died and no matter how much TLA helped it was never enough. Thats when I got sick of them and turned on them. When I had a total of 3 D villages at home over 100 sitting on NSA fronts and the rest on TLA fronts and had over 5,000 incomings but I didn't complain the way NSA did. Yall never learned to play the game. And thats why we steam rolled you when you joined GRIND
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Now for my personal fav topic that has come up! NSA! Wooohooo! FOR ALL WHO STOOD AGAINST THEM! SLAYER BEING THE WORST......Or maybe not.
Come Irake lets take a trip down memory lane shall we? TDP,TDPII,TDPIII are all in the south. Spank doesnt like them. Fusion doesn't like them and Sam aka Damage has set his eyes on moving into there lands. O yes your savior Sam had plans to conquer TDP. Now me the horrible enemy of NSA/TDP....my story is simple. I wanted to take shots at the big fish, DSL, SPANK, NME, REM, KingRoch and his crew. It was under my constant pushing and pulling and negotiating that TDP even became TLA's ally. It was me who pushed the council to vote in favor of the alliance even tho Sam himself didn't want it.

No idea about this part as I wasn't even in TDP at the time TLA became allies with them, so no comment.

Skip ahead some time. Rank 1 GRIND v Rank 5 NSA and Rank 6 NSAII........Rank 2 DSL and Rank 4 NME and Rank 8 Tunit v Rank 3 TLA.F.
Odds almost complete identical except NME and DSL were far superior in their skills to GRIND. Some how TLA manages to move the fronts forward, and stacks exor, woods, silent, panther, and others, NSA under heavy attack? O wait TLA sitters none stop for them. Me among them.

Last I checked TDP was also at war with DSL as we declared on them along side TLA before Grind! declared on us. And we were always at war with and attacked by both tribes so your configuration of the war is a bit off. We continually attacked DSL in the North but TLA never once returned the favor against Grind! that I'm aware of.

You sat what maybe 4-5 accounts so that is all of NSA? While the help of TLA was certainly appreciated, you only sat a couple accounts, though I will admit they were key ones.

Skip ahead. NSA cant do jack all cuz they never learned to attack and just turtled till they died and no matter how much TLA helped it was never enough. Thats when I got sick of them and turned on them. When I had a total of 3 D villages at home over 100 sitting on NSA fronts and the rest on TLA fronts and had over 5,000 incomings but I didn't complain the way NSA did. Yall never learned to play the game. And thats why we steam rolled you when you joined GRIND

Hmmm...odd that we didn't know how to attack yet while in TLA we were about the only squad actually making headway against Grind!

Yep, it was a war where we were heavily outnumbered. It wasn't uncommon for me not to have a single village of defense despite being on the frontline, it was a war and TLA was our allies and your account has always been safely tucked in the backlines so why shouldn't you send out support? I just dodged and recapped until support could be found when needed.

As to steam rolling us I must have missed that part too. Last I checked most left before even being attacked for reasons that you need not be privy to, as for the rest we were so intermingled with TLA there really wasn't anyway to defend short of living online since we not only allowed our allies, which we had actually trusted, to noble into our clusters but many of us actually helped them to do so while moving them to the front while we were at war with Grind!

As I no longer care enough about the history of the world to continue this convo this will be my final post on the matter. You can say what you wish but I was there and I know what happened.

John glad to hear you are doing well and congratulations on your success thus far on w29 and I agree it was really only maybe 3-4 people that destroyed TLA and ruined it for everyone but such is life.

Hello there Joseph, long time no see. You should hit me up on skype sometime.


I have stood up for the little guy on many occasions, tla as a tribe would not have even existed if it had not been for myself and yessstim refuseing to be part of the then super merge between tla,emp,rappax and lod as we would be abadoning the smaller members, the difference in your situation tho is you were not a small player mistreated you were a big playing throwing a tantrum as you did not like others moveing in to what you percived as your area, i am just as territoral as you and yes it can be annoying but frankly when what you percive as your area is frontline and your not exactly moveing thru it very fast why should others have to aviod you, theres a perfectly good claim system so you could reserve an area you were working on but u were just being gready and trying claim everything as yours

For your postion on the fl your war caps were poor
You always had an excusse when there was something happening as to why u needed to dissapear
When you were attacked you let others do all your defending as you would always have a mission
and yet you expected k64 to just be left to you and when others made more ground than you you did not like that and threw a tantrum and quit tla to attack the ppl who were tacking what you percived as yours
And now even tho u have lost your account is gone you feal the need to come on the forums diging up the past

so plz do everybody a favour and take your greedy self centered opinions turn them sideways and get them outta here
I know you have stood up for the little guy on many occasions in the past I even said that, I was speaking later on dealing with the latest issue of me leaving the tribe.

No I asked someone to stay out of my way since unlike you who is more a turtle dealing with defense I am more 50-50 each village located in key areas just in case an enemy strikes. In which I do not need to ask for support and since this deals with that slayer was saying I never asked anyone to sit my account for almost two years or even spoken that much to people the first year. Before the attack happen with Grind you guys in leadership knew I was leaving ahead of time so do not give me that, one occurrence I knew that the information was leaked about me leaving so they target me quite hard. I set up things so I got extra nobles since I was limited to help clear out k53 which I did and hit silenthro and others hard there that is why my ODA was so high so let a few villages get taken and ask my sitters oh wait it was Daryl and Jason that I know of.I sat Daryl also on occasions when he had incomings as I did others labeled snipe and kept every village unless they literally had no troops in the area to kill the noble trained when past to me so I set up a noble retake once i saw what he had. So do not say I am not good at defense or had people sit me when I was attacked since in very rare circumstances, I was attacked unless it was a retake or attempt at where I gave up my account to a sitter.

Also I was little bit upset since mikey knew months ahead of time(he was sitting the account that did this) I was going there and slayer did also even though at the time slayer was not around, so all I asked and I always was polite at first if they could just run alongside me. Then when he kept treating certain people like dirt to supposedly inspire them and he did it in the past and I or John have resolved quite a few problems in the past but it continued on that is when I had to do something so I did first asked if some type of punishment could occur(since mikey has did quite a bit for TLA and the others involved of disrespecting others me included to be kicked.

Now when I was told that will not happen and this has continued for about a year for mikey and years for others I gave my ultimatum so no temper tantrum since I took steps, now you were away mostly at that time so probably did not read everything on skype or caught before it got deleted in the forums about what was going on.

Now dealing with my wars caps I had very nice amount of war caps at least in the top 5 would have been more if the people I was attacking did not quit which happened more then once since I keep the pressure on my opponent and if anyone else attacks the person that will just make them fall that much quicker. Slayer dealing with Monegron1 I did attack before everyone else since if you look at my first caps against him it had to be sent way before most people dealing from the area I attacked from which was k53 first then I had another large group after when my next wave hit you guys hit him between my two waves.

Greedy self centered I would have just kept my mouth shut and win with TLA wait that is what you are doing but I can not fault you too much since you did not know the full information or cared to if I remembered correctly since I was willing to enlighten you and you did not want to be bothered yet you were in TLA's leadership so you should have been now that is greedy or am I wrong?
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